He has been walking in the snow for more than half a day. There is no sunrise or sunset, only the ice white in his eyes, and the flying snow that is almost lost in his eyes.

Now he just wants to find a place to rest like a cave, so that they can escape the storm.

The left brothers are also walking forward because of difficulties. As for asking them when they can find a place to settle down, they don't know whether they can say it or not. It seems that they are lost.

Because they haven't been in such a high mountain for a long time, and because of the wind and snow, the landform above the snow mountain has been changing all the time, so that if they don't come in a few months, it may be the opposite change.

In addition, there is such a heavy rain, not to mention other landforms. Even if they want to go back, they can't find the way they came. The footprints they left have been buried by the wind and snow for a long time. It can be said that it doesn't take a moment for the wind and snow to wipe away all the footprints they left when they came.

"It's all you."

What do you want me to do with money

Zuo's brother was scolded for being angry. When Zuo Bei wanted to argue with he, Zuo Nan took his brother's hand and shook his head at him.

forget it, one more thing is better than one less thing. It's better to save some energy to find a way out, even if you can't find a way out Snow place, otherwise, they have to freeze to death here.

He childe mouth or mother scold, talk is not too good to hear, is also buckle small ten, very want to get angry.

When he wanted to murmur again, he felt a cold wind fall on him. He couldn't help but raise his face. It happened that he was also impatient with Xiao Shi.

"What are you looking at?"

"Do you think I'd like to see you?"

Xiao Shi cut him off.

"What qualifications do you have to curse here now? They both said that it's too snowy today, so it's better to stay in the cave for one day. It's you who have to go up the mountain and run out of the cave without permission. We come out to find you. Now you're pushing all the mistakes on others."


He childe is me again, but the cooling in small ten's eyes is more and more heavy, "you'd better start from now on, don't say half a word again, I'm sick when I hear your voice."


Before he said anything, he felt that his neck was tight. He opened his mouth wide and his eyes were scared.

His neck.

He was pinched by the neck.

This man is trying to break his neck, isn't he?

"I said," Xiaoshi is very irritable now. If it wasn't for this idiot, how could he freeze into a dog here now? He went to the mountain to find a fox, not to die. Even if he wanted to die, he would rather go to war with his grandfather, die for his country than die on such a snowy mountain.

He had been resisting the impulse to crush the idiot, but the idiot had to hit him.

"If you want to live, give me your mouth, or I'll strangle you."

"Young master Yuwen..."

The left brother was also frightened.

"It's against the law to kill."

"Breaking the law?"

Small ten directly let go of the hand, is also on the ground to grasp a handful of snow, his hand to wipe clean.

"When I killed him, he killed himself."

Young master he covered his neck with his hands, almost all of which was to put his head into his neck. For the first time, he was so close to death and suffered from itching. In his whole life, he didn't want to encounter the second time.

In this world, it is true that the wicked need to be grinded by the wicked, that people are good at being bullied, and that horses are good at being ridden.

Childe he can only bully the two brothers of the left family, but there are more people in the world who are not afraid of him, especially now Xiaoshi, who is full of resentment.

"Keep going."

He said that there was no place in front of them, even if he wanted to find a place where he could not hide his family.

Several people walked forward with one foot deep and one foot shallow. He, who was still complaining all the way, finally closed his mouth. Now he didn't dare to spit out half a word. Only his body, which was shaking from time to time, seemed to be the only one who had the instinct to move forward.

Suddenly, a plop came from behind him

when Xiao Shi turned his head, he saw that he was lying on the ground and had been buried by snow for most of his body. Fortunately, the place he was looking for was snow mountain. The ground was covered with snow, which was soft.If you change it to another place, you will have to be flattened.

"Master he!"

Zuobei used to help Mr. He, but now his eyes are closed, and he is as soft as mud. He can't help himself.

"Young master he? "

Zuo Bei photographed Mr. He's face several times, but he didn't wake up all the time.


"What shall we do?"

Left North anxiously asked left South, this person is dizzy, don't know is frozen dizzy or hungry, and no matter what dizzy, it doesn't matter, they just know now, people dizzy.

"Can't you wake up?"

Left South also walked to come over, squatted down, but he sees of he childe this one face of green and white, in the heart is also a fear, if really can't wake up to want how to do?

They are now unable to move, not to mention with such a sleepy person.

And this is a snow mountain. The temperature on the snow mountain is very low, much lower than they expected.

They can walk slowly when they arrive, and it's not impossible to carry him on his back, but if they don't move, they will be frozen to death if they lie on their stomach all the time.

"Mr. He?"

Zuo Nan held out his hand and patted Mr. He's face.

"Mr. He, you can't sleep. You will die if you sleep."

But Mr. He was lying there with no bones. Now, apart from breathing out, the whole person is no different from death.

"Young master Yuwen..."

Zuo Nan's rescuer is also looking at Xiao Shi. Somehow, he just feels that Yu Wen is not an ordinary man. Surely he knows how to do it?

they all listen to him whether to take it away, or leave it here, or dig a hole to bury it.

"Get out of the way!"

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