But he can't help but look at the side face of brand Yu Yi again, but found his side face, now intact, even a little trace is not.

Even if it is closer, it is still as before, without a trace of defects.

This is growing well.

And obviously, this is growing well.

Luo Yuyi won't let himself leave a scar, and his wound is not too serious. In addition, he has been blanched every year and helped him to maintain his wound.

in fact, in less than three days, his injury was already very good. After about half a month, he was in such a state, and there was no scar.

Mr. Hu secretly lowered his head again.

He couldn't help but think of the face of Princess Chen. Even after two months, the medicine had been drunk, and the Yurong ointment had not been applied less, and the pain had not been less suffered. However, he still failed to raise a beautiful face, and even his hair was badly taken off.

Of course, we can't blame Shen Qingci. After all, Shen Qingci didn't let Miaomiao out of his claws. Miaomiao has become a fine one now. Everyone knows that it was picked up by Princess Shuo in those years, and the couple of Shuo's mansion raised them from childhood, and then was forcibly taken back to the palace by the emperor. This cultivation lasted for 20 years. How could it not be refined?

It's the Revenge of Princess Shuo in power, but I don't know whether it's because it has some poisonous claws, or because it's really hard to catch, so the head of Princess Chen will be dead.

However, Princess Chen still has no way to take it, because this is the cat raised by Emperor Wenyuan. In the heart of emperor Wenyuan, a princess Chen is far less important than a cat.

Therefore, Princess Chen can only bear to be born, and every day she will be heavily made up. However, she can't resist her heavy make-up. Suddenly, she seems to be old.

Even emperor Wenyuan is very rare. As soon as you see her, you will think of the impoliteness of imperial concubine Chen at that time, as well as the stinky smell of scallion flowers.

The concubine Chen, who has been rampant in the palace for more than ten years and has been arrogant for more than ten years, has completely lost her power. If the second prince is still the former second prince, then Princess Chen can not lose power so quickly. But now, relying on the second prince, it is better to move herself.

As for why?

When he arrived at the second prince's palace, he was stunned for a long time.

"How did he do that?"

Now, who is the pig that can stand up to three.

Not the second prince, who is it?

The poisonous insects he gave him should have been gone for a long time, so even if he was fat at last, it was impossible for him to be fat?

At least, it's just that it's not good-looking, but it's impossible to be fat, even if the bed collapses.

"Didn't I tell him to eat less and move more?"

Even though his face was scratched by imperial concubine Chen, he didn't want to raise a pig in the palace. How expensive is the food now? He can eat three people's share. What do other people want to eat?

Could it be that because he was alone, three people died of starvation.


Mr. Hu is really hard to say.

"The emperor had his highness beat several boards, and then his highness was in bed for a month, and then..."

And then what else is there, and then?

In the past, I could still walk for a while. I would like to invite this one and that one. However, it is still moving. But after being beaten, it is more reasonable to eat, sleep, eat, drink and Lazar. All of them are collapsed. Normal people will grow fat, not to mention the second prince who eats more.

Who is to blame for this?

Blame eunuch, blame him, or blame emperor Wenyuan.

"Little prince, look at it quickly. Can the second prince be cured like this?"

All the doctors have been invited and diagnosed, and the medicine has also been taken. In the end, the medicine has been poured down a lot, but what's the matter, it's getting fatter.

If it goes on like this, the second prince will be fat and become the emperor, but the Empress Dowager is old. The second prince is still young. If he wants to be so fat, he will really wait to die.

It's less than three months since he opened the curtain. At the beginning, the second prince was still very casual, and even wanted to give the crown prince to the younger man.

Now it's full of fat.

He took the second emperor's hand, and the second prince is still snoring with thunder. In the daytime, they are all sleeping.

It's sunny outside. Can he really sleep?

As for the second prince's pulse, there is nothing bad about it?

It can only be said that if this kind of thing had been used in the poor people, it would have been useless. So the second prince said frankly that he had lived a very good life.

"Little prince, how to treat this one?"

When Duke Hu saw that he had come out, he also rushed forward and asked."It is easy to cure when cured."

Luo Yuyi comes out and goes to the window, and then opens the window with his own hands. The second prince, since he is fat, eats, drinks and shakes, most of which are solved by collapse.

He has not been bathed for a long time, so he has a sour smell. Maybe the people in the palace try their best to hide his stink.

That's why we light incense in the house.

"Use less of them in the future."

Brand Yu Yi opened the window, also walked back, conveniently also destroyed those benzoin in the stove.

"Is it to keep him awake for a long time

If you sleep like this again, you will become a pig.

Hu Gonggong is also urging one side.

"Quick, quick, every word is for our family to remember, a word can not be wrong, if a word is wrong, take them for questioning."

Several eunuchs also nodded in a hurry, and even took notes down.

Luo Yuyi covers the censer again, and then comes out. The smell here is too strong. It seems that there is a smell of bedpan, which makes his nose really unbearable.


He couldn't help but sneeze.

And Duke Hu was also in a hurry with several eunuchs.

"Little prince, what else?"

"Most of them open the window.

Brand Yu Yi rubbed his nose, and he understood why his mother didn't like other tastes in the house so much?

Because her nose can smell a lot, if the smell is too strong, as he is now.

Duke Hu quickly asked the eunuch to write it down again.

"Little prince, do you want to prescribe some medicine?"

Mr. Hu is careful to ask brand Yu Yi again, how, still do not prescribe medicine?


Luo Yuyi looks back and asks Duke Hu.

"Why prescribe medicine?"

"Why not prescribe medicine?" Hu Gonggong didn't understand, "how can you treat a disease if you don't prescribe medicine?"

"He's not ill. He doesn't have to take any medicine. What's more, it's useless to take too much medicine now. Even if he takes a medicine to search for a river."

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