Chapter 72: Free Addition (3)

Chapter 72: Free Addition (3)

“So it’s the Viper Knights again.” said Vhant after checking the double snake symbol on the bodies on the next day. He’d returned before his drink had cooled, just as he’d promised, leaving the soldiers to collect the bodies and stack them in a corner.

“That’s right. Henry mentioned that he hadn’t been able to prevent one from escaping, so these guys were probably sent to finish the job .”

When Vhant woke up the next day sober, Von told him what had happened. Vhant checked the symbol on the bodies, bowed turning red and said, “Sir Von, thank you so much. And also, I apologize.”

“No, it’s alright. I’m just glad that at least one of us was sober.”

Vhant felt that his nickname as the gatekeeper had become a source of shame and hung his head. However, Von quickly changed the subject to ease his embarrassment.

“So anyway... Since the knights arrived here so quickly, I guess that means Count Eisen has not acted yet.”

Vhant replied with a dry cough, “Hmm, it’s highly likely that Count Eisen has not called the reporting order, but since the situation has changed, Aubert will be on his toes.”


“That’s right. Even if Eisen threatened Aubert with the bodies of the Viper Knights and Munke, Aubert can deny everything as long as he can completely get rid of Salgaera through the knights.”

“Then it would be the ideal for Marquis Aubert not to receive any reports from these guys.”

“I wouldn’t say it’s ideal, but there’s no way that he would place any bets if he hasn’t received a report.” Acting without clear information would mean risking a larger problem in the future. Salmora hadn’t expected that Von would become an obstacle, and he wouldn’t report to Aubert until the reporting order was made.

“Then what do you think is the ideal way to deal with those guys?”

Vhant pondered for some time and then gave an answer. “In my opinion, I think it’s best to send these guys to Count Eisen as well.”

“These guys as well?”

“Wouldn’t this be the perfect evidence against Marquis Aubert? These guys have the snake symbol and I can also say that my life was endangered.”

“I think that’s a great idea. Then I will proceed as you suggest.”

They had a fresh opportunity to attack Marquis Aubert. However, there was a slight problem.

“Hmm... But, Sir Vhant, are you going to be the one handing them over to Count Eisen? As you know it’s kind of difficult for me to meet Eisen...”

“Ah! I forgot about that part. I could hand them over, but to do that, I would have to ask the capital for assistance, so it will take some time.”

The distance between the capital and Salgaera was quite far. Waiting for the assistance to arrive in Salgaera then traveling all the way to Count Eisen would eat up an unimaginable amount of time.

Von took some time to think and said, “Sir Vhant, then why don’t we do this: I’ll take them myself and hand them over to Henry. Does that sound okay?”

“You’re saying we should leave it up to Sir Henry again?”

“That’s right. It would take too long for you to go, Sir Vhant, and I can’t go myself, so wouldn’t it best for Henry to do it, since he’s already acquainted with Eisen? I think that would save a lot of time.”

“Alright, I guess we don’t have much of a choice. I’m sure Sir Henry has already met Count Eisen by now. I’ll give you an empty carriage so you can put those guys in there.”

“Thank you.”

“Ah, by the way, Sir Von.”


“Are you sure you’re okay leaving without seeing the villagers...?”

“It’s alright. There’s nothing that I can do for them anyway even if I see them. I’m satisfied with knowing that they’re doing well.”


Von had asked after them because he had served Henry in the past, and he knew that Henry cared for the exiles. He smiled slightly and said, “Sir Vhant.”


“Let’s hang in there a little longer. I’m sure there will be a good day for us soon.”

After Henry’s death, the two had worried about their unpredictable future, but it seemed like there was some hope now. Von hadn’t told Vhant everything, but for some reason, Vhant seemed to have hope on his face.

The carriage started to head for Vivaldi.

* * *

Full of apology, the emperor called the best priest in the palace to treat Aubert. He had cut all the way into Aubert’s armpit, but it healed perfectly, as if nothing had happened. However, Aubert’s pride was still damaged.

‘Grr, that impudent bastard.’?Even a worm turned when stepped on. He never expected that he would be humiliated by someone who was too inept to become a marquis. ‘When did he plan this?’

