Chapter 248 - Chapter 248: Chapter 257: Emotion Stirred

Chapter 248: Chapter 257: Emotion Stirred

Su Wenyue looked at the large pile of cloth and picked out two pieces before having someone put the rest away.

“Take these two pieces of cloth to Aunt Feng, with the weather growing colder. Also, fetch some fine cotton so Aunt Feng can make two cotton-padded jackets for herself and An Tai.”

Feng Susu didn’t expect Su Wenyue to think of her and her son at this time. They had already received too much kindness from Su Wenyue, and subconsciously, she didn’t want to accept it. However, she knew Su Wenyue’s temperament. Besides, even if she didn’t need it, Taier needed new clothes. The boy had grown so much; he was practically a man now, and the thought of him still wearing patched clothes made her sad.

Instead of having someone else express her gratitude, Feng Susu personally went to thank Su Wenyue and also had some matters to discuss with her. Previously, Su Wenyue had mentioned that in addition to pickling vegetables, it was also possible to pickle meats or even eggs.

“Lady Yue, you’ve been so kind to my son and me, I don’t even know what to say. Just know I will keep this kindness in my heart and spare you the formalities,” she said.

“Aunt, you don’t need to worry about it. I’m not helping you with the expectation of gratitude in return. It’s just that our men are out there putting in effort for the Imperial Court and suffering together. Uncle An has been out of touch for so long, and these past few days, I’ve been quite worried for my husband too. Fighting with bandits, getting injured is minor; one wrong move and he might lose his life.”

Although Su Wenyue said this partly for Feng Susu’s benefit, she genuinely worried about Han Yu, and tears fell from her eyes uncontrollably as she spoke. She only allowed herself to be this vulnerable in front of Aunt Feng, not in the presence of others.

Feng Susu was also moved to tears by Su Wenyue’s display of emotion, thinking of the hardships of the past years. They comforted each other, and Feng Susu felt their relationship had grown much closer—not just based on favors anymore but something deeper and more intimate.

“Do not worry, Lady Yue. Lord Han is such a good person and so capable; he will surely return safely. Don’t fret too much; you still have three children to take care of, and you need to preserve your health,” Feng Susu consoled her, patting her hand.

“Thank you for your kind words, Aunt. I’m always hoping that my husband will return safely; my children and I can’t live without him. I’m just an ordinary woman who can’t be as strong as you, Aunt,” Su Wenyue admitted humbly.

“Ah, there’s nothing to be done about that. My child’s father was incredibly good to me. Thinking of him, pining for him—I can’t let go of these thoughts, or else life would seem meaningless. I can only speak to you, Lady Yue, about these matters of the heart. Sometimes, I feel it’s better to have no news of my child’s father; at least I can cling to some hope.”

Saying this, Feng Susu’s face was full of sorrow and longing. Just an ordinary farmer’s wife, she didn’t understand deep romances but simply yearned for the man who had been good to her and who she had lived with. Her constant search and remembrance over a decade were plain but profoundly moving and enduring, more than the intense loves of famous romantics.

Su Wenyue felt guilty for inadvertently stirring Feng Susu’s sadness, despite having no ill-intentions with her acts of kindness—it was meant to bridge their relationship. Yet, faced with such genuine emotion, any ulterior motives seemed shameful.

“Enough of this, Aunt. Let’s not dwell on the unpleasant. Since Uncle An has been gone for so many years without word, I believe he’s still alive, waiting somewhere in the world to be reunited with you. Even the Heavens wouldn’t be so cruel, considering your steadfast devotion and longing. After all, ‘fragrance comes from the bitterness of cold plum blossoms.’ Your years of suffering and tribulations will one day come to a good resolution,” Su Wenyue reassured her, her words mixed with genuine hope as she knew of the reunion that would eventually happen, even without her involvement.

“Why don’t I take you to Lingyin Temple to pray to the Bodhisattva one of these days? They say the Bodhisattva there is very responsive. I had three children in one go; perhaps the Bodhisattva could also fulfill your wishes,” Su Wenyue suddenly said. She hadn’t been a firm believer in such things, but after living a second lifetime, she had grown to believe. If such bizarre events could happen to her, perhaps there was indeed divine blessing, giving her a chance to start over. In her previous life, it seemed Feng Susu reunited with her husband in a temple, though she wasn’t sure it was Lingyin Temple.

Originally, Su Wenyue had planned to let Feng Susu and her husband meet later, at an opportune time, to maximize the benefits and support for Han Yu. But seeing Feng Susu’s heartfelt longing now, she couldn’t help but be deeply moved and only wished for their early reunion.

However, despite knowing where Feng Susu’s husband was, she couldn’t just reveal it, for there was no way to explain how she had come by such knowledge, and it could even cast suspicion on her own motives.

Given that Feng Susu’s husband rose from a farmer to his current status, he was no simple man, and it wasn’t solely due to blind effort or sheer determination. Just from observing Han Yu in the military camp, she knew it was more than a place of bravery and strength. Although luck played a significant role in Feng Susu’s husband’s rise, he couldn’t have been someone without shrewdness.

A slip on her part would not only ruin her previous efforts but could lead to unforeseen consequences. She could help Feng Susu reunite with her husband sooner, but not if it meant putting herself in jeopardy. So, the safest course was to take Feng Susu to Lingyin Temple and try their luck, or find another suitable opportunity later.

Su Wenyue reflected on her own character, acknowledging she wasn’t truly a good person—neither in her former life nor in this one. Her actions were primarily for her loved ones and her home, with everything else taking a backseat. Even when her heart was moved, her willingness to help others was always limited by the impact on her life.

Feng Susu was intrigued by Su Wenyue’s suggestion and immediately agreed.

“Then it’s settled. Once Lord Han returns, we’ll go to Lingyin Temple. Hopefully, the Bodhisattva will answer our prayers and bless my husband and me with a swift reunion.”

“He surely will,” Su Wenyue affirmed.

After concluding this discussion, Feng Susu remembered she didn’t come solely to express gratitude; she had serious business in mind.

“By the way, Lady Yue, I sought you out not just to thank you but for another matter. The idea you had last time was excellent. I didn’t just make pickles this time but also experimented with some meats. The taste of the preserved meats is lacking somewhat, but the salted eggs turned out quite well. I boiled a few and brought them for you to try, to see if there’s anything that can be improved.”