It just happened so fast that all the people present didn't respond. Even the old man with white hair didn't respond. Then there is only one possibility, that is, the young man's cultivation is far above himself.

Now his wife is in the hands of the other party, and he has to protect her in any case. Isn't that what a man should do?

"Who are you? Why do you pretend to be a man from Beimo city? What is the purpose? " The old man with white hair asked Qin Yichen hysterically, but Qin Yichen didn't seem to hear him.

"Who are you? Don't play tricks! Let the lady go! Do you know who she is? " Black iron angrily scolds, he how also can't think these two looking at the soft and weak guy will suddenly burst into trouble, he leads Qin Yichen two people to come over just to walk a form, think is a very common small matter, but what happens next makes black iron dumbfounded.

"It doesn't matter who I am, I only have one requirement, people, I can put." Qin Yichen said faintly, now he is the master of the situation, his words have the feeling of no doubt, everyone present is very nervous, for fear that Qin Yichen's head is hot, what to do, you know that the lady he is holding is Qin Yu, the youngest daughter of the Lord of the nether world.

If the princess had any fork, there would be no need for their city to exist. The anger of the Dark Lord in those years was not just a corpse.

"What do you want? I will do what I can! Don't touch my wife

!” The old man with white hair stares at Qin Yichen for fear that he will suddenly do something.

"Very good. What I want is your attitude. I need two flying pterosaurs now. I heard that your flying pterosaurs in the netherworld are very rare. Do you have them here?" Qin Yichen played with the branches in his hand and made a request. Now what they need most is a walking tool. Among the walking tools, flying pterosaurs can be regarded as excellent. As long as they get two ends, the time to reach the Yin pool will be shortened by more than twice!

You should know that flying pterosaurs existed in ancient times. According to the older generation, the flying pterosaurs in ancient times ate dragons specially. In order to escape the pursuit of the dragon people, a great ability evolved a set of body methods, which made the flying speed of the dragon people increase a lot. Later on, you can imagine that the pterosaurs could not catch up with the dragon people and could only starve. In the end, they could only starve to death or even kill each other, But life is magical. In modern times, the size of the pterosaurs must have shrunk by many times in ancient times, but they are still huge. It is said that the arm span of the pterosaurs can reach 100 meters in one year.

"We have two flying pterosaurs in black rock city. I can give them to you as long as you let my wife go!" The general gritted his teeth and finally agreed to Qin Yichen's terms.

"General! Those two pterosaurs are ~ "

Black iron words have not finished, was a general drink!

"Black iron, don't forget your identity! Do you have your share here? " The general was angry at last, but he was not really angry with the black iron. Of course, he knew the value and importance of the two pterosaurs. It was a gift he wanted to give to the Lord of the nether world. If he didn't give a decent gift on the birthday of the Lord of the nether world, it would be a shame. Where would his son-in-law face go? Anyway, they are also relatives of the emperor. They can't even give a decent gift. They are too shabby. At that time, they will be the laughing stock of others. Although I don't care about these things, my wife is a princess. How can she be wronged with me?

At the beginning, the two pterosaurs took a lot of effort to get them. However, compared with his wife, the general could only take the overall situation into consideration at this time. No matter what time, his family was more important. The general firmly believed that even if the Lord of the nether world knew, he would not blame him. After all, he saved his daughter.

"Now bring the pterosaur. I need to see it with my own eyes."

"Don't deceive too much! Let go first, madam The black iron is about to rush up. He is not as calm as the general. His mind is full of paste. He can be said to be a reckless man, but he is not loyal to the general's wife. The general also regards him as his confidant. No matter what benefits he has, he must be the first to think of him.

"Black iron!" The general stopped the black iron for the second time, but he didn't teach him a lesson. It can be seen that he really likes the black iron. The general looked at Qin Yichen, then turned his head to a steward nearby and gave a few orders.

After a long time, someone came along with two pterosaurs in the square outside the main hall. It seemed that the two pterosaurs were under age. They were only as tall as a two-story building. But looking at their muscles and the color of their feathers, Qin Yichen nodded with satisfaction. The one on the left was a little bigger, and his red feathers were very eye-catching, One pair of eyes is bright and bright. It seems that they want to challenge everything. The other one is more docile. A dark green feather is also very beautiful. Although there is no publicity nearby, it is also a kind of aesthetic feeling. These two pterosaurs can be said to be very rare, because they actually grow a pair of small horns on their heads. You know, only the royal family in the pterosaur family has this gene, and it only has certain genes. It depends on luck if they can grow out!

"Ji" seems to be the chain around their necks hurt them. The two pterosaurs kept shouting in the square, but they did not dare to resist.

Qin Yichen can not help but feel strange, he knows that the pterosaurs have always been rebellious, not to mention the royal family of the pterosaurs! It doesn't make sense to explain this. Don't you resist after all? Are you waiting to die?

Qin Yichen kept looking at the two pterosaurs in the square outside the main hall, and finally let him see that on the heads of the two pterosaurs, located in the two small corners, there were two nails made of black iron nailing their heads. It was not that they didn't want to resist, but they didn't dare to, because as long as they showed a little violent emotion, This black iron nail will keep drilling into their heads!

Qin Yichen can't help but take a breath. He can do such a vicious thing. It seems that the general is not a good thing. You know, the pterosaur family can also become someone else's Mount, but it requires both sides to sign a certain contract. It's said that it's quite strict, so some people use this violent means to forcibly control the pterosaur, so as to achieve their own selfish desires!