Chapter 419 Bulletproof

I stared at the bikers in front of me, putting a checkmark in the 'pro' column of getting a yacht. At least if I was in the middle of the ocean, I wouldn't have to come across annoying people. Hopefully.

"I think you are lost," I said, directing my gaze to the one that I thought could be the leader. It was hard to guess since they were all dressed the same and around the same size. Ugh. At least with the other biker gang, the president wore a giant patch on his vest to let me know he was the one in charge.

"Seeing as this is our city, I think you are the lost one. Or didn't you know about the lockdown?"

The word lockdown sent a shudder up and down my spine as I thought back to my first life. "I hadn't heard a single peep," I replied, not at all worried about what they could possibly do to me. Their pink flames burned brightly, but they were still no match for me.

"Now you have. Unfortunately for you, it is too late," said the leader as he pulled off his helmet and let his long black hair fall down to the small of his back.

Huh, he was a she.noVe)lb(In

It would have been much easier to have dealt with a man.

"Please, tell me. What is going to happen next?" I asked, walking up to Cerberus and going to sit on the hood, trying to get comfortable. I had a feeling that the pissing contest was going to last for a while. I tried to think if I had a cup for this occasion and snorted when I thought about a good one.

Calling up my cup of coffee, I turned it so the woman could read it. The mug itself was black with big, bold white writing saying, "Have a nice day." It wasn't until I tipped it up to take a drink that you could see a hand at the bottom of the mug with the middle finger raised high.

Yeah, perfect.

"I want your supplies," said the woman, still sitting on her bike, her helmet resting on her thigh.

"That's nice. I want peace and quiet. Do you think I have been able to find that lately? So many dumbasses keep bothering me. I mean, do I have a sign or something on my forehead saying 'easy mark'?" I replied, taking another sip. I looked down at the coffee, wondering why it tasted different. No one had better exchange my sugar for the 'healthy' stuff when I wasn't looking because I can promise you. I would hunt them down and kill them.

There was silence while I tried to figure out why my coffee was different. "I want your supplies," said the woman again, and I let out a frustrated sigh.

"Even if I gave you all of my supplies, it would be pointless because I would just be taking them back after I killed you. Now, if you want to be smart and live longer, take you and yours, turn around, and leave me the fuck alone."

There was no way the milk could have gone bad... not in my space. And no one knew where I kept my supply of sugar, so no one would have been able to change that out. Did my coffee go bad?

Don't fucking tell me I made a cup of mud water and not my usual coffee.

I took in a deep breath and poured the coffee out of my mug and into the ground between myself and the other woman. I don't think I will ever get over the taste of mud water in my mouth. There was not enough sugar on Earth to make that taste pleasant.

I quickly popped back into my space and made myself a proper cup of coffee, opening up a new container just in case, and added the appropriate amount of milk and sugar. Taking a sip, I was satisfied that I got an actual cup of coffee and blinked back to City H.

When I returned my attention to the woman in front of me, I could see her glaring at me from her bike. "What?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention. Coffee emergency. I am sure you understand."

"I am Ma Xiu with the Red Dragon syndicate," said the woman as she unzipped her jacket just enough so I could see a red dragon tattooed onto her collarbone. Funny, I don't remember a tattoo like that on any of my men. Well, Chen Zi Han had a dragon on his back, but it didn't look anything like that.

"It seems like everyone in the world is now part of the Red Dragon syndicate," I grumbled. "Is that seriously the only syndicate anyone knows?"

"Are you disrespecting us right now?" she demanded, taking out her 9mm. The men behind her, as if one, pulled theirs out as well.

"Please be more specific. I seem to be developing a headache, and your question can be taken in several different ways," I said, rubbing my temples as I felt the headache form.

Someone fired a shot, missing me by centimeters and hitting Cerberus instead.

I turned to look at the man, or woman, holding the smoking gun as I slowly slipped off the hood of the car. "You good, Cerby?" I asked him, my gaze locked on the person still on their bike with their helmet on.

"I am fine," replied Cerberus inside my mind. "Don't worry about me."

I hummed in acknowledgment, not bothering to answer him. He was one of mine, and for that reason alone, getting shot was not acceptable in the least.

"I don't care who you claim to be," I said slowly, walking past the leader and into the pack. With a flick of my wrist, the guns clenched tightly in their hands disappeared inside my space. "In fact, you belonging to the Red Dragon syndicate might be the only thing keeping the rest of you alive. However, you? You are dead."

I raised my right hand, now holding a gun of my own, and pressed it up against the helmet. I didn't know if their helmets were bulletproof or not, but I really didn't care. Before anyone could so much as say a word, I pulled the trigger and watched as the body fell off its bike.

Guess they weren't bulletproof.