Chapter 210: you know a lot

Chapter 210 You know a lot

"These higher-quality ingredients, I spent the energy stone nourishment to give birth to."

Xia Ruo can talk about the price only by telling the advantages, "Not only does the growth cycle faster, but also contains spiritual power. After eating, ordinary people can strengthen their body, and people with supernatural abilities can also improve their energy and soothe their spiritual power after eating."

In fact, the ingredients in other fields also have this effect, but the effect is much smaller, and it does not come as quickly.

Ji Hyun was stunned for a while, this was the first time I heard of an ingredient with such an effect, "Does it really have such an effect?"

"You can buy a batch and try it yourself. If it doesn't work, I'll give you a refund!" Xia Ruo said confidently.

Ji Hyun chewed the leaves just now and felt a trace of spiritual power. At first, he thought it was an illusion, but now he is sure.

"Using energy stones to nourish and produce ingredients, you are really extravagant!" When he walked to the edge of the farm before, he really felt the fluctuations of the energy stones.

It’s not that no plant researchers have tried to use energy stones to grow native plants before, but they all failed, and I don’t know how Xia Ruo did it.

But he won't ask him out of nowhere, everyone has their own secrets.

"No wonder the quality is so high, with such an effect, the high price is justified."

He paused and said, "How about I buy it from you at a price ten times higher than the market price? For example, cabbage costs three thousand stars a piece!"

The price of a serving of cabbage in his restaurant is almost ten times higher than the market price. Xia Ruo can make a top menu separately and sell it at a price twenty or thirty times higher. There is absolutely no problem.

Xia Ruo thought about it and said, "It can't be generalized. Simple cabbage, radishes, and potatoes are 10 times the price, but some rare varieties are definitely not 10 times the price, such as soybeans!"

"My farm will continue to produce and make some things, some of which are definitely not available outside, and the prices of these things will not be low." She explained.

Ji Hyun's eyes shone brightly, "For example, tofu?"

"Almost." Xia Ruo nodded.

"This is no problem. In the future, we can decide the price of each dish individually, but you have to provide me with a copy of the good things from your side, such as tofu, green tea, black tea, wolfberry, wolfberry nectar, etc." Ji Xuan decisively Say.

Xia Ruo laughed: "You know a lot about the things I have here!"

This guy even knows wolfberry nectar. Is this a dog's nose?

She didn't know that it was given to Zhai Junyan yesterday. When Ji Xuan heard that Mr. Zhai had wolfberry honey, she guessed that it was produced here by Xia Ruo.

Ji Hyun chuckled, "I can't help it, who asked me to do this."

"Tofu and tea are ok. Goji berry nectar is still relatively small now. Wait a while, the supply will definitely be limited, but I can supply you with other honey in the future. I plan to expand the breeding of bees."

Xia Ruo found that although the bees in this world are large and aggressive, more like wasps, the amount of honey they produce is very good, and they can develop more in the future.

Ji Xuan hooked her lips, "Okay, as long as you provide me with it!"

He plans to come to the farm frequently in the future, and he will go to the restaurant to pick up good things.

"My own private restaurant will open a few days a month. I will use the tofu on the opening day, and I will provide it to you later."

Xia Ruo paused and said, "But I will also do a promotion. Then you can take advantage of the situation to launch tofu dishes, and you can save advertising costs!"