However, when a Sheng opened the cellar, he found that none of his family's food, including the sweet potato in a cellar, was gone.


Ah Sheng doesn't believe it. It's impossible.

"Daddy, do you have any sweet potatoes?" He was still afraid that Amy dad had sold all the sweet potatoes in the cellar for saving him, just to raise money.

"I don't have one."

My father remembers very clearly that he has never touched those sweet potatoes. He should have never thought of them. Besides, every household has sweet potatoes, and it is impossible to sell them for much money.

Amy dad quickly went down to the cellar and thought that it was the sweet potato in the inside. As a result, there was no sweet potato, and the inside was empty, even the winter they saved All the dishes are gone.

How can it be? Where's his food?

Even if he and a Sheng have an accident, it's impossible for someone to move the things inside. Don't forget that there is may still be May.

These are all things that have their own masters. The villagers will not move.

"A Sheng, uncle Lin..."

Above the cellar, suddenly came the sound of Amin.

A Sheng went up in a hurry and saw that Amin was walking towards this side with a pile of things in his arms.

"Ah Sheng, you are really there."

A Ming saw a Sheng, but also ran over, and then put the things in his arms, into a Sheng's hands.

"What is this?"

A Sheng is holding a pile of things, which is also inexplicable. How can you give him these things? What are these?

"These are your family stuff."

Amin sheepishly scratched his head, "uncle was taken away by those people, your house collapsed. It was not under me at that time. I thought if I could find something to use when you came back."

"But I just found these clothes and quilts. My aunt has washed them and can still use them. Ah Qiang, they also found some and will send them to you later."

"It is..."

Amin is also a little difficult to say, "your cellar inside the grain and sweet potato, are your milk to take away, we can not stop."

"You can hold it for me."

A Sheng put those things in his arms into Amin's hands. I'm going to ask them for an explanation.

Why should they take the sweet potatoes of his house and the grain of his house?

It doesn't mean that they don't recognize them. It doesn't mean that no matter whether they live or die, why should they take their things? They have only a little food. If it is true, Adow said that those people are vampires, who eat human flesh and drink human blood. One day later, they must be sucked dry by them.

And his eyes were red, and the blue veins on his neck were also protruding.

As a result, a hand was put on his shoulder,

"ah Sheng, forget it."

"Why not?"

A Sheng didn't want to forget it. It was their food. Why should those people in the left family take it?

"When they get to them, you think you can get them back. Besides, if they don't admit it, you can force them to admit it, no?"

May dad pulled at the corners of his mouth. How could he not know that Zuo's temperament was just to take it in from the outside, and there was no reason to take it out.

Even if those sweet potatoes stink, moldy, long hair, it is impossible to take out a little to give to others.


Ah Ming is also persuading a Sheng. He is afraid that he will suffer losses if he tries to find someone to argue with. There are three men in the family. If you fight, you can't beat him.

"They all came to take those things in the middle of the night. If you go to ask for them now, they won't admit it."

A Sheng's chest fluctuates violently from time to time, and the hands that he held together also burst out the blue veins on the back of one hand.

"Go, go back."

Amy dad picked up a few things he dug up and prepared to go back. There was nothing left to take. Those things with a little value must have been taken away by Zuo A'nu.

Those worthless, even if it is taken back, it is useless, so let's go.

As a matter of fact, they also want to build a new house. If the old one does not go, the new one will not come.

Ah Sheng, this is the tone of relaxation, but he for Zuo a milk, and left uncle hate is deeper.

At the beginning, Zuo a nu bullied their family. He remembered that he took his clothes and his sister's things. He also remembered that he could not forgive them in his whole life.

Even if Amy dad wants to recognize them, he won't agree.

When the two father and son returned to the old house of the Lin family, they also put all those things down. No matter how old it was, they would not dislike it. No matter how broken it was, they bought them bit by bit. They also saved the tables and chairs. They cut trees from the mountains and made them by themselves.It's also true.

Amy dad poured himself a bowl of water and drank a big bowl after a few sips.

Then he wiped his face and gave the bowl to a Sheng.

A Sheng also drank a bowl, also did not have that kind of thirst.

"A Sheng, you take all the things you brought back from the town. When we go to Lizheng's home and other villagers' homes, we will pay back all the things we owe."

"Daddy, can you remember that?"

A Sheng is worried about Amy dad. If he can't remember, how can he do it?

"Don't worry."

My father bowed his head and poured a bowl of water for himself.

"I don't have much skill, but my memory is not bad. Your father may not remember what others owe us, but if we owe it to others, we will remember it very clearly."

After hearing this, a Sheng took up the things they had bought. First, he went to Lizheng and several other clan elders.

Li Zheng guessed that they would come. If it was true, it was really coming.

He reached out and patted a Sheng on the shoulder.

Is this all right?

"Uncle, don't worry. I was brought back when I was still on the way. Although I was locked up for a few days, I didn't feel cold or hungry."

"That's good. That's good."

Li Zheng was relieved to hear a Sheng say so.

As long as it's OK, those things outside the body will go, and the others will not stab. If you do well for a few years, you can make a good life.

A Sheng paid back the money he owed and put the things he had brought on the table.

A dim sum, a catty of meat, and a pot of sprinkle, which do not say a few, even if only a pro sample, if used to send people, it is already very face-to-face.

A Sheng's father and son didn't stay here much. They had to pay back other people's money. If they put down their things, they left. , the fastest update of the webnovel!