The emperor had ordered more supplies to be sent to the exiles at the National Assembly, so Eisen must have learned about it then. He had kept silent for an entire year, only to ambush Aubert with this plan. There was no way Aubert could have foreseen it. He was angry because he’d been humiliated by such a fool, not because the emperor had stabbed him or that he’d been forced to kneel.

“I apologize, Marquis Aubert,” said Salmora, bowing to Aubert.

Even though Salmora was the tenth sword of the Imperial Ten Swords, he was aware of Aubert’s power. When the reporting order was lifted, Salmora couldn’t help feeling nervous because he hadn’t heard back from the assassins he’d sent. The atmosphere of the room was chilly and he nervously swallowed as if he were inside a snake’s mouth.

Without saying a word, Aubert looked at the bowing Salmora with a fierce look.

‘How incompetent.’

Although his wound had healed perfectly, Aubert still felt as though his armpit were stinging and to distract himself from the pain, he poured himself a glass of strong alcohol.

“Hooo...” Aubert smoked a rolled-up cigarette and sighed heavily.

‘Gulp.’?Salmora swallowed nervously once again.

As someone who only grew up reading books, Aubert was not the type of person to beat others up when reprimanding them, and knew that it would do no good other than hurt his own hands if he chose violence. However, his lack of action to reprimand made Salmora nervous.


Aubert released another breath of smoke, filling the room with its scent. The cigarette was now shorter than a thumbnail. Aubert inhaled the last bit of his cigarette and rubbed it out in a large jade ashtray. “It’s time to... change my ashtray.”

The ashtray was full of cigarette butts and ash. Salmora nervously swallowed again.

“Salmora,” said Aubert.

“Yes, Marquis.”

“Why don’t we have a drink?”

“Yes, Marquis!”

Salmora hurriedly looked for a glass. However, his face hardened when he realized that the only drinking glass was the one that belonged to Aubert. Aubert put a new cigarette in his mouth and inhaled deeply, flicking the ash into the ashtray. “What are you doing? Raise your glass," said Aubert, pointing at the jade ashtray.

The jade ashtray was big and beautiful, but it was full of cigarette butts and ash; it was impossible to put one’s mouth close to it. Salmora’s eye twitched when he realized that the ashtray was bigger than a beer glass.

“Take it.”

However, there was no choice. Salmora tried to hide the change in his expression and picked up the heavy jade ashtray.

Gurgle, gurgle...

The ashtray was full of bitter hard liquor. Aubert filled his own glass, which was the size of his thumb. Aubert noticed that Salmora’s expression had darkened. He raised his glass and said, “Why? Were you expecting a toast?”


“It would be nice if we can make a toast next time.”

Aubert finished his drink first. Salmora drank from the jade ashtray, his facial muscles twitching involuntarily.

Gulp, gulp.

Salmora’s soft groans filled the room and he eventually finished the entire drink. It was extremely horrible. He clenched his jaw and placed the ashtray back on the table.


Aubert once again flicked the ashes from his cigarette into the empty ashtray and said, “Have you not heard anything from the third unit?”


“I guess it wasn’t enough for them to only destroy the fifth unit. Now they’ve also destroyed the third.”

Only Aubert and Salmora knew about this secret mission. After giving it some thought, Aubert decided that it was due to two possibilities. ‘Someone must have been spying on us for a long time or there is a traitor among us.’

The second possibility seemed unlikely. The traitor would have to be one of the Viper Knights, but it didn’t make sense that they would destroy one of their own. Aubert decided to go along with his first possibility.

‘If I go along with the first possibility, Eisen is a prime suspect because he would have been planning this for the past year.’

No one other than Eisen came into mind. No one else had enough power to cut off Hiram’s arm and destroy the assassins.


“Yes, Marquis.”

“For now, you will stay off Salgaera.”

“I understand.”

“Instead, look for someone other than the Viper Knights to assassinate Count Eisen.”

Salmora’s eyes widened. How was it possible to kill a member of the Patrician Families? Even though Count Eisen wasn’t as powerful as Aubert, it would still cause a huge problem. However, Salmora could also understand how much the marquis he served was holding back his rage.

Salmora bowed once again and said, “Understood.”

It was said that anger always flowed down from a higher place. Thus, Salmora’s eyes boiled with anger as much as Aubert’s did.