Chapter 272 - Chapter 272: Chapter 280: The Yin-Yang Weirdness

Chapter 272: Chapter 280: The Yin-Yang Weirdness

The buzz about Li Bonian’s affair was tumultuous, mostly full of schadenfreude. Yet in the military camp, General He Donghai’s face darkened extremely. He had carefully schemed, even disregarding the warnings of his former superior, and had colluded with Li Bonian and others to deal with Han Yu, hoping to take credit for suppressing the bandits himself. Yet, things had not gone as well as he had imagined. He didn’t know how the superiors came to know the truth, but instead of getting rewarded, he was reprimanded and blamed by the people sent from above. He missed the benefits, and the credit ultimately fell on Han Yu.

“Master, did you call me here because there’s something you need?” Although Han Yu was well aware of the situation, he did not show anything on his face, acting as if truly unaware.

“I’m not worthy of your address as Master. Now that you have risen to prominence, noticed by Shangfeng, your future is like a stroll through the clouds. Lord Han, I didn’t expect you to have such ability. It truly opens my eyes!” Although He Donghai spoke these words, his tone carried a sarcastic edge; he had thought those benefits should have been his, and such an outcome did not sit well with him.

“What do you mean by that, Master? If I, a lower officer, have erred in any way, I beg you to speak plainly. Please don’t leave me confused.” Even though Han Yu didn’t take a nasty person like He Donghai seriously, things had not been completely settled, and Han Yu always acted cautiously, giving no one any leverage over him.

Seeing Han Yu’s sincere expression, as if he truly didn’t know the inside story, and thinking that Han Yu was being promoted to the prefecture and valued by his superiors, and might one day be someone he’d need, He Donghai considered that tearing the veneer of civility would do him no good. Thus, he managed his emotions and softened his demeanor, adopting a more obsequious manner towards Han Yu.

“Brother Han, you misunderstand me. I wanted to congratulate you. Because of the bandit suppression, you caught the eye of Shangfeng. It has been hinted from above that you are to be transferred to the Prefecture General Camp to take up a post, and the official order will come very soon. It is truly a great joy, and I must say, Brother Han, for one so young to have such fortune, what a great ability indeed!”

Hearing these words from He Donghai, Han Yu’s face showed a hint of surprise, “Is what Master He said true? Wasn’t the matter of the bandit suppression settled long ago? Master, you ordered us not to speak of it again, why would Shangfeng…?”

Being questioned this way left He Donghai feeling uncomfortable. Initially, he had wanted to claim the credit for himself and ensure Han Yu and his men were subdued, never expecting such an outcome. Now with Han Yu bringing it up, he could not disclose his intentions and had to laugh it off and gloss over the matter.

“Ha ha, this means Brother Han’s fortunes are on the rise. The situation regarding the suppression of bandits has always been of great concern to the top leadership. How could there be no reward for such significant contributions from Brother Han? When I said that before, it was because I saw that despite Brother Han’s young age, you’ve achieved great things, and I feared you might become overly proud and complacent, so I wanted to temper the pride in you. But you won’t miss out on the rewards you deserve.” He Donghai spoke these words without any embarrassment, turning his unsavory intentions to seem for Han Yu’s benefit, and even attributing the superiors’ recognition of their achievements to himself.

“Your subordinate gratefully acknowledges your cultivation, Master. I will never forget your kindness.” Han Yu played his part well, showing a face full of gratitude, as if he truly believed He Donghai’s words, though inwardly he held contempt for He Donghai’s vile and shameless character.

Han Yu had been discussing matters with several trusted aides when he was summoned by He Donghai, so they all knew about it and gathered around him when he returned.

“Master, how did it go? What did that scoundrel He want with you this time? That bastard is truly shameless. He claimed the credit for your bandit suppression last time and colluded with Li Bonian to suppress you. He is utterly shameless. Lord Zhao was much fairer when he was in charge. It appears Lord Zhao was blinded and promoted such a contemptible person.”

“Hold your tongues. Keep these thoughts to yourself. Do not spread rumors. Be careful, or disaster may come from your mouth.” Han Yu knew his subordinates meant well and were indignant on his behalf, but some things shouldn’t be said out loud, especially since this time it wasn’t necessarily bad news.

“Master, we understand. We will not speak carelessly in the future, but why did He summon you?” They were understandably worried, especially since Li Bonian’s situation was a hot topic, and He Donghai was in cahoots with Li Bonian. They feared that He Donghai might trouble their master because of it.

Only then did Han Yu reveal a smile, “It’s a good thing. He Donghai couldn’t cover up the bandit suppression, and the superiors are aware. We are to be rewarded, and I may be transferred to the Prefecture General Camp.”

“Really! This is great news. No wonder He Donghai looked so gloomy, it turns out it was because of this. He wanted to take all the credit, but now his efforts have been in vain. Being transferred to the General Camp is a great opportunity; there are better postings there, and promotion is faster. Congratulations, Master.” Upon hearing that Han Yu might be moving to the General Camp, his subordinates were genuinely happy for him.

“Heizi, Master is about to be promoted, why aren’t you happy? Don’t you wish well for the Master?” Knowing full well that Heizi wasn’t that kind of person, they teased him seeing his unhappy expression.

Heizi was indeed unhappy about Han Yu’s impending transfer, responding heatedly, “Happy my ass. If Master leaves, what about us? If I have to follow nasty people like He Donghai and Li Bonian, count me out!”

This response dampened the mood, as they realized the gravity of the situation.

Seeing the concern of his subordinates, Han Yu was gratified. They had all been through hardships together. Although they hadn’t been with him for long, they were brothers in adversity.

“Rest assured. Even if I am transferred, I will find a way to take you all with me. It might not be possible to bring everyone at once. Those who don’t go this time will have to wait a while, but I will slowly make arrangements. Besides, I’ll be in unfamiliar territory at the new post in the General Battalion. I’ll need help, and I can’t trust anyone but my own people.”

Reassured by Han Yu’s words, happiness returned to their faces, “That’s good, that’s good. We’re committed to following the Master, no matter what. Only a leader like you can win our trust and lead us to a better future.”

Han Yu didn’t go straight home after leaving the camp; he went to a place to pick someone up first.

“Brother Deng, sorry to have kept you waiting. I was held up by matters in the camp and rushed here as soon as I could.”

“Congratulations, Brother Han. With your transfer to the General Camp, there will be many opportunities. With your talent, Brother Han, your future is boundless.”

“Speaking of this matter, I have you to thank for all your effort and running around on my behalf.”