Yu Wenyu wiped his tears again.

"Cousin, do you know?"


Brand Yu Yi raised his eyelids. He didn't know. He didn't know anything. What did he need to know?

"Grandfather, he lied to me."

"When did he cheat you?"

"He tricked me into eating meat."

"Didn't you get the meat?"

Brand Yu Yi continues to put on the medicine, this medicine has some slight anesthetic, so soon after applying it, there is no pain like this now.

Yuwen Yu is powerless to lie down on the collapse, but also with the quilt, to avoid their own will jump up, when the pain is their own, hurt is also their own.

"Did you get meat, cousin?"

He asked again.


Yuwen Yu is powerful and powerless.

"What meat?"

Brand Yu Yi is a little curious. What kind of meat can make my cousin so angry?

Yuwen refers to biting teeth.

"A meal of fried pork with bamboo shoots."

Brand Yu Yi Tu is a smile.

"How does it taste?"

"Don't you see it?"

Yu Wenyu pointed to his back, "you can give your cousin the best and most expensive medicine, but you can't leave a scar. I can't protect my white skin. You can't leave a scar on me."

"Not broken skin, where is the scar?"

Brand Yu Yi will be in the hands of the bowl on one side, but also for him to pull up the clothes, and then gently cover the quilt for him.

Yuwenyu's mouth is still saying, be careful of his skin, don't make scars and so on, or later back to Beijing, careful that no girl is willing to marry him.

And with that he fell asleep.

Luo Yuyi picked up the small bowl on the table and prepared to go out to wash it. Later, he would like to collect more herbs from the last mountain.

At this time, he still has half a month, so he wants to leave these things to his grandfather.

When he came out, Shen Dingshan was still standing outside.

"People are good?"

He asked brand Yu Yi, although he still has a straight face, but also can feel out, his heart, is also guilty.

After all, he is his grandson. Even if he has no human nature, he can't really kill his grandson. But if you don't fight, you can't make it.

"Don't worry, my grandfather. He's OK."

Brand Yu Yi pacifies Shen Dingshan with a smile, "when my grandfather started, he controlled his strength. He didn't hurt his bones, nor did he hurt his roots. He just hurt some flesh and skin and hurt some."

"That's good."

Shen Dingshan also looked into the room, and then sighed, "if you can't teach, let him go back. Anyway, in recent years, he has also taught some manliness, as long as he can't be beaten to death."

"It's hard for my grandfather to arrive."

Luo Yuyi understands Shen Dingshan's meaning. He has tried his cousin Yu's skill. Although Yu Biao is not good at martial arts, he is not bad at being beaten. In addition to running, he can protect his vital points and drive away good luck and avoid evil. If he really meets a bad man, he can save his life in any case.

Therefore, the grandfather is really well intentioned, that is, I don't know whether my cousin knows the pains of my grandfather.

"You are a thorough man."

Shen Dingshan snorted.

Of course, this hum is not to brand Yu Yi, but to the one who has no future in it. Is it easy for him to teach an idiot like this?

"I am the grandson of my grandfather."

Shen Dingyu wants to boast again.

"That's it."

Shen Dingshan's face finally became overcast. He stretched out his hand and patted the shoulder of brand Yuyi. This is my grandson of Shen Dingshan, like my grandfather.

Brand Yu Yi can't help but smile.

After Shen Xiashan left, Luo Yuyi asked Xiao an to stay here to take care of Yu Wenyu. He also helped Yu change medicine every other hour.

It's better to do it faster.

As for Luo Yuyi himself, he took Fu Yan and peach to the mountain, but he didn't call anyone. They may go to a deeper place this time. It's inconvenient to have more people.

They have peaches and peaches. Both of them have excellent martial arts skills. In addition, they have the Dongbai sword, so they have nothing.

But when it was almost nightfall, they just went down the mountain. In addition to finding some excellent medicinal materials, Fu Yanjin brought a wild boar with a weight of 100 Jin.

This wild boar was met in the mountain. Before the wild boar could react, the peach had already gone up. Without a moment, the wild boar was killed. However, Luo Yuyi and Fu Yan had not yet touched.

The Dongbai sword in Fu Yan's hand is still used to chop branches.The others were surprised to see such a big boar. Of course, what they thought was meat, a lot of meat, and they had not eaten meat for a long time.

These things are more and more refined. They can't get wild animals, and there is no meat to eat. So they have not seen meat for months.

Fu Yan throws the wild boar in his hand on the ground.

"Let people carry it to the kitchen and add a dish to everyone."

Brand Yu Yi to a small soldier said, also let him call a few people come over, will boar to carry down.

This wild boar also does not know how many years, to grow a lot of weight, so can let everyone taste some meat.

And the little soldier was also very happy, so he called a few people to carry the boar in, but the boar was too big for them to carry. They could only call a few more people. This was the analysis and carried the pig in.

"Fu Yan has great strength."

It's unknown that Luo Yu Yi arrives. Besides the sword, Fu Yan's strength seems not small.

Fu Yan shook his arm.

"Not bad."

Brand Yu Yi smiles. Although he is wearing a half face mask, his eyes seem to have a little bit of streamer. Even the smile on the corner of his lips is also blooming.

Such a despicable childe is just a mask, such as my elegant demeanor.

"We're going."

The brand Yu Yi walks forward, Fu Yan also follows up, and peach mouth also has a rabbit in its mouth, this is it adds meal to host.

On this day, thanks to the boar, all the people in the camp ate their first meal of meat in months.

Although everyone can only get a few pieces of meat, but they have a strong flavor of broth to drink, and then eat steamed bread made of white flour. All of them are very happy. Of course, the most important thing is that they had a good meal tonight, and everyone was able to support themselves.

This kind of meat and rice is also full of strength. Of course, if there is a war, everyone will be a man and a good boy of their week.

Inside the house, Xiao an added some charcoal to the fire basin, which was made by Shen Dingshan himself.

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