Sujie put down the bowl, and then covered the quilt for her, "you lie down for a while, rest your eyes, I will bring you the food."

"Thank you."

Shen Qingci seems to have nothing else to say but thank you.

No amount of promise is better than a real reward in the future.

Su Jie smiles. It's fate.

She bent down and picked up her daughter.

The child has grown taller and heavier, of course. Her only hope now is that without her, she does not know what she is doing alive?

She took her daughter back to her house. She went to the kitchen and cooked breakfast. She also took out the bacon that she was reluctant to eat.

She remembered what the doctor had said. She said that Miss Shen was in poor health. She didn't know how long she was hungry? The whole body is only skin and bones left, but it's not until now that I'm sick. This perseverance is too much.

So it's better to have a good baby now. If it's not good, it may become a sick girl in the future. This is what a girl is. If she really wants to drink medicine for a lifetime in the future, it's too pitiful.

In the end, she met, it is impossible to really let go.

She cut some meat, but also more is to dig some lard, saute the cabbage full of oil and water.


Su Jie puts the bowl in Shen Qingci's hand, and a piece of cotton cloth is carefully padded under the bowl, so that it won't get hot.

Shen Qingci grabs rice in her mouth. She gets the taste of bacon. The bacon is delicious. Even if she is not a meat lover, the speed of grabbing rice is faster now.

After dinner, and then drink a bowl of hot soup, all of a sudden feel a lot more comfortable in her stomach, that is, she still feel that she does not have much strength.

Shen Qingci extended his hand again.

"Any more?"

Sujie takes Shen Qingci's bowl of soup, and I'll give you some more.

Shen Qingci touches his money bag and puts it in the air.

"Take it."

Sujie still doesn't want to take it.

She has bad eyes. If she wants to leave, she has no money on her body, but she can't. If she uses the money, what should she do when she has no money to pay back when she wants to leave?

"I have more."

Shen Qingci's hand was still in the air.

"You take it," she said with a smile. She was blacker than most people, and had a special luster. Although it was a little abrupt, it was still beautiful.

"Take it and buy more meat. I really want to make it raw."

She's blind. She doesn't know what she's become. Now when she holds her wrist and touches her bones, she almost follows the bone bag.

So thin, and then a good face, now I'm afraid it's like a skeleton.

That person starved her for more than half a month, she could not be more and more beautiful, only more and more ugly, now she even has no strength to get up.

A good meal, a good care, to go home.

Su Jie sighed, "are you sure you still have one?"


Shen Qingci nodded, "yes, even if I don't have it, I'll make it."

Sujie took the silver, but she didn't believe what she said. She said that a sound person can't earn money easily. For example, these people in the village can't dig out much food in the field all year round. What can a blind woman earn?

She took the money bag, thinking that if it's not good, it's best. If she really had to spend it, she would save some. If she wanted it, she would return it to others.

But when she thought of her family, she didn't have any money in her hand. She always ate coarse vegetables and light rice. Occasionally, she could buy some meat and dumplings for Yueyue.

She can't afford to buy meat every day.

That person's health is really bad. If you don't keep it well, it will be bad.

It can only be used first, and then she takes more embroidery work.

She took the money bag to her house, but when she opened it, she was surprised. There were many copper plates in it, including some big pieces of silver. There were twenty taels of silver, and twenty taels of silver were enough for the family to eat for a year.

She quickly picked up the money bag and ran to Shen Qingci's room. She also told her that there were more than twenty taels of silver in it. She had better give it back to her.

Shen Qingci didn't know how much was in it. After weighing it up, he felt that it was so much. It turned out that it was really.

"Enough meat?"

Shen Qingci asked Sujie.

"Enough to buy some pigs."

Sujie put the money bag in her hand, "you'd better take it."Shen Qingci touches the money bag and pushes it forward. He doesn't know if it's facing the right direction. Anyway, it shouldn't be much different.

"Take it for meat. I have more."

Sujie didn't speak, and of course she didn't answer.

"Can you read?"

Shen Qingci asked her.

She couldn't see her face, but she didn't look like an ordinary village woman at all.

"I can read some words."

Sujie is embarrassed to smile, went to school for several years.

Shen Qingci touched himself, then took out a silver note and put it in front of Su Jie's face, "how much do you think it is?"

Su Jie lowered her head to see that she couldn't help but widened her eyes and took a breath.

"A thousand Liang!"

"So many?"

Shen Qingci thought that she still had seven or eight banknotes on her body. These banknotes were almost the same size. Even if they were not 1000 Liang, they were all 500 Liang, which should be enough for her to go back.

And she couldn't help but sneer in her heart.

Lin yunniang was really generous. Of course, she was cruel. She used the money she earned from yipinxiang to pit her.

Her hard-earned money was used to buy murderers in the end.

Think about it, she felt that the stupidest thing she had done in her life was to give the silver to the one surnamed Lin.

Shen Qingci's sudden resentment also scares Sujie.

"Are you ok?"

"It's OK," Shen Qingci said with a smile, shaking the silver note in the air, "do you want this?"

"No, I don't want to."

Sujie immediately shook her hands. She didn't dare to ask for so much silver, and she didn't dare to take other people's things.

In fact, Shen Qingci really wants to give it to her, and she still has a few. However, she is as pure as she imagined, and she is not greedy for money.

SHEN Qingci knows that her luck is not bad. As the old monk said, she has many twists and turns in her life, but she can always turn the bad into the good. It seems that he is right.

After she went back, she mostly donated some sesame oil money to xiangjue temple, also thanks to the blessing of god Buddha. She believed that the old monk must have read a lot of sutras for her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!