Chapter 308 - Chapter 308: Chapter 316: United Intentions

Chapter 308: Chapter 316: United Intentions

“This jewelry was designed by the Madam?” Master Cao was genuinely surprised. After all, the Mistress appeared very young, and to someone as experienced as him, she seemed rather youthful. Designing such jewelry required not just ingenious ideas and novelty but also experience and vision. It wasn’t just one or two pieces, but several sets—this couldn’t simply be attributed to a moment of inspiration.

“Yes, indeed. After all, these are items to be worn by young ladies. I had a moment of inspiration and designed a few sets, exposing my skills to Master Cao’s amusement.” Su Wenyue modestly responded.

“Madam is truly a gifted prodigy, the likes of which I admire greatly. If it’s not too much to ask and if Madam has the time, I hope she would not begrudge imparting some of her knowledge to guide this old man. While I may indeed be skilled in my craft, I admittedly lack in the area of design.” Master Cao spoke with genuine admiration. To him, the pursuit of finer craftsmanship, not the superficial trappings of fame and fortune, was more important at his level of mastery. This willingness to learn from others and his humility were characteristic of someone with Master Cao’s temperament.

“Master Cao, there’s no need for such modesty. However, I can certainly design some patterns; after all, I do enjoy these things, which is why I had my Husband invite Master Cao. From now on, we will rely heavily on your craftsmanship,” said Su Wenyue with a smile, pleased to have shared enjoyable company with Master Cao.

“Madam is too kind. Since I have willingly come to serve the Han Family, I will naturally fulfill my duties.”

“That’s good to hear. I am quite forthright by nature, not one for beating around the bush. Master Cao, if you have any requests, please state them directly. As long as they are within my capacity, I will do my utmost to satisfy your needs.” Su Wenyue intended to say a few good words to win over Master Cao. However, considering his character, she knew he wouldn’t appreciate cunning ploys, so sincere and straightforward interaction seemed the better approach for mutual comfort.

As expected, Master Cao appreciated Su Wenyue’s frankness. As a craftsman with great skill, he had not lacked suitors vying for his service, some even offering lavish perks to win his favor. Yet, he disliked such tactics. To him, they were merely after their own interests. At his age, there wasn’t much he couldn’t see through. He noticed that this new Mistress was a good-natured and decent person. Moreover, she could design such excellent patterns, which aligned with his own desires.

“Madam, rest assured, I too am a straightforward person and will communicate my needs to you,” he said.

Looking again at the jewelry, Master Cao hesitated no longer about voicing his concerns.

“If Madam doesn’t mind, I would like to take charge of these jewelry pieces. Such exquisite designs would be a shame not to fully realize their charm. However, much work from the craftsmen has already gone into them. I need not melt them down to start anew; instead, I can refine certain details so that, even if they don’t equal what I could have made, they will at least possess a bit more spirit to not let down the effort that Madam has put into the designs.”

Master Cao was the type of person who always yearned to create when he saw excellent patterns. He couldn’t stand to see good materials wasted. When craftsmen failed to bring to life the beauty of the designs, it felt like an affront to him. Nonetheless, his lack of insistence on starting from scratch and choosing to make improvements showed respect for the original craftsmen.

Although the previous craftsmen’s skills were lacking, Master Cao, as a senior master, could see the effort that went into making these pieces—at the very least, their attitudes were commendable. Besides, those craftsmen were from Yiyang Prefecture and had their merits. And certainly, refining is a greater testament to skill than rebuilding from scratch; it’s a challenge in itself.

Su Wenyue’s face brightened with joy, “Then I must impose on Master Cao; this really is the best outcome.”

Master Cao’s actions aligned perfectly with Su Wenyue’s wishes. She hadn’t presented the finished jewelry to her two cousins partly because she harbored such hopes. However, as she was not yet fully familiar with Master Cao, she couldn’t risk making the request outright. To her delight, Master Cao broached the subject first. Thinking of the hairpin that seemed alive with intricate details, Su Wenyue eagerly anticipated what the jewelry would look like after Master Cao’s revisions. Since the designs were her own, her expectations were even greater.

“Speaking of which, I’ve designed a few more patterns these past days. Would Master Cao care to have a look?” Su Wenyue thought about the patterns she had drawn in the last two days, which were two sets designed for herself. They had required much thought, and she felt quite satisfied with them. She couldn’t help but bring them out at this moment, fully aware that Master Cao’s work on the current jewelry would be time-consuming and that he might not have the time to start on new pieces right away.

Upon hearing this, Master Cao expressed great interest. Seeing just a few of the jewelry designs, he knew that anything crafted by the Madam would be extraordinary. When he received the patterns from Su Wenyue, he was ecstatic, muttering “Madam really has great talent,” as his gaze fixated on the drawings, pondering how to bring the jewelry to life.

Su Wenyue did not interrupt Master Cao’s focus and after a while, he emerged from his contemplation, realizing he had been somewhat overzealous: “Please forgive my excitement, Madam. In this life, I have dedicated myself to these arts, and I can’t help but become overjoyed when I encounter such fine designs.”

“It’s quite alright. I understand Master Cao’s feelings. I will leave these patterns in your care. Take your time to study them, and I will ensure that you have what you need for the task.”

“Congratulations on acquiring such talent,” Grandma Chen noted, seeing Su Wenyue’s happiness. Master Cao had been personally recruited by the Master with great effort, and the fact that he was so considerate of the Madam’s wishes made Grandma Chen even happier for her. A man who, despite his many commitments, is willing to go to such lengths for a woman, clearly holds her dear in his heart.

“Benefit from your well-wishing words, Grandma Chen. As for the craftsmen, I leave their well-being in your care, Grandma Chen, from their clothes and food to their accommodations. They must be looked after thoroughly. If they are indeed sincere in their service to me, especially Master Cao, his share shall be increased by one more degree.” Su Wenyue highly valued such talent, as they were to be her proverbial golden geese. Although all the craftsmen except Master Cao were bound by a Death Contract with the Han Family, she hoped they would choose to stay of their own accord, and not just because of the contract.

“Rest assured, Madam. I will take care of everything properly,” answered Grandma Chen cheerfully, cognizant that she might not be as capable as Aunt Li but confident she could manage this task, also grateful that the Madam still trusted her.

After giving instructions to Grandma Chen, Su Wenyue returned her attention to preparing the New Year’s gifts. But before she could settle down, someone announced a visitor with a tone of joy.