Xiao an looks like she is coming with ASU in a hurry.

"Sister su."

Brand Yu Yi called a su.

"Hello, little prince."

ASU bowed his hand and saluted the brand Yu Yi.

"Sister Su, I need your help."

Brand Yu Yi this step forward, also is to take a Su to go out.

He told ASU about the whole process, and ASU listened carefully.

"Sister Su, do you understand?"


"Ah Su nodded," this is not difficult, is my sewing is not good, may not be good-looking. "

"That's nothing."

Brand Yu Yi to feel that this is innocuous, "in that kind of secret place, I think no one can pay attention to, even himself is unable to see, others are not."

And in the future is to use some to scar prescription, also need not worry about those scar too much.

"That's good."

A Su to also did not have much to say, although she is not too husband, but such a small matter, still difficult to her, as long as do not put her needlework, in the eye.

Because her needlework is really poor.

"I'll trouble sister su."

Luo Yuyi bowed to ASU.

A su hugged his sword and handed these things to me. "If you do, be careful your mother will go back and cry to death."

"I know that."

Brand Yuyi touched his nose. He would not break the reputation of other girls. Being a doctor is one aspect, but he can't break the rules. Besides, it is a matter of life-threatening.

"When does it start?"

ASU asked brand Yu Yi, "it's over, your mother still wants you to eat. The white lion you raised is crying like crazy, as if it was abandoned. The whole house can hear its voice."

It's good not to mention it. If he mentions it, Luo Yuyi also wants to go back. He is really afraid. Peach is not happy, so he goes to harm the flowers and plants in the mansion. By then, the flowers and plants in the courtyard will be just like being eaten by dogs.

It is not that he has never done such a bad thing. He has spoiled his temper. When cousin Jing gets better, he will take peach to xiangjue temple and let his uncle take it under his control.

Really more and more bad temper, and then not good under the teaching, are able to go to the room jiewa.

"Sister Su, please."

Luo Yuyi makes ASU advanced, but he himself is following behind. He is very polite. He will not neglect him because of his identity. Who has he insulted?

ASU is his mother's guard. She always protects her mother and follows them. She has been with them for several years. Her mother doesn't treat him as a servant. How can he yell at her.

When ASU went in, he put down his sword, washed his hands in the basin on one side, and then dried his hands with a boiled cotton handkerchief.

Luo Yuyi takes off the purse hanging on his waist and takes out a small bead from it. The small bead is bigger than the soybean, which seems to be tasteless and odorless.

Xiao an cleverly poured a glass of water, but also put it on the table, and brand Yu Yi put the medicine in his hand into the water, and soon after, the medicine also melted when he saw the water.

He handed the cup to the maid on one side.

"Give her a drink."

The maid quickly took over, but when she saw the ghost mask on her face, she lowered her head and didn't dare to look around. It was clearly the evil ghost in the legend. How could it be so terrible?

And she really did not know why this one had to wear a ghost mask. It could be that this one was really ugly, so she didn't dare to show her true face.

But she did not forget to put the cup in front of Miss Wang.

After Miss Wang received it, she was also wondering whether it was medicine. It was just such a cup, and the cup seemed to be ordinary water. She took the cup to her face and smelled the taste inside.

This one has no taste.

And this is really medicine, such a perfunctory medicine, said that even the prescription is not prescribed, not to fill the medicine, also did not boil, and then gave her such a glass of water, she was sent away, that is, such a glass of water, can cure her of this disease?

And Miss Wang is absolutely not convinced.

She has seen a lot of doctors, but she can't drink a few water tanks of medicine, but she doesn't like this. She uses a glass of water to cure the disease.

She could not help but also hesitated, but finally put the cup on her mouth, and then drank.

Really, just like the smell she smelled, it was colorless and tasteless. It was like white water in her mouth. She really couldn't taste any taste. She wiped the corner of her mouth with her sleeve, but immediately, she felt that the scenery in front of her was blurry."Girl..."

The maid on one side screamed when she saw the fallen girl Wang. She thought it was a cup of poison. Would miss wang die?

"Shut up!"

A su light passed her one eye.

And the maid's open mouth, how is also unable to close.

She opened the curtain and walked in. Nobody knew what she was doing?

"I found it."

Soon after, there came the voice of ASU. Of course, if you have a good sense of smell, you can smell the house. At this time, there is a faint smell of blood.

"Are you sure you want to cut?"

ASU asked again.


When Luo Yuyi's sentence was cut off, it seemed that people outside did not even dare to take a breath. Of course, he did not think about it and wanted other people to avoid it.

If they want to be here, they are here. Of course, they have seen with their own eyes how Ashu treated Miss Wang, as long as they can resist nausea and blood.

What sound came from inside, which made the people outside feel that they were sweating and felt flustered and short of breath.

What's more, Mrs. Wang's clothes are going to get wet.

"Yi'er, how is this cured?"

Shen Qingrong picked up her own handkerchief and wiped her forehead. This is how it feels. It's strange where it is. It's frightening to be there.

"It's just cutting off a stinky thing. It doesn't affect people."


Shen Qingrong couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, "does that hurt?"

"No," he said. "It's painful. If it hurts, how can I cut it? But it does hurt. But in order to stop stinking, this kind of pain should be suffered.

I believe Miss Wang is the same.

With the skin wash desquamation, to be able to be the same as ordinary women, I believe that more than a few times the pain, she should also be willing to.

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