Xu Weiwei will receive the design drawings, a piece to Fang Junrong to see, "you see, which of these trademarks do you prefer?"

Fang Junrong is going to change the trademark of her skin care company "Meifang". The original trademark was chosen by Li engjin, and she was bored with it. The most famous commodity that the company produced before was water cream three piece.

Fang Junrong has begun to let people do experiments, if the cosmetics add spring, the effect will be better, but the experimental results are not so fast.

She looked at it one by one, and finally fixed her eyes on the penultimate one. The penultimate picture shows a mountain surrounded by a circle of water, representing nature. She suddenly thought of her bracelet and pointed to this one, "that's it!"

Xu looked at it and laughed, "I don't think it's bad." Then she touched her face, a face in high spirits, "but Jun Rong you that beauty pill is really good, I used a course of treatment, the skin is much tighter!"

"I have a lot of friends asking me about it."

Fang Junrong's mouth cocked, "you use better than the one we want to sell."

"How much do you think we should bid at that time?" Xu asked A box is a course of treatment, there are seven, take one pill a day. At present, the company has produced 100000 boxes and will be ready to go public in September.

"888, Geely." Fang Junrong doesn't think his price is expensive. At least it is much better than other products at this price on the market. It can be said that it is worth the money.

And after a course of treatment, we can see the effect.

If Xu Wei had not used it, it must have been too expensive. But after using it, she felt that 888 was a clearance sale.

"Well, I can also start the publicity work next." Xu Weiwei job hopping, directly took up the post of vice president. As for the former vice president, he was Li's own. In exchange for Fang Junrong and Li Erjin, her people in the AI Rong group withdrew. In Meifang group, Li's confidants also returned to him.

She can't guarantee whether there is a fish missing the net, but at least the most critical positions, she can be sure that it is her people. These employees followed her in previous lives, never deviated from her, and suffered a lot. Even for their sake, Fang Junrong also wants to run the company better.

"By the way, who are our spokesmen to choose?"

Fang Junrong said: "you can make a decision. I don't know much about it." She thought of a name, her face was slightly cold, "except Fang Jueming, I don't want to have any cooperation with him."

After Jiang Yage helped Fang Jueming with white jade paste in her previous life, Fang Jueming became her devoted admirer, and she used her enthusiasm and identity to help her. Of course, he only said that he regarded Jiang Yage as his sister. Fans also recognized Jiang Yage, the so-called sister, to escort her. In his previous life, Xin Yun has been subjected to cyber violence and various insults. For some time, he also suffered from depression.

Although Jiang Yage may not have something to do with Fang Jueming in this life, Fang Junrong hates this person and doesn't want to get involved with him at all.

"You don't like him, OK, then don't want him! Don't worry about it Xu Weiwei decisively said, the total can't choose the image spokesperson of the company, chose a star that the chairman doesn't like. She is not in a hurry to choose an image spokesperson now. To be honest, although Meifang is a famous brand, its market share is only mediocre. After all, Junrong and Li Erjin focus on another company. The most valuable part of the company is the land it occupies. At this time, even if you want to invite a first-line star, people will not look up to it. It's better to wait for the achievements to be made. Naturally, many people will flock to it.

"The listing time is set on September 8th, which is just the beginning of Xinyun's school. Well, we can do activities on that day with a 10% discount. I don't do any activities. "

Fang Junrong has decided that in the future, this product will only be held on Xinyun's birthday, even if it's double 11 and double 12.

"Xu slightly dumb smile," you still really hurt heart Yun But she also liked the little girl.

Two people discussed some related issues, and then Xu Weiwei carried two boxes of beauty pills, manly and high spirited left. She is now full of confidence in the future of the company, to be exact, to be confident in Meiyan pills.


After her divorce, Fang Junrong lived a very happy life. She used the money she got to buy the shares of several companies that had developed well in her previous life, but she still left some working capital in case of emergency.

Her daughter Xin Yun will start school in September, and Zhong Yi starts school earlier. She also took time to go out with them to buy school supplies. Although they can buy these things themselves, as a mother, she doesn't want to miss every stage of her daughter's growth.

Although Xin Yun's face looks like "my mother is too clingy to me, I'm so worried". But Fang Junrong didn't know that she was actually very happy, and Li's pain dissipated.

