Chapter 695: Really worth the trip

Chapter 695 This trip is really worth it

Looking at the sumptuous meal and smelling the fragrance that pervades the surroundings, everyone walked over with a smile and sat down one after another.

After sitting down, the old man said with a smile, "There is good food, but the wine is still missing!"

Then he was about to order someone to get the wine, but Xia Ruo spoke first, "The loquat wine I brewed on the farm is ready. I brought a few jars here today. Grandpa, you can taste it."

The old man's eyes lit up, Xia Ruo Farm's products are not bad.

He smiled and said, "Okay! Today we'll be in the Ruoruo light and drink a few glasses of loquat wine!"

Private kitchens have recently popularized a dessert, loquat sago, which is very popular.

The price is very expensive, but the supply is in short supply every day. The main thing is that the loquat is good, big and sweet and fruity.

People who have a cough can actually get better after eating a few times. The news spreads around, and more people go to private restaurants to book seats.

Those old guys have been pestering him recently. After all, he can't book a seat, so he can use his own private room.

He also likes loquat sago, so you don't need to taste it to know that the loquat wine that Xia Ruo made must be a good thing.

Seeing the impatient look of the old man, Xia Ruo smiled and took out five jars of loquat wine.

"You pour a bar for Grandpa and the others." Then he pushed Feng Yan.

Feng Yan got up with a smile, opened a jar of wine and poured it out, a faint and pleasant aroma of wine lingered on the tip of his nose.

Even Feng Baixuan and Uncle Feng's eyes lit up.

Feng Yan first poured the old man and the old lady, followed by the four elders, and finally their juniors.

Mr. Feng took a sip from the glass first, then said happily, "Good wine!"

"This wine is more mellow than the wines I've ever drunk. Sure enough, brewing requires good raw materials." In addition to collecting calligraphy, the old man also likes wine and tea.

I used to ask some old friends to have a few drinks together, but now I love this loquat wine.

"It's good that Grandpa Feng likes it, and I'll let Feng Yan continue to deliver it to you after drinking it." The Feng family treats her as her own, and she naturally won't be hypocritical.

She has always been very generous and willing to treat her own people.

Mr. Feng grinned, "Ruoruo still understands me the best."

then said proudly: "Those dead old men envy me all day long for having a good grandson-in-law, but it's a pity that they don't have such a good life."

Seeing his appearance, the whole family laughed.

Second Uncle Feng also took a sip and fell in love with loquat wine, "It really is a good wine!"

"I've always heard that Ruoruo has a lot of good things to eat and drink, and that private restaurants are listed as a must in the Federation. I've always been curious. Now that I've drunk this loquat wine, I think it's a worthwhile trip!" He continued with a smile. Say.

The second lady also smiled and agreed, "Yeah! Even if I don't usually drink much, it tastes good, let alone you."

This niece-in-law likes her more and more, but unfortunately she is not a daughter-in-law, but it would be nice to be married by their three sons.

When the second lady was disgusting her daughter-in-law again, Feng Ye's terminal rang.

He was being dragged by Feng Yi to drink, and he ordered an external connection without noticing.

"Feng Ye, get out of here!" Ji Zi's strong and domineering voice came from the terminal, with a bit of harshness.

It was just that the original atmosphere of the family and the beauty was instantly broken by this phone call.

The smiling face of the old man Feng instantly sank, and the smiling faces of the second uncle Feng and the second lady also stiffened, and they couldn't help but look a little ugly.