"You'll soon have two more sisters."

Fang Junrong put down his chopsticks and said to his son Li Shize.

During dinner, Fang Junrong officially announced the news. Li said that the two children in the family listened to her more, so she handed over the announcement.

Originally with a shallow smile of Li's expression solidified, puzzled eyes to Fang Junrong, "is not a?" Besides the song of songs, who else? Why doesn't he know?

Fang Junrong showed a perfect smile, the corners of his eyes and eyebrows were happy, and he mentioned Zhong Yi's matter, "that child is really poor, and there is no parents to help, so I want to help her."

She mentioned Xiajiang Yage by the way.

Li Shize is dispensable, even if there are two more sisters in the family, that is, two more mouths. At this time, he did not think of the property distribution. In his eyes, his parents would not leave their property to outsiders.

Li Xinyun some displeasure Du mouth, "they will live in our home then?" She didn't like it, as if her own private space had been encroached upon.

Li Enjin frowned, "does she work in the white crane? How can a really good girl go to work there

His tone showed a slight disgust, obviously very despised Zhong Yi's identity, but more dissatisfied with his wife's not talking to him, he was going to adopt a girl again. For a family like them, it's not a matter of adding a pair of chopsticks when they are really adopted. When they get married, they will definitely send out a dowry.

Fang Junrong's heart chuckles: on the double label Li engjin, isn't Jiang Yage also working there? But in his eyes is out of the mud but not dye, good self-improvement good girl. Of course, it's also possible that they don't know about Jiang Yage's past experience. It's not something to be proud of. Jiang Yage can't tell anyone about it.

She suddenly looked forward to the scene when Jiang Ya Ge came.

Although there are a lot of abdominal Fei in her heart, but her face is still a gentle expression, "the child is to raise medical expenses for grandma will go to that place, so I want to give her a chance."

"Her life experience is more pitiful than Jiang Yage. Since they have adopted Jiang Yage, I don't mind having more daughters. Besides, I asked the master to ask about Zhong Yi's life style, which is good for our family. " Of course, this is what she said casually.

What else did Li want to say, but when he heard Jiang Ya Ge, he made a compromise. After all, Zhong Yi sounded worse than Jiang Ya Ge. He opened his mouth and finally said, "I'm just afraid you'll be cheated. Money is a small matter, for fear of your emotional injury. "

"Since you appreciate her, let her come. I still don't believe in the character of the girls who come out of that place. I will observe her carefully next

If his mouth could speak before, it was clear that he was not willing to let Zhong Yi come over. Speaking out of his mouth was like protecting Fang Junrong from being cheated. The more he got along with him, the more he hated his hypocrisy.

Then, he talked about some stories he had heard in the shopping mall. The girl from the club used her heart to climb up to a rich man to be a mistress. Even with high means, she could even run out of her original match, and her junior became a regular.

After a few stories, people in that place were successfully stamped with the labels of "deep thinking" and "climbing dragon and phoenix".

Although Zhong Yi hasn't come here yet, looking at the expressions of his son Li Shize and his daughter Li Xinyun, they have a bad impression of Zhong Yi's being the first to enter the country. In fact, this is also indirectly hit Fang Junrong's face, but Fang Junrong is not angry.

Keep talking! Anyway, these words he said will be slapped in the face of Jiang Ya Ge.

Speaking of it, Li's previous life was so painful that she even doubted whether Jiang Yage was his illegitimate daughter. Later, after she secretly made an identification, she found that they were not related by blood.

It was also a mystery to her heart.

After Fang Junrong returned to the room, about half an hour later, her precious daughter Li Xinyun came slowly. Seeing that her face was full of "unhappy", Fang Junrong only felt particularly nostalgic.

She said with a smile: "this time, you have endured for half an hour to come to me. You have made progress."

Li Xinyun hummed and looked a little bit arrogant, "after my mother had two more intimate daughters, I was not worth the money."

Fang Junrong shook his head, "you will always be my most important treasure, no one can compare with it."

"Can't my brother compare with him?"

"Of course." Fang Junrong did not hesitate to say that if she was born again 20 years earlier, she was afraid to have a direct abortion, not this barbecue.

Li Xinyun's face really eased down. Her beautiful little face showed a puzzled expression, "why does mother want to adopt her daughter all of a sudden?"

Fang Junrong knows that her daughter's city is not deep, before divorce, if let her know, it is easy to show clues. What's more, before Jiang Ya Ge appeared, Li also acted like a good father.

She touched her head and said, "in half a year, mom will tell you the real reason."Within half a year, she is sure to settle the divorce. What's more, when Jiang Ya Ge comes, Xin Yun will notice it.

She gave such a definite time, and Li Xinyun could not help but feel that her mother was suffering, so she could accept it.

"Well, it's only half a year. I can bear it!" Her hands into a fist, lovely appearance let Fang Junrong can not help laughing. The biggest meaning of rebirth to her is to be able to protect her daughter's smile.

