Chapter 277 A Second Chance

"First, the zombie virus is going to be toxic to you. Consider it like an extreme allergic reaction. Try not to get infected again," said the woman as she looked at Liu We.

"I don't understand," replied Liu We confused. "I remember that in my past life, I was a zombie so what's the big deal if I get infected again? Besides I am a power user, aren't I immune to the virus now?"

The icy version of Li Dai Lu took in a deep breath. She was not the personality quick to temper, that was the bitch, but she was so very tempted right at this moment. "I am only going to explain this to you once, understand?" she said as she stared at the man in front of her, making sure that he was actually paying attention to what she was saying.

"First, a power user can be infected by the zombie virus and turn into a zombie. However, that zombie has to be an Alpha, no other zombie can force the change. Understood? The vial that Wu Bai Hee had contained the blood of an Alpha zombie."

"If that is the case, why didn't I turn into a zombie? Why did I die?" demanded Liu Wei, needing to know everything he could in whatever time he had left.

"Because you can't be turned into a zombie," said the woman in white simply.

"But I did," reminded Liu Wei. "In my last life."

"And in the life before that, you probably turned into a zombie, married Wu Bai Hee, and lived happily ever after according to her plans. That's the point. There are infinite lives out there with infinite possibilities for the outcome. But you are not living in another life. In this life, you met Li Dai Lu, swore your allegiance to her, and are finally taking steps towards taking your rightful place. Unfortunately, that rightful place makes Alpha blood toxic to your current form."

Liu Wei's head was spinning with all the information being thrown at him. In typical Li Dai Lu fashion, this personality didn't hold anything back. "Okay, maybe less details," he admitted.

"Less details?" she repeated with a smirk. "Fine, less details it is. First, stay away from getting infected with zombies, specifically Alpha zombies."

Liu Wei nodded his understanding. "What next?"

"Kill the soul mates."

Liu Wei nodded and thought for a second. "Two out of four have been killed. Three out of four if you count Wu Bai Hee," he said, not sure if Wu Bai Hee counted yet or not. She was technically dead right now, but if he went back in time before he died then that meant that Wu Bai Hee would still be alive.

"Third, find your weapons," the woman continued as she checked things off on her fingers. "Fourth and most important, do not let Li Dai Lu wander off on her own. One of you needs to stay with her at all times, no matter what she says."

"And if she just ups and leaves?" asked Liu Wei raising an eyebrow. He knew that Li Dai Lu probably wouldn't do that in a normal situation, but there was something that she was keeping from everyone that might require her to leave them.

"Then follow her without her knowing it. Use all that military knowledge that you guys were so proud of and track her down. I don't care how you do it, just make sure that she is never alone. Plus, your bikes should always be able to find Cerberus. Use them if you need to."I think you should take a look at

"One last question?" asked Liu Wei tentatively.

"Hurry up, she is searching for you right now and losing her mind. If she can't find you soon the world will go up in flames and I don't know if that is what she really wants."

"You said that my current form couldn't handle Alpha blood. Does that mean I have another form?"

"You do," replied the woman as she frantically looked around.

"Will you tell me what it is?" asked Liu Wei. He hated not knowing things.

"No. You will find out when you need to. Until then, keep on this journey and you will learn everything that you need to," said the icy woman, and with a wave of her hand, the scene changed and Liu Wei was sitting back in the office staring at Wu Bai Hee.


"Is that really what you think?" asked Wu Bai Hee with a smirk. "Because I am pretty sure that I am just as special as I think I am."

As soon as she opened her mouth, Liu Wei was across the desk with her throat in his hand. "I was planning on drawing this out, let you know the price of your plans," he started as he picked her up and dragged her across the desk not caring about the computer or the paperwork that was pushed to the floor.

Grabbing her right arm, he pulled her hand out of her pocket, the syringe gripped between her fingers. Luckily for him, the cap was still on the needle. Twisting her arm, he watched as the needle fell to the floor before crushing it under his boot. "But now, I am just going to kill you before you can do any more damage."

With those words, Liu Wei pulled the flame out of the woman in front of him and watched as she collapsed to the floor, dead for the second time.

He sneered at the body, the rage coursing through his veins nowhere near satisfied with such an easy death. Turning around he strolled out of the office, closing the door behind him.


"Here again?" came a soft, pleasant voice. Wu Bai Hee opened her eyes and saw that she was laying on the grass in the middle of an apple orchard. Sitting up, she couldn't help but take in a deep breath of the air. It was like she was in a world of perpetual spring, the apple trees blossoming, flowers pushing through the grass around her. That wet smell that came with the changing of seasons. "I am assuming that you want a second chance? Or would it be a third?"