Chapter 2216: Possibly a big boss

Chapter 2216 may be a big boss

Feng Wei picked up the glass and took a sip.

said to the giant insect king who was already a little drunk: "Big fat insect, can you beat the man we met today?"

The giant insect king's perception is very keen, he raised his eyes and locked on the elegant and handsome man sitting on the bar, chatting and laughing with others.

Next to him, there were already several strong female power users in the base, obviously wanting to strike up a conversation.

The Giant Insect King stared at Bai Jia carefully for a moment, his eyes misty and said, "Maybe it's a little bit."

"I don't want to fight him anyway." After he finished speaking, he continued to drink.

Feng Wei pouted, sure enough, this guy is stronger than the big fat worm.

Her friendly type has been suppressed all the time. A destroyer like Bai Jia can instead exert her original supernatural power. The laws of this planet are really speechless.

But fortunately, she felt the loosening of the restraint of the law, and she continued to weaken it, she would also drill through the loopholes and quickly break through the suppression to regain her strength.

She suddenly remembered a question and asked Guangnao: "You found that his crystal nucleus is located in the heart, is it very similar to those alien species?"

Guangnao replied, "It's very similar, but the xenogeneic is more like a poor imitation of the xenogeneic species, he is the real one."

Feng Wei snapped his fingers, "I understand, no wonder the Diablo Organization can create a different species, the emotion has nothing to do with the zombie king, but this guy did it."

"Does this mean that this guy is the biggest boss hidden in the Diablo Organization?" Although she was a question, she was already sure a lot.

"I got a lot out of it today. I'll locate the addresses of the other two people. I'll go check it out." Feng Wei stood up and left the bar.

Before she left, she made a mark with her mental power and landed on Bai Jia's body.

She left the bar for about ten minutes, and her mental power captured Bai Jia and left as well.

But this time, instead of continuing to follow her, he went back to the hotel.

I was afraid that she would be suspicious, so the point of going to the bar was to deliberately chat with people, so that she felt that his identity and origin were all right.

A vine quickly emerged from the corner of the wall, rolled up Feng Wei and flew into the sky, heading straight towards the middle and high-rise residences of the base.

Feng Wei first went to the house of a middle-level suspect. His house was in a small high-rise. She fell by the window and asked the optical brain to scan.

The result is also normal. Wearing gloves means cleanliness, and white skin means anemia.

Finally, she let the vines swept over to the villa area.

Now that the construction of the large-scale survivor base has matured, the villa areas before the end of the apocalypse have also been cleared out, specifically for the high-level base and high-level contributors to live in.

Guangnao quickly located the place where the high-level female lived.

Feng Wei landed on the balcony on the second floor of the villa.

She pushed open the balcony and went in, and went through the corridor to use her mental power to check the location of the target mission.

found in a room and she walked over.

Then she heard the sound of gasping from inside, and she was stunned.

Attached to the door lock with her mental power, she gently twisted it away and walked in.

The voice inside came out more clearly, it was there.

Her first reaction was that this person should not be a zombie, otherwise how could he still have that ability.

However, she has always paid more attention to details in her work, and even if she thinks it is impossible, she will let the optical brain scan.

She didn't go into the bedroom, she just stood at the door of the bathroom in the corridor, and used mental power to temporarily block the gasp.