Chapter 1537: You'll know when it's over

Chapter 1537 I'll know when it's over

Miao Ao was asked by Xia Ruo to deal with the mutant chicken, he disliked it very much, but he still endured it.

Lu Jiao and Qiu Shu were asked by Xia Ruorang to clean the mushrooms and picked out all the small red lines in the mushrooms according to what she taught.

She dealt with finding several other wild vegetables for seasoning.

Soon, Yun Fengyu's flying saucer arrived here.

He walked down with people carefree.

"Master Xia, you should have seen the live broadcast. I'll bring someone over to eat." Yun Fengyu covered the doting color in his eyes and smiled at Xia Ruo.

In the show, neither he nor Xia Ruo are going to reveal their relationship.

Xia Ruo said with a smile: "Welcome to Mr. Yun and you!"

"Wait a while, we're going to stew chicken here."

"Okay, we can wait!"

Yan Xiu and Liang Xia made a large stone pot, but the stone bowl was not made, and Xia Ruo had space.

The fire was lit, Xia Ruo put the stone pot on top and added water, first threw the treated chicken in, and after the water boiled, she poured it out and added water to boil again.

Then add the seasoning and let it simmer.

Her method of stewing chicken is quite special. In addition to the seasonings in this star field, there are also those placed in fairy vines, such as wolfberry and ginger.

In order to speed up the chicken stew time without affecting the softness of the chicken, she also asked Yan Xiu to use the fire ability.

After half an hour, a strong smell of chicken soup wafted around, attracting everyone's attention.

The live broadcast adopts a virtual experience mode, so the audience across the screen can also smell the fragrance.

Seeing that it was almost done, Xia Ruo just opened the lid of the stone pot and put the washed and cut water mushrooms in it.

After stewing for about half an hour, the people present unconsciously gathered around the place where the chicken was stewed.

Even the director, who didn't care about it before, kept gulping. The smell of this chicken soup was so tempting, he couldn't wait to open the lid and scoop a bowl.

Xia Ruo could tell the time by smelling the wafting smell. After about that, she opened the lid. The fresh fragrance was stronger, and many people present couldn't help but swallow.

She took out the bowls and chopsticks from the space, and scooped a bowl of chicken soup and chicken for everyone, as well as water mushrooms.

But for a few people with scars and acne, scoop more water mushrooms.

She said to several people: "After eating, your face will be hot, which is normal. The scars and acne on your face will disappear little by little in half an hour to an hour."

Several people took over the bowl and couldn't wait to take a sip of the soup.

Although it was very hot, his eyes were very bright, and he couldn't help taking a few sips.

One of the girls remembered Xia Ruo's words. She widened her eyes and asked, "Master Xia, do you mean that the acne on my face will disappear within an hour after eating mushrooms?"

how can that be? She has used many methods in beauty institutions over the years, and no amount of medicines and medicines have been able to eliminate the acne.

Even if this water mushroom is effective, will it be so fast?

Others couldn't believe it either.

Xia Ruo said with a smile: "This water mushroom has the effect of clearing poison and reducing fire, and with good quality, the effect will be faster."

"You eat first, and you'll know when it's over!" she said.

Although the girl couldn't believe it would be so fast, the taste of this mutant chicken stewed with mushrooms was so good that she didn't bother to think about anything else, and ate it quickly.

The same goes for the others, this is definitely the savory stewed mutant chicken and mushrooms they've had.