Chapter 5204: : The Forbidden Army Enters the City

Cai Yan is a queen, in fact, you can see Lu Bu's thoughts on this matter to the degree of Chengda University. After Cai Yan became a queen, it was of great help for Lu Ping to become a prince. The performance in the harem is satisfactory.

In dealing with the harem, there can be a proper way to keep the harem stable.

Even if there is occasional small friction between the girls in the harem, it can be resolved quickly.

The ladies of the harem, when dealing with Lu Bu, have deep feelings among them.

"Holy, Taishan prefect, leading civilian officers and generals, went out of the city to greet." Dianwei shouted from outside the carriage.

Lu Bu said lightly: "Let Wenhe be responsible."

"Here." Dianwei fisted and rode away.

Currently, Lu Bu is in charge of the affairs in the Feng Zen team. Jia Xu and Huang Zhong are in charge. Huang Zhong is a veteran in the army. To be successful is not a simple matter.

From previous battles, we can see more about Huang Zhong's attitude when facing war.

Nowadays, the ceremony of enshrining the Zen will be held in Mount Tai. As the head coach of the army, Huang Zhong naturally has to be more cautious.

Although it is currently within the territory of Jin State, the current situation in Jin State is relatively stable, but who can be sure that there will be no other conditions. If other conditions occur on the way, it will be a big shock to Huang Zhong. At that time, Huang Zhong might be attacked more by North Korean and Chinese officials.

Huang Zhong also knows a lot about the system in the officialdom of the Jin Kingdom. When dealing with certain matters, officials in the DPRK and China have a harsh attitude, especially when it comes to matters such as Feng Chan, they must be cautious.

The current Feng Chan team came to Taishan County, and the lieutenant soldiers also needed a lot of preparation.

After receiving Lu Bu's order, Jia Xu started a brief discussion with Huang Zhong.

Some soldiers advanced into the city and held Fenggao's control in their hands. This is also to ensure the safety of Lu Bu to a greater extent.

The accompanying civilians and military commanders and members of the royal family must enter the city to rest. The Zen ceremonial ceremony is not right now. Besides, the situation of Mount Tai still needs to be investigated before a conclusion can be made.

"Cheng Taishou, it's hard work." Jia Xu raised Cheng Tai, who was saluting.

Cheng Tai said with a slight excitement: "It is the duty of an official to be able to serve the sage."

Seeing that Lu Bu did not appear, Chengtai was still quite disappointed in his heart. If he could see Lu Bu and leave an impression in Lu Bu's heart, it would be more helpful to Chengtai's future growth and progress.

As if seeing through Chengtai's thoughts, Jia Xu said, "Shengshang is struggling all the way. I am resting in the carriage. It's better not to be disturbed."

"Zhongshu's words are very true, and the lower officials are a little abrupt." Cheng Tai hurriedly said.

Jia Xu is a well-known figure in the officialdom of the Jin Dynasty at home. In fact, being able to contact officials like Jia Xu will be of great help to Chengtai’s future growth and progress. From the establishment of the crown prince, you can see more. What position does Jia Xu have in Lu Bu's mind?

"Before I came to Taishan County, the official had heard of Cheng Taishou, and he was able to manage Taishan County with the current achievements, Cheng Taishou also worked hard." Jia Xu laughed.

Complimenting the following officials’ words, Jia Xu will still have it. Moreover, it is now an important moment for the emperor of Jin to grant Zen. If the prefect of Taishan County does not have more cooperation from it, it will inevitably have a certain impact on the issue of Zen. Impacted.

Chengtai's time in Taishan County is not short, and he must have a lot of understanding of the situation in Taishan County. This will have a great impact on the future of Zen.

More control over the situation in Taishan County, or the situation around Mount Tai, will make Fengchan go more smoothly.

Although the imperial court has a lot of understanding of the local situation, when it comes to the real understanding, there must be a certain gap compared with the local officials. Jia Xu is a cautious person who does anything that threatens. , All have to be considered.

