Chapter 2133: why so annoying

Chapter 2133 Why so annoying

The and other four charms absorbed the energy almost, and gradually turned into a transparent color and disappeared into the water.

No wonder her uncle asked her to draw it and bring it in, so I don't need it.

Feng Wei used his mental power to land on the Zhuanling Orb, like a gentle hand, gently rubbing it.

Suddenly, the blue Zhuan Lingzhu turned into a stream of light, flew out of the spring, and then drilled into Feng Wei's dantian.

Such a sudden action made Feng Wei stunned.

She was shocked before, after all, she didn't absorb it herself.

So I couldn't help but ask my uncle.

Yunjing replied, this is a good thing, probably because the wood-type power on Feng Wei is very pure, which attracts Zhuan Lingzhu, which likes the attribute aura of pure wood.

Hearing what his uncle said, Feng Wei was relieved.

didn't waste it, I swam over and took the spring into the space ring.

This stuff has a lot of aura, and if you take it back and sprinkle it in the fields, the effect will be very good.

After collecting the good things, Feng Wei got out of the creek and returned to the shore.

When she went into the water, she used the metal ability to isolate the water flow, so the clothes did not get wet.

"Okay." She said to Huo Xiaoliang.

Huo Xiaoliang put down the lotus flower he was holding.

I don't know why, but everyone always thinks that the lotus flower doesn't look as charming as when she first came in.

Zhuang Yi smiled and leaned over, "Beauty Feng, did you get something good?"

Feng Wei smiled and blinked, "Guess."

Zhuang Yi laughed: "You can tell from your expression, no need to guess."

Everyone is still very happy that Feng Wei got something good, just like he got it.

"Are there any good things around here?" Zhuang Yi looked around, thinking that he couldn't come here for nothing.

Feng Wei raised his finger and pointed to the lotus flower that Huo Xiaoliang put down just now, "This stuff is a good thing. Lotus leaves and lotus flowers can be used to make tea, lotus seeds can be cooked in porridge, and lotus root can also be stewed and fried. It is good for the body."

This is a lotus flower nourished by the aura formed by the spring. The effect is actually much better than the herbs grabbed by the people on both sides of the medicine field.

So those people's eyesight is really bad.

Zhuang Yi's eyes lit up, "That's good, let's go pick lotus flowers."

Then he split the water of the stream with his water-based ability, and called Zongze and the others to jump down and dig lotus flowers.

"Dig the roots together, and we can bring them back to continue planting." Feng Wei likes to eat lotus root stewed spareribs.

dug it up and threw it up, Feng Wei put it into the space ring.

Here they were happily digging lotus roots, and there were three waves of people who entered the wooden house and were fighting over the treasure when they suddenly heard a low male voice.

"This old man's best treasure has been taken away, so there is no need to exist here."

Hearing this, the three waves of people looked at each other and looked at what they had grabbed.

There seems to be nothing like the best here!

Soon everyone responded, "Feng Wei, it must be Feng Wei who got it."

"Damn, I just said why she didn't come in."

"No wonder you look down on what's inside, so the best baby is outside." The people on the three sides couldn't help but want to scold their mothers.

They are fighting to the death here, and Feng Wei went out to get the best baby in a leisurely manner. Why is it so annoying...

Before they could calm down, the whole wooden house suddenly trembled, and the originally sturdy red sandalwood began to crack inch by inch.

"This is going to collapse, run!"

I don't know who shouted, and someone started to take the lead in rushing towards the door of the wooden house.

Other people can't control the robbing of the treasure anymore, but life is still important, so they rushed to the gate and ran for their lives, secretly scolding Feng Wei for not being authentic...

Today's update is over, thank you for tipping and voting dear~~