It was the first time that she drank the tea in Tianxiang building, which was the name of the tea.

After a while, Shen Qingrong's fish had been sent over, and it seemed that they were good. Several kinds of fish, if they smelled, were really excellent. Shen Qingci liked them very much.

She picked up the chopsticks and put some fish in her bowl. She was also careful to take out all the bones in it. Look, as long as she is used to anything, she can eat fish already, and she also eats very well. She has never been stuck by the fish bone any more.

After the fish bone was gone, she put the fish in her mouth. After tasting it, she really had some special flavor. Some of them were like the Xiangjiang fish on the other side of Yi'an. It was just that the Xiangjiang fish had some salty taste, and the fishy smell here was heavier, and of course, the cooking was too spicy.

Shen Qingci was really spicy. She quickly poured herself a cup of tea. After drinking it into her mouth, it also slowed down some spicy flavor. However, when she saw Shen Qingrong, she was good. It seemed that she could not taste the taste at all. Even so, it seemed that she did not feel good.

They all said it was sour and spicy. Shen Qingci thought, afraid that it was her sister's baby, she could really give birth to a little princess. If so, it would be good.

She put her hand on her belly. In her last life, she had no children and did not know what it was like to be a mother. She also wanted a child, a child who could call her mother.

She lowered her eyelashes, and the fish were all eaten, and they were not tasty.

Shen Qingrong's taste is excellent. Most of the fish on the table have been eaten into her stomach, but it seems that she still has not enough to eat.

Shen Qingci is worried about the fact that she has such a big stomach that the table is finished, but she still doesn't stop her chopsticks, which will break her belly. However, Shen Qingrong is not worried, and the girl who is staying at the same time is not worried.

Shen Qingci looked back and saw that her two girls were also sitting on a table. Now they are eating more happily than he is. As a master, she is not a little too useless.

She also took some fish for herself, and she also took out the thorns in the fish. This is what she learned from that man. In the past, she didn't really like fish. After eating Xiangjiang fish, she liked to eat some. Of course, her method of stabbing became more and more sophisticated.

At this time, she heard the waiter outside shouting, "ladies, please come inside." then several people came in and happened to sit at their next table.

Shen Qingci took a handkerchief and wiped her hand. She was full. However, her sister seemed to owe some. No, it seemed that she did not owe some, but owed a lot.

"Go and get another one."

Shen Qingrong finally raised his head from the bowl, and then laughed at her sister, "how, do you feel that my sister eats more?"

Shen Qingrong said that he ate too much, but he didn't feel embarrassed. He was his family, and naturally he didn't need to be polite. If he was so careful in front of his relatives, how could he feel sad in this day?

Shen Qingci was smiling and did not dare to speak. Of course, she did not dare to say that her sister ate too much. It seemed that she could not say it, nor could she speak out.

Shen Qingrong stretched out her hand and poked her sister's face. "When you're going to be a mother, you'll know this feeling. If you want to eat two people's meals, naturally, you have to eat more." what's more, she may still eat three people's meals alone. She has the feeling that her own child is twins.

Shen Qingci just smiles at her sister. What is hidden in her clear eyes? She is afraid that only she can understand.

She turned around and could not help looking at the distance. As a result, when she opened her eyes, she saw the people at that table through the screen curtain. Among these hidden beads, there was a sense of familiarity.

"Sister Shen, your make-up is so beautiful today." there was a voice outside, and the sentence also let Shen Qingrong put down her chopsticks. Maybe she was thinking about which family name Shen was in Beijing.

Shen's family name is not a big family name. In Beijing, she was able to identify these noble ladies and girls. Naturally, she spent a lot of time in the process. However, she still did not remember which family's noble daughter was Shen.

"Is this a new product of yipinxiang?" The girl asked again, "originally I wanted to buy it, but every time I went there, I didn't buy it."

"If you want, I can give you a box."

At this time, the woman surnamed Shen began to speak.

Shen Qingci took the cup's hand, slightly stopped for a moment, her red lips gently pulled, to also know, which one is this?

It turns out that the so-called familiarity is from here on.

Her face should be changed, she should also feel it, so old but faster than others, perhaps less than a year and a half, maybe even she will forget, where is her original appearance from.This is the end of sin. There is nothing pitiful about it.

And that's what she wants.

Shen Qingrong, of course, is the same with Shen Qingrong. She puts down the chopsticks she is holding in her hand. She has a good taste just now, but she is not very happy at this time.

And outside the sound continues.

"I'd like to thank sister Shen. It's really hard to buy this kind of fragrant thing. However, for sister Shen, it's just a matter of moving your fingers. The Marquis is is very pleased with sister Shen," the girl said, her voice full of admiration.

Elder sister Shen, the Marquis is is really good to you. Only elder sister, you are worthy of the status of Lady Ning Kang Hou.

Shen Yueshu was proud of this. She was smiling, but she didn't know what was hidden in her smile. She was less kind and more real.

In particular, the heavy make-up on her face, even if it is a Pinxiang Rouge powder, after too much, is to cover up the original face.

Lost a bit of true appearance, but also a bit of hypocrisy.

She gently stroked her face, but there was a ferocious look in her eyes.

"By the way," the girl lowered her voice and turned Shen Yueshu's mind back here.

"Sister Shen, I found the carriage of Prince Jun's house and Shuo's mansion just now. Do you think they will be here?" And she was also secretly aiming at those positions not far away, because they were all across the screen curtain, so she just knew that there were people sitting there, but she didn't know who they were. However, she felt that they were the right people. , the fastest update of the webnovel!