Mount Tai is huge, even if you send a lieutenant soldier into the mountain to search, it will be of little use.

The thirty thousand army, after entering Mount Tai, was hidden, I am afraid that ordinary people can not find it.

Cheng Tai said with excitement: "Thanks to the importance of Zhongshu, the subordinate officials are terrified. Since the appointment of Taishan County's prefect, the subordinate officials have not dared to make any negligence."

Jia Xu nodded slightly. As for the details of Mount Tai, it’s not too late to learn more about it after entering the city. On the whole, Taishan County’s prefect’s performance is good, and there is nothing wrong with it. Accidents are not allowed to happen.

"Cheng Taishou, the lieutenant generals will take over control of the city after entering the city. This is also to ensure the safety of the sage and officials in the DPRK." Jia Xu said.

Cheng Tai bowed his hand: "The Zhongshu says it is very true, the next official will order people to go and handle it."

After Chengtai left, Huang Zhong hummed coldly: "How can it be such an easy thing to see the Holy Spirit."

"General Huang, the local officials, also want to go further. The current system of Jin State is more rigorous, and progress is not as simple as that. If there is no appreciation from important officials in the DPRK, officials like Chengtai. To go further, there are actually many difficulties." Jia Xu said.

Jin’s system is indeed good overall, but it’s not easy for an official to enter the court, or have greater deeds when he is an official. If he makes a mistake If this is the case, it will become the biggest taint for this official in the future.

And the appreciation of important officials in North Korea is extremely important to local officials. Without the appreciation of important officials in North Korea, even if an official has the corresponding ability, he wants to make more progress in his official career. , Is not a simple matter.

Chengtai obviously understands the truth. Besides, the arrival of the Fengchan team in Taishan County is Chengtai’s best opportunity. If they can show their faces in front of the officials of the DPRK and the central government, they only need to mention Chengtai and Chengtai’s status in the future. Maybe you can get more promotion.

Jia Xu has been in officialdom for many years, and he still has a lot of understanding of official affairs. What kind of mentality the local officials have is also within Jia Xu's understanding.

Jia Xu, who controls intelligence, has a lot of attention to the local situation. Under Jia Xu’s command, there are many officials. These officials are responsible for sorting out the news from various states and counties, and even the news that comes. Perform verification.

It is precisely because of this that Jia Xu has an important position in the court. When ordinary officials face Jia Xu, they have a respectful attitude, because they know how important Jia Xu, who is in charge of intelligence, is in Lu Bu's mind. Status.

If Jia Xu took the initiative to mention some things, under normal circumstances, it would be recognized by Lu Bu. In the face of such circumstances, it should be a matter of the North Korean officials to treat Jia Xu with a cautious attitude.

It's just that Jia Xu usually keeps a low profile when doing things. Unless it is necessary, it is basically impossible for Jia Xu to speak a good word for an official in front of the Sage.

It is precisely because of this reason that officials in the DPRK are more afraid of Jia Xu. This is a person with no shortcomings. If he secretly holds intelligence power, what a deterrent would be to other officials.

Jia Xu is relatively low-key in ordinary times, but he is obviously very helpful to the court. During the battle, he can also see Jia Xu's figure, making suggestions for the army's battle, and helping the lieutenant generals in the battle against the enemy. Time to win.

All these things gave Jia Xu a high prestige in the army. Even a general like Huang Zhong had a respectful attitude when facing Jia Xu.

Jia Xu’s position in Jin is based on his repeated contributions and the assistance of lieutenants and soldiers during the battle. If Jin can have more officials like Jia Xu, it will be useful to the development of Jin. There will be more help, and even enable the soldiers of the Jin army to get more victories in the process of fighting the enemy.

Strategies often have a great influence on an army’s operations. After having a suitable strategy, the lieutenant soldiers can often occupy more advantages when fighting against the enemy. If there are deficiencies in the strategy. If you want to win the war, you will often pay a greater price.

