Chapter 782

Xia Ruo had already thought about it, she said with a smile: "Now deal with the prey first, peel off the skin completely, and then we will make our own water bags!"

"Didn't I ask you to collect a fruit that can remove blood and odor, after the water bag is made, wash it with the juice of the fruit and it will have no smell!"

"Wait when you put the water back, write your name and send one to each person, and use it as a special water bag in the future!"

Hearing her words, the students present were a little stunned. They really didn't expect that Xia Ruo had figured out the problem of filling water before.

Sure enough, his IQ is high, he thinks things differently from them, and he likes to act first.

The boys present volunteered to stand up and take the initiative to deal with the beast.

The peeled skin was repeatedly scrubbed by the girls with the deodorizing fruit juice. It happened that the sun was not small. After washing, put it in the sun for a while to dry.

Everyone picked up the dried animal skins and smelled them one after another. Not only did they not smell the smell of blood and the peculiar smell of animal fur, but there was also a faint fragrance similar to mint.

Originally didn't have much hope for Xia Ruo, and those who felt that she and Feng Yan had switched positions all rejected their previous thoughts and gradually began to pay attention to her.

A girl picked up the animal skin and asked Xia Ruo: "Xia team, now we have the skin, but we don't have needles and threads, how can we make water bags?"

Xia Ruo did not bring water when she went to a small secret realm to practice, so after she came out, she went to the Internet to check the production method of Chapi water bag, and now it is just used.

"We can use stone needles, and the thread uses the fur of the beast. After removing the fishy smell, the thread will be rubbed and it will be very strong!"

She found a stone and asked the person with the metal ability to cut the stone into small pieces, and then had the front sharpen the front, so that the other ability users could find a way to punch a hole in the upper position, so as to thread the thread.

Then he taught the girls to soften and wash the fur of the beast and twist it into threads.

She used to read a farming essay when she was bored, in which the protagonist made a fortune by twisting wool into wool and knitting sweaters.

Out of curiosity, she went to study how wool is rubbed into wool, and she has learned it all, but she did not expect to use it today.

Seeing that there are threads and needles, the people present truly admire Xia Ruo, she is a living textbook!

Someone couldn't help but ask curiously: "Xia team, how did you twist the beast's hair into a thread! Did you learn it from books?"

The others were also curious and looked at her.

Xia Ruo said with a smile: "I once heard that wool could be rubbed into wool during the ancient earth period, and it would be very warm to wear when weaving clothes. I tried it out of curiosity, and that's how I got it."

There is no sweater in this world. In winter, the clothes made of new fibers are very warm.

"Anyway, if you are curious, just go to learn more. There are always useful times and places. Even if you really can't use it, you can enrich your knowledge and knowledge. It's good!"

She used to have excellent memory and hands-on ability, and it was with such an idea that she went to recharge herself. Learning can make her happy.

A lot of skills do not overwhelm you. Everyone understands this principle, but there are very few people who can do it. Generally, such people will be very successful.

"Opportunities will always be reserved for those who prepare. I have personally experienced this after seeing Team Xia today!" Someone couldn't help but say.

As a result, everyone admired Xia Ruo even more. She went to learn and experience it herself because of her curiosity. No wonder her hands-on ability is so strong.