Chapter 1490: Has been poached?

Chapter 1490 has been dug out?

Ji Qing's words immediately diverted everyone's attention, and everyone looked at him.

"What does Ji Dong mean? Could it be that you, a newly established mecha company, also want to invite Master Gu to sit down?" The executive of the second mecha company said with a somewhat unclear meaning.

The executives of other companies also felt that Ji Qing was beyond his control. Can a newly opened mecha company compete with them? Think more.

Unfortunately, the truth is always so amazing, and the reversal is so fast!

Ji Qingjunya smiled and said: "I don't want to invite Master Gu to go back to work, but last night, Master Gu and several of his apprentices agreed to our company's invitation and are going to work in our company."

He was extremely fortunate at this time, he had foresight, and when Xia Ruo asked for help in making parts last time, he decided to dig people out.

is also very fortunate that my nephew can get to know Xia Ruo, a master who is always surprising and surprising.


"No way?"

"How can it be?"

Everyone's first reaction was that they couldn't believe it or not. They all knew that Ji Qing had registered a new mecha company, and he also dug some mecha masters and mecha masters over there.

But those people are much inferior to Master Gu, and their reputation is much smaller. After all, the mecha masters with relatively high level of manufacturing in this industry are all in their major companies, and it is difficult to be poached.

Like Master Gu, it is usually because the original company did something that made them feel unhappy or they might resign.

But why did Ji Qing dig the ancient masters?

Ji Qing looked at their unbelievable appearance and felt very relieved. These guys were overconfident.

Why can't Master Gu and Xia Ruo come to their company? Their company has no background, but it can ensure that people work comfortably. These people can't find the lifeline, and they want to poach people, but they think too much!

The news of 's public job-hopping was just agreed upon by Ji Qing and Guyi's terminal by quietly sending a message, otherwise Ji Qing would not have made an announcement on his own initiative.

respects the ancients and Xia Ruo.

As a result, before Ji Qing could explain, Gu Gu stood up with a smile, "Director Ji said it well, we did agree to go to work in their company."

Having said this, the senior executives present had to believe it if they didn’t believe it.

If it wasn't for Xia Ruo's amazing performance and achievements today, and Master Gu was poached by Ji Qing, they would have sighed a pity at most.

But now I feel as uncomfortable as having my heart dug up, and I feel that Ji Qing, this smiling tiger, is too insidious, and he dug people out without making a sound, shameless!

"Ji Dong is really good!"

"Director Ji is not kind! How can you poach people quietly and silently."

Everyone's faces were not very good-looking, and they made it clear that they were unhappy.

Ji Qing is too lazy to pay attention to their sour words, and does not dig people quietly and silently. Could it be that he is still beating gongs and drums to publicize that he is going to dig Master Gu, and he is not a brainless person.

Compared to the senior management of other companies, the senior management of the first mecha company is the most unhappy and hurts like digging a heart.

They never thought that Gu Gu would resign and at the same time he had promised Ji Qing to change jobs.

In the past, if you change jobs, you should just change jobs. They have long been mentally prepared for this. One mountain cannot tolerate two tigers.