Gu Lin Huan's expression turned cold.

Were they coming back soon? Coincidentally, with her here, they wouldn't be able to bully Lin Susu at all.

Gu Lin Huan sensed Yuan Lin's concern and took a step back. She looked at Yuan Lin and a trace of a cold smile appeared on her face. "Big Brother Yuan Lin, it's alright. I'm not that weak."

She could tell immediately that Yuan Lin should have heard Zhang Juan's words.

While she and Zhang Juan were chatting in a low voice, Yuan Lin was a soldier. It was likely that his hearing was astounding. Otherwise, he wouldn't have come out to comfort her.

She said goodbye to Yuan Lin and returned home.

At home, Gu Lin Le had already finished preparing the noodles. Gu Lin Huan greeted her before riding her bicycle back to the countryside.

She wanted to buy fish for meat.

The Gu Family Village was poor and simple. They rarely ate fish or meat, so the village supermarket didn't have fish or meat. Gu Lin Huan could only go to the village supermarket to buy meat.

She wanted to make something good for Lin Susu.

She bought a fat carp, some meat, some onions and potatoes that were easy to put away, and then she remembered something when she checked out. She turned around and took another crate of pure milk and put it in the back of her bike.

On the way, she suddenly thought of how Wang Hongying and Old Lady Gu often bought fish to eat. They never worked, and only took Lin Susu's money. Perhaps it was Lin Susu's salary for teaching, or Lin Susu's farm products, or the money Lin Susu gave Gu Youcai for writing the script.

This family was like a vampire. They sucked Lin Susu's blood furiously, yet they were not grateful at all.

She secretly swore that from today onwards, they would not be able to drink another mouthful of Lin Susu's blood.

She would definitely think of a way to figure out what had happened at that time and get Lin Susu out of her predicament!

Gu Lin Huan thought as she entered her courtyard.

After returning, Gu Lin Yue had already started to steam the steamed buns. Gu Lin Huan neatly packed up the fish, cut up the meat, and began cooking.

She planned to make a braised carp and a shredded potato with fried meat. They were all ordinary household dishes.

Gu Lin Huan's culinary skills were quite good. It was all thanks to her previous life's work in the restaurant.

Back then, she had started working at the age of 15 and had done many different jobs.

Gu Lin Yue looked at Gu Lin Huan with admiration: "Sis, you're really capable!"

Gu Lin Huan smiled lightly. She first finished cooking the Red Braised Carp and placed it on a plate. Then, she used a large bowl to buckle it to keep it warm. Following that, she quickly stir-fried the sweet potatoes with shredded meat.

As the fragrant smell wafted out of the yard, everyone who was walking past took a deep breath and felt that the smell was too strong.

Meanwhile, Gu Lin Le watched dumbly all the way until Gu Lin Huan told her to set the table.

Gu Lin Huan carried the pure milk into Lin Susu's room and placed it on the table.

Lin Susu had just woken up from her sleep and the slow healing medicine had not expired yet. A few days ago, she had not had a good rest and had become more addicted to sleep.

"Mom, remember to drink two boxes of milk every day." Gu Lin Huan said as she opened the box of milk.

Lin Susu reprimanded him, "Huanhuan, you and Le Le are growing up. You guys drink. Why should I drink that?"

Gu Lin Huan didn't answer, but helped Lin Susu out to eat.

She opened the bowl on top of the braised carp. Lin Susu was stunned for a moment before she asked, "Huanhuan, why are you doing so much? It's fish and meat, save your money and buy it for Mom when she gets paid in class."

Gu Lin Huan then said, "Mom, your body is weak. I've checked and found out that you need to eat more fish, meat, milk, and more. From now on, I'll cook for you every meal.

Lin Susu was about to speak when Gu Lin Huan pointed at Gu Lin Le and said, "Le Le also needs to recuperate."

Lin Susu then stopped talking and the three of them ate together.

Lin Susu would always pick up the tender fish meat and give it to Gu Lin Huan and Gu Lin Huan. Gu Lin Huan would always take it back, and Gu Lin Le would also take it back just like how she took it.

The family of three enjoyed a warm meal.

In the evening, Gu Lin Huan found that Lin Susu was actually planning to write a script.

How could Gu Lin Huan let her toil around? Hence, she intentionally chatted with her to coax her to sleep.

The next day, after Gu Lin Huan finished her breakfast, she went to the village supermarket in the early morning. This time, she bought a chicken and went back to cook chicken soup for Lin Susu.

For the past few days, their specifications had been: one meat, one vegetable soup, one soup, or fish or chicken soup.

On the third day, Gu Lin Huan went to the village supermarket again. This time, she bought some mushrooms, pork, and cauliflower.

When she got home, she went to the fields to pick pumpkins.

In the afternoon, she steamed the steamed buns with lentinus pork and made a cauliflower. She also made a pumpkin porridge with millet.

After eating half of it, suddenly, Gu Lin Huan frowned and took out a basket. She placed the remaining fifteen or sixteen buns in the basket and said to the two who were eating happily, "I'll go and bring some buns to Aunt Ye."

Gu Lin Le was stunned until Gu Lin Huan walked out of the room before she said, "Sis, we only have a few steamed buns left."

Lin Susu smiled and pointed at her, "A few buns is enough. Your Aunt Ye often helps us. You should give it to her. Your sister is getting more and more sensible now."

However, she was also a bit puzzled. Logically speaking, she didn't need to give that much to Steamed Bun.

He happily started eating, urging Lin Susu and Gu Lin to eat while he ate, "Mom, Le Le, hurry and eat. You'll have to finish all the dishes by noon. Hmm, and also the pumpkin porridge, you have to finish it as well."

Gu Lin Le blinked, bit her chopsticks and said: "Sis, I haven't seen anyone eating buns yet."

"Eat some vitamins!" Gu Lin Huan unceremoniously picked up a big stack of chopsticks and gave it to Gu Lin Le.

The three of them continued to eat. Not long later, the flower was almost finished and the porridge was pretty much finished as well. However, there were still two steamed buns left, so no matter what, they just couldn't eat anymore.

"Sis, why do we have to finish it? It would be great if we could eat it tonight." Gu Lin Yue hugged his stomach and stood up.

He was so full.

Gu Lin Le felt that these few days she was extremely happy, she didn't have to work, she cooked delicious food every day, and she ate until she was full.

Gu Lin Huan smiled: "Because if you don't eat lunch, you might end up feeding the pigs."

Gu Lin Le opened his mouth wide in shock, unable to understand what was going on.

Suddenly, with a clang, the door opened and a few people's voices could be heard.

"Where's that bitch Lin Susu? I must beat her to death!"

"Right, there's also Gu Lin Huan. These past few days, I've suffered so much that I've never eaten my fill. Sigh, it smells so good, it smells so good."

"Mom, it's a bun. A meat bun. It smells so good. Mom, I'm starving."

"I'm also starving. Eat first, eat!"

The sounds of several people kicking and stomping could be heard.

It was Gu Youcai, Old Madam Gu, Wang Hongying and Gu Xiaomian who had returned.

Gu Lin Huan sneered, she had long since guessed who he was.

Old Madam Gu was not young, but her body was very agile. She was the first to rush in, and then she saw the two plump buns on the plate.

Gu Lin Huan raised her head and smiled, "Grandmother, are you hungry?"

"Hungry! Hungry! I'm starving! Damn girl, hurry up and give it to me!" Old Madam Gu reached out to grab it.

Gu Lin Huan picked up a steamed bun in each hand and ate one in two bites. Large crescent moon appeared on both of the steamed buns …