With such an identity as the Li family, the adoptive daughter can't be as simple as a family meal. Instead, they will hold a banquet at an appropriate time and formally introduce the two people to the public. As for the specific time, we have to make good arrangements.

When it was late at night, Fang Junrong returned to his room. After her rebirth, she couldn't bear to live in a room with Li. Anyway, the villa is big enough, and there are enough rooms. She has arranged one as her new room.

Of course, her excuses are also casual. She said that she was not in good health some time ago. After the master came to see her, she said that the room had some obstacles to her fate. Li also did not ask, two people so naturally to the room.

She used to like a small glass of wine before going to bed. After she was reborn, she got rid of this problem. In her previous life, she used to drink wine, which made her prone to irritability, which led to her bad temper for a period of time, and she always got angry for no reason.

In her previous life, she was really besieged on all sides and her eyes were enemies.

After thinking for a while, Fang Junrong lay down on the bed to rest. She did not forget to lock the door. I don't know if it's the illusion in her heart. In the moment when she closes her eyes, she seems to see a faint green light emerge, and it passes in a flash.


Fang Junrong knew that he was dreaming now. But it is strange to say that although she had dreamt before, she had never been as sober as this one. She is now standing on a mountain, the mountains towering into the clouds, surrounded by dense clouds, like a fairyland.

It was a place she had never been to, and she didn't know why she had this dream. However, many dreams themselves are illogical. It is not a big deal to dream about a mountain that you have never seen before.

She saw a stone tablet not far away. It was very extraordinary to see it shining.

Perhaps because it was a dream, Fang Junrong was bolder than reality and went directly to the stone tablet. The words on the stone tablet are not any kind she knows. There is an indescribable feeling of mystery and mystery. However, when she came into contact with her eyes, she seemed to be automatically translated, and she understood the contents of the stone tablet.

Du Ruo San Qian Yun Ying Cao Er Liang

Eh, it looks like a prescription. Even if Du Ruo, she seems to have never heard of it? Out of curiosity, Fang Junrong tried to write down these prescriptions.

However, all she could see on the stone tablet were the first two prescriptions. The contents behind the stone tablet were like a mosaic, which could not be distinguished. In the upper right corner of the stone tablet is a book. It's amazing that the book turns pages automatically. The books engraved on the stone tablet can move, which is too unscientific!

No, since it's a dream, there's no science in itself.

After the initial surprise, Fang Junrong immediately adjusted his mind and felt that there was no problem with his logic. Well, I was dreaming anyway.

On the cover of the book was written the line: "the lucky wife of a wealthy family".

The name

Fang Junrong stretched out his hand to the book. The pages that had been constantly turning suddenly stopped, as if they had been petrified. The next second, the book into a streamer, drilling into her fingertips.

Fang Junrong took a cold breath, and the huge amount of information suddenly made her headache.

[Jiang Yage, in her white washed skirt, stands in front of the villa, which is so exquisite that it looks like a painting, and she feels uneasy. Do you really want to come to the Li family?

Before her death, her mother told her that if something happened to her, she could go to Uncle Li and said that Uncle Li would help her in their college friendship. But she was not so confident. The Li family is one of the richest people in China. Are they really willing to take care of her?

If she had not been cheated out of her summer vacation tuition fees by her cousin, and there was no money at the beginning of next semester, she would not have come to her home.

She plucked up her courage and was about to ring the doorbell. At this time, a luxury car stopped. The door opened and a beautiful young girl came out. Jiang Yage looked at the skirt on the girl's body - she had seen that brand in a magazine. It was tens of thousands of pieces. She couldn't afford such a skirt after four years of tuition. A faint sense of inferiority came up.

The girl looked at her eyes in surprise, and her voice was clear and crisp, "are you a domestic helper?"

Jiang Ya GE's face rose red, and her eyes were instantly red with humiliation, "no, I'm not."

…… ]

there are many contents in this book, and the description of the female host is just Jiang Ya Song. At first, Fang Junrong thought it was just a fictional novel, until the contents of the book were in line with the reality of everything she knew and had happened.

