Chapter 2082: You dare to touch them

Chapter 2082 You dare to touch them

The words of the two Zongze brothers were like a slap in the face of the Zong family couple.

The head of the sect looked at his wife's increasingly ugly face, and even was so angry that his body was shaking, and he hugged him.

"Zong Lan, what are you talking about? Your mother also cares about you. You're a **** when you say something that hurts her." He looked at his younger son with a cold face.

This son has not been close to their husband and wife since he was a child. When he is not separated from the family, he does not even take the initiative to say hello when he meets each other.

Now saying this kind of thing in public without any scruples makes them extremely embarrassed.

Zong Lan smiled indifferently, "Don't make your words too noble."

"The so-called concern is not because we took the initiative to cut off the relationship and let her be laughed at by other noble ladies in the Kyoto base. She just felt ashamed."

"We don't dare to ask her to care, otherwise, a bunch of people will come to scold us. Our brothers can't afford to provoke this kind of white lotus, so can't we avoid it?"

When this woman cried and complained at will, the uncles of the Zong family and the grandmother's family were about to accuse and scold the two brothers. Who did they provoke?

When he was a child, he still yearned for the love of his parents, but every parent meeting was held by a nanny or a driver, and he had to spend it alone when he was sick.

is the so-called grandfather and grandmother who usually raised him and looked at him okay, but once he met this woman, he would immediately become the one to be blamed.

As long as he doesn't listen to this woman, he's a white-eyed wolf.

Once he had a car accident, it was quite serious at the time, and his legs were almost disabled. Except for the second brother who was with him, the so-called parents had never appeared. He didn't expect it for a long time, and even hated it. False duo.

Before the end of the world, he had researched several profitable projects, all of which were given to the two of them and the grandfather's family to operate. The money and fame he earned had long since paid off the so-called birth and support.

Before the end of the world, he was going to break away from the family and sever ties, not to mention that there is no order in the end of the world, he has nothing to worry about.

He looked at the head of the sect and sneered: "The head of the sect, don't press us with the so-called filial piety. This is not a feudal dynasty. How can you have such a big face?"

Zongze watched his younger brother tell the truth in public with a calm expression on his face, and inexplicably gave birth to a kind of sadness. It was enough for them to meet such parents.

"Yeah, we have left the clan, and we have also cut off the relationship with your husband and wife. I also ask the clan master and his wife not to talk about it again, otherwise I will think that you are thinking about the City of Hope."

"I will not be used by you to betray the City of Hope, so you should die of this heart." He said firmly.

I never saw these two people caring about them much before, but now they use filial piety to suppress them all day long, which is really funny.

At the same time, I also feel very upset, why is it endless.

An impatient expression appeared on Zonglan's face, "Yes, I hope the head of the sect and his wife will show some respect and stop pestering our brothers. If you are so shameless, don't blame us for being rude."

"Two bastards, do you really think I can't teach you a lesson?" The sect master's face was red and blue, completely out of anger, and even his abilities began to fluctuate, as if he would clean up his two sons if they disagreed. .

Feng Wei felt that this sect master was too incomprehensible, so he threw a metal ball, divided it into thousands of sharp blades and flew, "You dare to try them."

Continue at 19:30~~