"It's a secret for both of us, only we know, OK?"


After taking care of her daughter, Fang Junrong is also more free to do his own things. These days, she does the most thing is to buy things, buy a house.

She had thought that after giving her business card, Zhong Yi would contact her soon. I didn't expect that until Thursday, she didn't receive Zhong Yi's phone call, which was very unexpected.

Fang Junrong thought a little, so he went to the "White Crane" club and asked Zhong Yi. Today, Zhong Yi did go to work. After seeing her, Zhong Yi was shocked. In the next second, tears appeared in her eyes, which were quickly wiped away by her.

Her voice was a little choked, "Mr. Fang."

Fang Junrong's face is shallow smile, "I thought you would call me."

After Zhong Yi wiped away her tears, the peach blossom eyes became more and more bright, "I originally kept your business card, but it disappeared. I've been looking for it for a long time... "

She thought that she had lost this opportunity, but she did not expect that Fang Junrong would reappear in front of her and come to look for her in person. She had guessed whether Fang Junrong had any purpose. But on second thought, she is just an ordinary girl. What can she do on her body.

She didn't dare to contact her because she lost her business card.

Fang Junrong some doubts, "I thought you would write down my mobile phone number."

Zhong Yi sniffed, "I lost my business card, I lost my ticket, so I dare not call..."

Fang Junrong had a little understanding of her mood, in the final analysis, because she was too worried about gain and loss, plus her inferiority complex.

She calmed down and said, "we will have a family dinner on Sunday evening. You can come and give me your address. I will let the driver pick you up. You can quit your job."


She mentioned Jiang Ya Song as if nothing happened. "By the way, where is your friend? Does she have a rest today?" She pauses and gives herself a reasonable reason. "I think her looks are quite in line with my friend's magazine style, and I'd like to recommend it."

Zhong Yi shakes her head, "Yage, she asked for leave, but I will tell her."

Fang Junrong is just asking. From the other party's leave now, Li nianjin should tell her to adopt her.

"Did you lose your business card at home?"

Zhong Yi shook her head. "I put it in the pocket of my uniform and disappeared the next day." She also regretted not taking it home.

Fang Jun Rong if there is some thinking, and so on back, she made a phone call to the boss of the club Ning Qing. Ning Qing and her some friendship, she believes that the club staff room must be installed monitoring. A good business card can't be lost just because someone can't see Zhong Yihao.

After making an appointment to invite her to dinner, she hung up.

Then Fang Junrong waited for the coming of Sunday. Li and his two children will be at home this day. Fang Junrong also took Li Xinyun out for a hairdressing in the early morning, dressed up beautifully and perfectly.

She took out the ruby necklace she had bought two days before and put it on her daughter's neck. These days, she did not spend less money. Perhaps Li's heart was guilty. Although she was dissatisfied, she was reminded that her family still had to leave some money for her son to set up a company.

Fang Junrong doesn't care about him.

Li Xinyun also likes her necklace very much. Although she has a lot of jewelry, she seldom sees such a big gem. Because of this, she believed that her mother still loved her most, so she could face her two new sisters with a calm attitude.

Zhong Yi arrived earlier than Jiang Yage. When Fang Junrong asked someone to pick her up, she also asked a makeup artist to help her dress up. She was wearing a peach red dress, dressed up as beautiful as peony, standing there is a beautiful scenery. But she could see that she was a little nervous, and she squeezed her skirt unconsciously.

Her appearance is obviously not the type that Li Shize and Li's father and son like, especially Li's eyebrows have been twisted.

Fang Junrong was in a good mood. "Zhong Yi, come to me. This is your sister Xinyun."

When Zhong Yi heard her voice, her nervousness was relieved. She walked up to Li Xinyun and said, "sister Xinyun."

Li Xinyun to face to hook the corner of the mouth, "sister."

"Since I came to the Li family, I have to remember my identity," Li said. Don't take out any more of the bad things you learned there. "

There's no doubt about it.

Zhong Yi's face turned white, but he did not dare to refute.Fang Junrong's face was not happy, "I think Zhong Yi is very good, beautiful like a flower, let people look at the mood is good."

Li nianjin didn't say anything more, just looked at the door, obviously waiting for Jiang Ya Ge to arrive.

In his eyes, Jiang Ya Ge finally came. She is wearing a white skirt today. Her make-up is very girlish. She is pure, weak and charming. Especially the cherry blossom like pink lips, there is a share of unspeakable I still feel pity.

Li nianjin saw her, eyebrows immediately spread out, the tone that called a gentle, afraid to frighten her like, "song of songs, you come."

Zhong Yi looked at her in disbelief - she didn't expect her best friend to be adopted by the Li family.

Fang Junrong showed a surprised look at the right time, "eh, I didn't expect it was you."

"Junrong, have you ever seen a song before?" Li asked

Fang Junrong said happily, "yes, when I saw her in the White Crane Club, she and Zhong Yiqi were waiters. I didn't expect such a fate."

"Fate is wonderful."