In the book, Jiang Yage met Li nianjin, Li Shize, Fang Junrong and Li Xinyun.

She secretly fell in love with Li Shize, and Li Shize seemed to have some good feelings for her. They never pierced that layer of paper. Until the party, Jiang Ya Ge drink too much wine, accidentally went to the wrong room, and Li Shize had a relationship. Li Shize was infatuated with her body, and they started an underground love affair. Li Shize even brought his mother's bracelet and gave it to her.Jiang Ya Ge usually hides the bracelet under his clothes until one day, Fang Junrong is accidentally scratched to bleed. Jiang Ya Ge wants to please her sweetheart's mother, so she bandages it. Therefore, her hand touched Fang Junrong's blood. When she came back to her room, she took out the bracelet to enjoy it. The blood touched the bracelet, which opened the door of the new world. This bracelet is actually a cave, which contains a fairy mountain, a bay mountain spring, and even some prescriptions of fairyland.

She secretly made magic drugs, and she made friends with several big men and became their dry granddaughters. She became more and more like a fish in water in the upper class. She lived from an orphan girl to the ideal image of everyone.

She saved the injured crown prince Wang Xiao with magic medicine, and since then Wang Xiao has deep love for her. He is cold and merciless in front of others, but will show her gentle face.

She helped Fang Jueming, the film emperor whose fingers were trampled on maliciously. The film emperor loved her hard in her heart. When she was injured, she always kept a quiet watch over her, just like a knight.

She used lingcao to trade with Zhang Bi, a famous doctor in the medical field. Zhang Bi gradually succumbed to her stubborn and pure character. For her sake, she even allowed the other monarch to prescribe medicine, which made her irritable and often hallucinations.

There are many high-quality men around her, which makes Li Shize jealous. Because Fang Junrong and Li Xinyun are not happy with her, and their good friend Zhong Yi is also in love with Li Shize, their feelings have been tested again and again, and become more and more profound after separation and combination. This process is also interspersed with Jiang Ya Ge and other spare tire Blue Yan's ambiguity, some try to alienate their vicious female match.

Her good friend Zhong Yi was blackened and planted with all kinds of booties. Finally, she was exposed and sold to the poor mountain areas. She lived a life that was worse than death every day.

As for Li Xinyun, she was designed by the underworld crown prince Wang Xiao and gave it to his subordinates as a plaything. Finally, she collapsed and jumped down from the stairs.

Fang Junrong was sent to the mental hospital by Li Shize and Li nianjin.

Jiang Yage has a loving father-in-law and a husband who loves her like a life. After receiving the news of Fang Junrong's death, she left a few tears, but her heart was relieved.

On the other hand, Li nianjin also went with Jiang Yage's aunt who returned home. It turns out that when Li nianjin was young, his mother wensier loved Jiang Yage. Jiang Yage's aunt and her mother were twins. They were very similar in appearance. For Li, it was also a dream of his youth.


From Jiang Yage's point of view, in addition to having suffered a little at the beginning, her life was praised by those men later. It was a real life, and it was like a 60 level series, with ups and downs in the plot.

But Fang Junrong was so hateful that his eyes were bleeding.

She hated Jiang Ya Ge, but her son Li Shize and her husband Li nianjin were the most hated. Not to mention that Jiang Yage took her things to deal with her. Li Shize, the son of barbecued pork, not only stole her bracelet for love, but also cruelly dealt with their mother and daughter.

Li engjin, who clearly has his own heart, pursues her and marries her. Then he never forgets winsell.

No wonder, no wonder he was so good to Jiang Ya Ge that he reprimanded Xin Yun for Jiang Ya Ge.

I just hate that she found out too late in her last life, when she realized that she was in trouble. Maybe god can't see their disgusting behavior, just gave her a chance to do it again.

Fang Junrong opened her eyes again. Her head was still aching. The book she had just read was clearly engraved in her brain and never faded away.

Her eyes flashed with determination, and her smile was a little cold.

Thanks to that book, she finally had a better way to divorce. Li is not obsessed with his own white moonlight, and even looks for Jiang Yage's aunt as a substitute. Then she will help them!