Chapter 440 Tired Of It


I looked up at the man holding me in his arms, wondering just how the Hell he knew the woman in front of us. He shook his head, a confused look on his face.

Grunting my displeasure, I turned back to look at the woman. "Sorry, Sweetheart, he doesn't seem to remember you," I said with a self-satisfied smirk on my face.

She briefly glanced at me before turning her attention back to Wang Chao. "I am Hua Mei," she said, introducing herself, and I could see the man who had tried to lead her to safety stiffen behind her. Yeah, it sucked when the person you were with was always looking to upgrade. At least I never had to worry about that myself. "We met at the military ball two years ago. My father, High Admiral Chao, introduced us."

Wang Chao simply turned his attention away from her, not bothering to acknowledge her in any way. "I am sure that countless women were introduced to Wang Chao during those events, but it seems that you didn't leave a lasting impression," I answered for him with a shrug of my shoulder.

Suddenly, I saw movement from the corner of my eye, and I turned my attention to the scouts that were approaching. "And maybe you should have listened to your man instead of bothering mine," I continued as the scouts continued to glide forward.

It seemed that I had their undivided attention.

The woman, following my gaze, let out a scream before turning around and running into the furniture store. Well, at least they solved that problem for me. The men, now realizing what had set her off, turned back to me.

"Let him go and give us back our guns," said the member who had remained silent up until now. I turned to look at the soldier with the stream of blood coming from his throat from where Chen Zi Han was cutting into it.

"No," I said with a shake of my head. "You don't get to threaten me and then think that just because there are zombies around that I will all of a sudden side with you. That's not the way this works," I said, not caring when one of the scouts appeared just to my right.

"Need help," hissed the scout, his swaying gaze never wavering from the bleeding man in front of him. Not that I blamed him. Even I could smell his fear from where I was standing, and my nose was nowhere near as good as a zombies'. For them, it would have been like ringing a dinner bell.

"Do I need help, or do you need help?" I asked, watching the eyes of the soldiers in front of me go wide. The zombie cocked his head to the side and paused for a moment.

"Do you need help?" he hissed slowly, the unfamiliar words causing him to stumble.

"I don't need help," I assured him. "Thank you."

The zombie grunted and turned around, his gliding steps eating up the distance until he and the other scouts disappeared.

There was a sound of protest, and I looked at the man off to the side that made it. "What? You have something to say?" I asked, a smile on my face.

"You—" he started before quickly stopping again. "You—"

"Me, what?" I asked, leaning against Wang Chao.

"You are betraying your own for the zombies?" he asked finally, and I could see a mask of rage descend on his face like I, personally, was the reason why the world had gone to pot.

"My 'own', as you put it, betrayed me again and again. For some reason, the zombies are more loyal than any human ever was. But to answer your question, yes, I am betraying the humans in favor of the zombie. If you don't like it... do something about it."

The man stepped forward, only to fall to the ground, a bullet piercing his skull. I looked over at Liu Yu Zeng with a smile on my face. "Really?" I asked him with a chuckle.

"Oops," he replied with a shrug of his shoulders. "My finger slipped."

"Hate it when that happens," said Liu Wei as his finger slipped too, and a second soldier hit the ground dead. "But then again, he had that one coming."

I looked to see that it was the second guy who thought the needs of the women inside were more important than my needs—looked like I was not walking anymore.

"If you want my advice, look after you and yours. Don't be dragging unrelated people into your business. You never know when those you try to drag down are stronger than you," I said, looking at the leader as tears started gathering in his eyes.

"You fucking bitch," he growled right before Chen Zi Han slit his throat. Dropping the body to the ground, my enforcer came to stand beside me.

"My hand slipped," he grumbled, rubbing his wrist like that was the actual problem. The other three men grunted like they understood his pain.

"What is your choice?" I asked, no longer willing to back down and just leave. "Can we go through the store and see if there is anything that I need, or are you all going to die first?"

The two remaining men stepped aside, and I nodded my head in approval.

"Smart choice," I said with a smile. In fact, I think it was the first smart choice that any of them had made today.

Wang Chao let go of me, and my four men walked behind me as I entered the store. While before I was just going to take what I needed, I was now more than willing to just put everything into my space just to be a bitch.

However, it appeared that I had forgotten simple math. If there were fifteen people inside a building, and five went out to try and kill us, how many people were still inside the building waiting to finish the job? The answer was six men with guns.

A shot rang out before my brain was even able to process anything, and I turned my head just in time to see a bullet flying straight to my head.

Fuck my life. I was really getting tired of being shot at.