From the previous battles of the Jin army soldiers, we can see more of the influence of strategy in a battle.

Huang Zhong nodded and said, "It's still clear in Zhongshu."

Jia Xu laughed and said: "It is not the official who understands it, but the officials of the Jin State who have the same needs. However, after the current Jin State system is more rigorous, it will make it difficult for those who want to opportunistic What you do."

"Speaking of which, the sage is wise, Jin can have the current situation, but the sage did not work hard, and even personally led the lieutenants to fight on the battlefield when fighting the enemy." Huang Zhongdao.

Jia Xu said: "Don't let the officials in the DPRK hear this. Otherwise, they will think that General Huang is supporting the saint leading the lieutenant generals to fight on the battlefield. There will inevitably be a war of words in the DPRK. "

Huang Zhong laughed when he heard this. Huang Zhong knew a lot about the war of words between North Korean and Chinese officials, but Huang Zhong had a prominent position in the court, and officials from Yushitai would not look for Huang Zhong. The problem, this is an old general who fought for the development of the Jin country. Such a general should be more respected.

Don’t say anything else, just Huang Zhong’s prestige in the army has allowed Huang Zhong to have more say in the court. However, military generals rarely have the time to speak in the court, and more often they do. Just listening.

That is why Huang Zhong knew better about some things in the court. The officialdom of the Jin State was more clear and bright, which was of great help to the development of the Jin State, and it would not be said that some uncontrollable situations occurred.

Lieutenant generals began to enter Fenggao City. The first to enter the city was the imperial army generals of Commander Dianwei. These will be the main forces to guard the royal family and important civilians and generals in the court.

In terms of guards, the soldiers of the Forbidden Army have a wealth of experience, and they can do these things with ease.

Dianwei is even a well-known general in the Jin army. In the past campaigns, he has a lot of protection for Lu Bu. Only the merits of the guard team led by Dianwei on the battlefield are enough to make more The general was shocked.

The soldiers of the Jin army conquer the battlefield and can get many victories from the battle. They are inseparable from the efforts of the lieutenants. At the same time, the lieutenants can also enjoy good treatment. This situation will make the lieutenants in Work harder during normal training.

"General Dianwei, but an incredible figure." Huang Zhong couldn't help sighing when seeing Dianwei leading the imperial army into the city.

Jia Xu said, "General Huang is even more remarkable. Although he is old, he can command the cavalry on the battlefield, making the enemy frightened. The name of General Huang is extremely loud even in Guishuang."

Obviously, Huang Zhong was happier when he received Jia Xu’s praise. The main reason is that Jia Xu has a high prestige in the Jin army. Normally, military lieutenants also treat Jia Xu with a respectful attitude. With this attitude, Jia Xu can get even more benefits.

To be able to get Jia Xu's approval, for Huang Zhong, in itself is something to be happy about.

"Zhongshu is absurd. The old man is old now and can no longer go to the battlefield. He is only suitable for recuperation at home." Huang Zhong smiled.

Jia Xu said: "This officer cannot agree with General Huang's remarksGeneral Huang is a famous general in the army. Although the current development of the Jin army is good, there is a great need for General Huang in the army. Of such a general."

Huang Zhong shook his head and said, "The old man is ashamed of what he said in the book. The old man has already resigned to the sage, and will return to his hometown after the confession of Zen is over."

Jia Xu was shocked when he heard this. What he did not expect was that Huang Zhong would behave so simply. It should be known that Huang Zhong had made great military exploits for the Jin army before. With these credits, even Huang Zhong was old and in charge. The army, how can the generals have more complaints?

Relying on Huang Zhong's achievements on the battlefield, enjoying a higher status in the army is also something that should be done. What I didn't expect was that Huang Zhong would be able to return home at this time.

In fact, it is obviously not suitable for Huang Zhong to fight on the battlefield at Huang Zhong's age, but Huang Zhong has made a lot of credit. If he returns to his hometown like this, it is always a lot of regret in people's hearts.

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