Chapter 263 - Chapter 263: Chapter 271: The Cat with Exploding Fur

Chapter 263: Chapter 271: The Cat with Exploding Fur

“So what exactly did you send her off to do?” Han Yu had already guessed pretty close to the truth, but he was willing to indulge his daughter-in-law’s little triumph, so he very obediently asked.

“I had her go buy a Zhuangzi, and she did it posing as an unknown businessman. It’s outside of the prefecture, on a different side from our Zhuangzis, and even by horse carriage, it’s nearly two hours away. No one can connect this Zhuangzi to either the Han Family or the Su Family. I arranged for Zhai Li and the others to stay there. How about that, pretty foresighted of me, huh?” Su Wenyue said with a gleeful smile, her pride unmistakable on her face.

To Han Yu, Su Wenyue at that moment resembled a haughty little cat, head held high with self-satisfaction. He wanted to do just one thing, to stroke her fur, so his large palm reached out to Su Wenyue’s head, caressing her soft, smooth hair. He felt utterly content, and the smile on his face grew even wider.

“Indeed, very foresighted, but how did you even think to buy a Zhuangzi there?” Han Yu was genuinely curious. Anyone else might not have thought to do so, and if they did buy a Zhuangzi, they’d likely choose a location closer for convenience. This piqued his curiosity and bafflement. Was there something extraordinary about that Zhuangzi?

Yet, what Han Yu didn’t expect was that he’d actually guessed right, although Su Wenyue didn’t immediately respond and instead decided to keep him in suspense.

“How did I think of it? Obviously, because I’m smart and have great foresight, what else?” Su Wenyue’s reply left Han Yu a bit choked up. This incorrigible little thing… But her mention of ‘great foresight’ gave Han Yu a subtle feeling, just like the time Su Wenyue talked about her “previous life” during childbirth. He hadn’t forgotten, just kept it hidden deep in his heart.

Seeing the helpless and slightly annoyed look on Han Yu, Su Wenyue covered her mouth with a laugh, blinked her eyes, and said, “I’m serious, I am naturally smart and indeed very foresighted. And this Zhuangzi is really out of the ordinary, it will certainly give you a huge surprise.”

“Out of the ordinary, in what way?” Han Yu’s curiosity intensified. If his daughter-in-law said it was out of the ordinary, then it must truly be unusual, especially since what seemed extraordinary to others often seemed commonplace to her.

“You’ll find out when we get there. Anyway, I promise you won’t be disappointed,” Su Wenyue said mysteriously. Often kept in suspense by Han Yu, this time she wanted to turn the tables, giving him a taste of his own medicine.

Han Yu, however, had more patience than Su Wenyue and gave her a teasing look, “Alright then, I look forward to the surprise my daughter-in-law has for me.”

“Good, we’ll set off after lunch; it’s the perfect time to check how Zhai Li and the others are settling in.” Su Wenyue had only instructed Xiao Xi to handle it and hadn’t had the chance to visit in person, so she was looking forward to it. She wanted to see what Zhuangzi, once used by Sikong Ling as Xinye’s secret base, looked like.

Yet Han Yu did not agree. He didn’t want Su Wenyue to tire herself with travel. Her health had taken a big hit during her last childbirth, and although it had much improved, she still needed to take care on a daily basis. The Zhuangzi wasn’t too far but wasn’t close either; traveling there and back might have them return at night.

“Are you planning to go with me? What about the kids? Didn’t you say they can’t be without you during the day? Besides, you’re not strong enough to endure the journey. Just stay home and look after the children, okay?”

“It’s not that far, and besides, my health has pretty much recovered. A trip of this distance shouldn’t be a problem. Moreover, it’s my Zhuangzi; how could I not go and see for myself?” Su Wenyue showed no signs of backing down.

“What about the kids? Can you bear to leave them crying at home?” Han Yu knew he had to approach the topic through the children to convince Su Wenyue. As much as it piqued his jealousy, he had to admit that his kids had become even more important to his daughter-in-law than he was. Fortunately, they were his own flesh and blood; if the boys were disobedient in the future, he wouldn’t hesitate to discipline them.

Unaware of Han Yu’s thoughts about how to ‘teach’ their son, Su Wenyue found the thought of dealing with all three kids a bit of a headache, but she still wanted to visit the Zhuangzi. Her gaze drifted to Brother Xing, who was staring at her with wide eyes. Suddenly, she had an idea and scooped him up into her arms.

“Brother Xing, can Mother discuss something with you?” Su Wenyue asked, smiling at her son, who was not yet two months old, casting a bargaining tone. Han Yu rubbed his temple, finding his daughter-in-law more unreliable by the minute. Even though they often said that Brother Xing was more sensible than most children, he was still just a month-old infant at heart and certainly could not understand yet. Was his daughter-in-law getting silly from staying at home with the kids?

“Daughter-in-law, the child is still too young. Even if you want to say something to him, you have to wait until he’s older to understand. If you really want to visit the Zhuangzi, I’ll take you there when I’m free later. Don’t be foolish now,” Han Yu said, reassuringly stroking Su Wenyue’s head, thinking she was upset because he wouldn’t let her go to the Zhuangzi and was therefore acting out.

But Su Wenyue ignored Han Yu, caught up in her own thoughts, which she hoped to verify, and continued to speak to Brother Xing.

“Brother Xing, listen to what Mother says. I have important business at the Zhuangzi; it concerns our family’s safety. You and your younger brother and sister behave and stay at home, alright? Don’t cry. Wait for Mother to come back tonight and I’ll come see you. If you understand what I’m saying and agree, can you blink for me?”

After Su Wenyue finished, she looked expectantly at Brother Xing, waiting for a reaction. Unfortunately, the little guy didn’t do her the dignity, closing his eyes in apparent disdain. Especially with Han Yu leisurely watching, all of Su Wenyue’s hope turned into exasperation and embarrassment.

“You little rascal, Brother Xing, are you even my son? Not even leaving a shred of dignity for your mother. To think I always play with you, and now you trip me up at a crucial moment. We’ll see if I still like you.” Su Wenyue said indignantly. Han Yu had been holding back, not wanting Su Wenyue to feel too embarrassed, but now he burst into laughter, unable to restrain himself any longer. His daughter-in-law was teasing him, too adorable, especially when she was annoyed, like a cat with its fur puffed up.

“Han Yu, what are you laughing at? What’s so funny? You and my son are ganging up to bully me, right?” Su Wenyue, her face turning apple pink with embarrassment, made a motion as if to kick Han Yu. It was precisely because of his laughter that she became so embarrassed, which is why Su Wenyue did not initially realize that upon hearing her say she didn’t like him, Brother Xing’s eyes sprang open, a complex and profound look in the small child’s gaze.