Shen Qingci walked into his own room. As soon as he came in, he heard the sound of his stomach.

She touched her stomach. It seemed that she had forgotten to eat. How long has she not eaten? It seems like a day?

it is no wonder that Bai Mei reminded her that it was time to have dinner every other time. In fact, it was also because of her concentration and excessive concentration that she sometimes forgot when she was busy.

Now there is no white plum, so no one reminds her to have dinner.

It's hard for a Sheng to be hungry with her.

"Xiaomei, I can't leave you so much."

Shen Qingci sighed. If she could go home, she would give Baimei more money. She really owes her a lot these years. Otherwise, I don't know whether she can live to the present safely without being starved to death.


There was a knock on the door.

"Come in, the door is not locked."

Shen Qingci sat down and poured herself a cup of tea. First, she coaxed her stomach. After a while, she went to the kitchen to look for something. I wonder if there is anything for her to eat?

But she thought that Yu Niang should have left something for her.

The door outside opened, and jade Niang came in with a basket in her hand.

Shen Qingci touched her stomach. She was really hungry, but she forgot how long she hadn't been like this. She was hungry, and her hands and feet were floating and her body was weak.

Yu Niang put the basket on the table, and then put the contents on the table one by one. There were sweet potato porridge that Shen Qingci loved to eat, as well as steamed buns, and a plate of stir fried vegetable seedlings. These seedlings are the recent small vegetable seedlings, but they are very tender and delicious.

Thank you, auntie. I'm really hungry.

Shen Qingci picked up the chopsticks and ate it. Yu Niang also stood aside and said with a helpless smile, "I knew you must be hungry. This is a whole day without food. Your aunt said that as long as you get busy, you will forget to eat even if you are busy. This is really the case. "

SHEN Qingci had a mouthful of sweet potato porridge. In fact, she wanted to say that she could remind her to think about it. If they think so, they think so.

After a bowl of sweet potato porridge, she felt her stomach was more comfortable. Of course, after she was not hungry, her hands and feet also had some strength.

And she ran to the place where the sweet potato was planted, and squatted there, and she was scared to the jade Niang.

It's not evil, is it?

She told ah duo Niang about it the next day.

After hearing this, ah duo Niang couldn't help laughing.

"It's OK. She was like this. At that time, our mother and daughter were poor, and there were only one or two acres of land in our family. When I raised sweet potato seedlings every year, she was like this. She squatted there, waiting for the sweet potato seedlings to sprout. She was afraid that the planting would not be good. We would have no food rations in the second half of this year."

Before that, ah duo Niang couldn't help but red eyes. At that time, the life was really hard. Only those who had experienced it would understand it. Of course, only their mother and daughter could understand.

Even if life is better now, sometimes if you think about it, I still feel very sad.

Jade Niang just wants to persuade a duo Niang, also be to let her not cry, ah duo Niang is to press with the handkerchief to press own canthus.

"Look at me, I think a lot."

She gently stroked her stomach, "with this small one, I found that I was more worried. When I was pregnant with ah duo, it was not like this. The child must be like his father, and he has a sad and hurt spring temperament."

After hearing what ah duo Niang said, Yu Niang was relieved that she would not think much about it. If she had known this, she would not come, and she would not talk about these things. The ordinary ah duo Niang also remembered the past, which made her sad.

In fact, don't say ah duo Niang, even she is the same.

Before those things, is really can't think more, otherwise, those memories are like thorns, may be deeply into their own hearts, and then also for a long time can not be restored.

Sex, now their life is much better, they don't have to suffer anymore, right?

Yu Niang was still afraid that ah duo Niang would think more, so she went to find Mrs. Li Zheng to come over. These people talked about Zhang Jia's long life and Li's short life together, so she would not think about other things.

After Yuniang went back, she saw Shen Qingci squatting on the ground, almost without blinking at the soil planted with sweet potatoes, as if she wanted to pick up the soil at any time and want to know what kind of sweet potato seedlings had grown inside?

SHEN Qingci was curious and wanted to know how such a small sweet potato could grow small seedlings.

Jade Niang can't help but sigh, and after a duo Niang's explanation, she didn't persuade Shen Qing to quit.

This habit, which came from childhood, can not be changed overnight. Even though the life of the Lin family is better now, Shen Qingci still likes to squat, just to wait for sweet potato to sprout.But I have to say, this is really a good misunderstanding.

Shen Qingci comes over every day, but she looks at it every day. She also asks a Sheng whether she has not planted well, so it is bad. Do you want to cut some sweet potatoes and plant them again.

A Sheng said that it was not so fast, and asked her to wait. However, the more Shen Qing CI Qing felt, the more difficult this word was.

On this day, Shen Qingci suddenly opened his eyes, and people also sat up with her, and she did not get up so early for a long time.

She rubbed her forehead, as if to hear that strange sound, but still can not remember what the sound is, Dong Dong Dong, seems to be able to knock her soul.


Huali jumped to the collapse, but also rubbed her hand with her small head from time to time.

"Are you hungry?"

Shen Qingci picked it up.

There was a few more peals.

"I'll take you out to eat."

Shen Qingci said that she opened the quilt and took the cat out to eat. She got up a little earlier. May, they haven't got up yet, and the day outside is also dim and bright.

Shen Qingci first went to see the field, but still did not feel the emergence of seedlings.

Sometimes, she really felt that something was wrong, but whether it was a Sheng or a COMEY, they said that it would take some time, and then some time.


The cat rubbed her chin with her head again, and let the owner take him to eat.

"I see."

Shen Qingci took it to the kitchen and found some small fish to feed it.

Ah Yue caught these little fish. I don't know how he had time to catch so many of them. He said it was the rations he had saved for Huali, which he loved very much. If he was hungry, he would catch a handful of them, and he would eat up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!