Chapter 259 - Chapter 259: Chapter 268: A Bucket of Cold Water

Chapter 259: Chapter 268: A Bucket of Cold Water

Han Yu didn’t intervene at that moment, allowing them to create a ruckus. He was naturally aware of what the items in the box were, and worried that opening it might frighten Li Bonian. But since Li Bonian was often too arrogant, his subordinates wanted to teach him a lesson, and he had no intention of interfering.

“What is it that requires me, an official, to open our eyes? You’re all a bunch of bumpkins who’ve never seen the real world. However, anything seized from the bandit’s den should be surrendered, don’t even think about pocketing it for yourselves, or else there’ll be consequences.”

As Li Bonian uttered these words, he didn’t forget to threaten Liu Cong and the others. In reality, when they went on missions, although a small portion of the seized goods was surrendered, most of it was split among them privately. This was tacitly permitted by their superiors; after all, living conditions in the camp were harsh. Relying solely on the meager monthly army provisions to support a family was barely sufficient, and it wasn’t easy for soldiers to fight and kill for their country. If they were to surrender everything, who would be willing to put forth the effort? They certainly couldn’t work on an empty stomach and naturally had to find other ways to “supplement” their income.

“Of course, of course, they should be surrendered,” Liu Cong said with a smile that was uncharacteristically good-natured; he didn’t argue with Li Bonian at all. He thought to himself: Why would they bring back such a thing from the box if not to “surrender” it? It was not only a great distance but also bloody, as if they had nothing better to do. As for everything else Li Bonian said, he treated it as if it was nothing but hot air, immediately forgotten.

Li Bonian looked at Liu Cong suspiciously. Liu Cong’s reaction seemed a bit off; this hotheaded guy was surprisingly amiable today. Perhaps it was because he had made a meritorious achievement in exterminating the bandits, otherwise, he would have typically erupted in fury and engaged in an argument, lacking any composure.

Liu Cong didn’t miss the suspicion on Li Bonian’s face. However, it didn’t concern him. He urged Liu Cong to open the box. He could have helped open it himself, but he thought it would be less dramatic for someone else to do so, wasting all the effort he’d put into controlling his disgust while preparing this specific surprise for Li Bonian.

“Lord Liu, please have a look for us, give us your guidance. Are these items that could bring us promotion and wealth?” Liu Cong asked with a flattering smile, his look towards Liu Cong nearly sycophantic.

This confirmed Liu Cong’s suspicions that this hothead was hoping to get ahead by turning in the items inside the box. Tsk, how foolish. If there were really valuable items, it would be more practical to keep them for oneself. As for getting promoted and becoming rich, Liu Cong wouldn’t even dream of it while he was around. Even a good opportunity would be ruined by him.

“Alright then, I’ll have a look for you.” Li Bonian glanced disdainfully at Liu Cong before reaching out to open the box. He, too, was curious about what was inside the box that made Liu Cong act so out of character.

Li Bo was also curious about what was inside the box, but unlike Li Bonian, he sensed something amiss. Still, he figured that under broad daylight and within the camp, Liu Cong couldn’t commit any serious misconduct, or else he’d be punished under military law. Since there was no danger, his curiosity took precedence and he also leaned in to have a look.

“Ah!” Li Bonian screamed in horror. It wasn’t that he was cowardly, but the sight of something so bloody and revolting, seen without any warning, would unnerve anyone – and especially Li Bonian, who, despite his years in the military camp, had avoided danger due to his superior’s connections and had rarely seen blood, unlike those who had truly fought on the battlefield.

As Li Bonian screamed, Li Bo’s face turned ghostly pale and he fell to the ground. He hadn’t expected Liu Cong to do something so ghastly. Technically, it didn’t violate military discipline; it was merely a test of their courage. Those with strong nerve might only feel a bit queasy, but Li Bonian and Li Bo were not amongst the courageous.

The heads were piled in the box, one on top of another, still stained with fresh blood, mingling together, along with some other things…

Li Bonian, unable to bear the image he had just seen, ran off and began to retch violently, utterly repulsed by the gore and grisliness.

“Master Li, you mentioned earlier that there were fewer bandits about – well, the missing ones are all in here. Lugging the corpses of slain bandits back with us over such a distance wasn’t practical, so we thought of this solution; it saves energy and checks off our duty. We’ve killed so many bandits – surely our superiors ought to reward us generously for our efforts. Isn’t this just the kind of thing that could lead to promotion and fortune?”

Liu Cong mocked Li Bonian’s cowardice, questioning his right to call himself a soldier. If he were to go into battle, wouldn’t his legs turn to jelly? “Lord Han has said the world is becoming increasingly chaotic, and it’s anyone’s guess what it will come to,” he mused. A day like today was inevitable.

After settling the matter with Li Bonian, Han Yu led his team to report back, only to be met with a cold response. Despite their strenuous efforts and sacrifice, they were dismissed with nothing more than a cursory “you worked hard” and faulted for taking too long. The hollow words left them feeling deeply disheartened.

“Lord Han, we’ve toiled and risked our lives, yet we lose credit for our deeds and can’t even earn a word of praise – it’s infuriating!” Liu Cong declared angrily, having barely relieved his frustration with the encounter with Li Bonian before being doused with yet another bucket of cold water.

“There’s no need for anyone to feel downcast. We’ve not come back empty-handed from our mission, and this matter won’t end so easily. As long as you trust me, no one will be deprived of what they’ve earned.”

Han Yu reassured his subordinates. He had anticipated such a reception and was calm about it, but he wasn’t about to quietly accept someone else claiming credit for his achievements. The campaign against the bandits wouldn’t just pass without consequence. When he first learned of their schemes and traps, he had made plans not only to bribe an insider within the stronghold. If it were that simple, there would’ve been no need to make any plans at all; a comprehensive strategy was in place.

“We believe in you, Master,” said the soldiers, whose respect for Han Yu was beginning to take root. With his assurance, the grumbling ceased; after all, tangible rewards had been secured.

Upon completing his report back, Han Yu gave some instructions and immediately set out for home. In his absence, he wondered how his daughter-in-law was coping, surely worried about him, given that she sent a servant daily to the camp for news.

Even while out on the campaign, Han Yu had left his own people in the camp to maintain the flow of information, preventing anyone from conspiring against him. Thus, he knew as soon as he returned to the camp that Su Wenyue had sent someone for updates. The thought filled him with warmth, knowing there was someone constantly caring for and waiting for him at home, along with three little ones. They say children change so much day by day; having not seen them in a while, he wondered what changes there might be. Were they behaving themselves? And what about Team of four including Zhai Li – how had his daughter-in-law managed everything?