Both Xin Yun and Zhong Yi's universities are local, and they are among the top 50 universities in China. However, Xin Yun's University in s city is a little far away from home. It happened that there was a two room house near the University. Fang Junrong cleaned up and put her daughter's luggage there. If Xin Yun is not used to living in the dormitory, he can live outside directly.After buying a computer for Xin Yun and Zhong Yi, Fang Junrong waved and said, "you go on shopping. I have an appointment with your aunt he."

After the birthday party, she also went out to dinner with some friends from time to time. Today, she made an appointment with he Jianbing. She also learned the day before yesterday that the land had finally fallen into the hands of he family, which was different from the previous life. It can be seen that Wang Xiao did not succeed successfully.

The clubhouse she went to was opened by the seaside. And the best boxes and private beaches. She opened the door and saw he Jianbing in his swimsuit, lying on the beach chair with a relaxed and comfortable face.

He Jianbing heard the movement, straightened up and grinned at her, "you're here, Junrong."

Now it's evening, the afterglow of the setting sun on the blue sea, the water seems to shake off countless pieces of gold, beautiful. The moist and salty sea breeze is blowing, but there is no sultry heat in imagination.

Fang Junrong directly lies on the beach chair beside her, "you will enjoy it."

"You don't have to worry about being bugged when you chat in this open place," he said

Her expression became serious. "Thanks to your reminding before, otherwise our family would suffer." Her niece, he Shuzhen, was so stupid that she installed a bug in her study. Her father and brother usually had the habit of discussing in the study. Some of the family's secrets were almost taken to Wang Xiao by the niece in love. I don't know what kind of soup Wang Xiao gave her, so that she didn't even want her own family.

However, after discovering this matter, his father turned his back on the trick, but severely pit Wang Xiao. Originally, he family and Wang Xiao were married, but they were also interested in his future. But no one is willing to cultivate a white eyed wolf to eat himself.

He family would like to terminate the engagement, but he Shuzhen refused to live or die. Her father had lost all patience with he Shuzhen, the granddaughter who turned his arm outward, and simply drove her out of the house.

Although she didn't say he Shuzhen's specific things, after all, it was a domestic scandal, but she also told Fang Junrong that he family had started to revenge Wang Xiao.

"Your ex husband, after leaving you, is really worthless. Wang Xiao was previously investigated by someone, but he was almost cheated. Our family couldn't see it, so we helped him directly, but we also pocketed him a sum of money The private detective Wang Xiao was looking for was actually sent by he family. Otherwise, ordinary private detectives can't find Wang Xiao's handle.

Fang Junrong Leng Leng, also smile, "I thought it was his good luck to find the strength."

She guessed that he family wanted Wang Xiao and Li Erjin to bite the dog. She was also very happy to see its success.

He Jianbing's news in this respect can be compared with Junrong to be more clever, so he also revealed some with her. Li has sent the relevant evidence up. Those evidences are too strong. Wang Xiao has been very busy recently because of this. He wants to push his subordinates out as a substitute for the dead, so that he can get rid of himself. However, it is not so easy for Wang Xiao to withdraw from the whole body because of his efforts behind his back.

"It's about his other crimes, and he'll stay in it for at least ten years."

When Fang Junrong heard the news, he thought of his daughter's tragic fate in his previous life, and the depression that had been accumulating in his heart dissipated. She was happy to know that he would have retribution.

In addition to talking to her about Wang Xiao, he also mentioned the most beautiful beauty pill.

"The effect of your beauty pill is so good that my mother is a bandit and robbed me of the remaining boxes. When will your company start selling this? "

Fang Junrong's smile deepened. During this period of time, she asked meiyanwan's friends how many, "it will be listed next month. I'll have some more boxes sent to you tomorrow. "

"That's good. Don't worry, I'll let the stars of my company help you publicize. " He has opened a studio under his name, and has signed several stars. Two of them are very popular.

Fang Junrong certainly will not refuse. They went to the hot spring again, massaged, had dinner, and finally left comfortably. Don't say, the dishes made by this club are really good, especially the cabbage in soup, which makes her like it.

After saying goodbye to he Jianbing, Fang Junrong left the club. Because she ate more in the evening, she was a little full now, and she was not in a hurry to go back. She took a walk in the neighborhood and ate for a while. Her two bodyguards followed her, not far or near.

"Don't lie here sleeping. This is my place." Not far from the overpass came a dispute, nothing more than beggars fighting for territory. Even if s city is a prosperous big city, it is impossible for all people to be bright and beautiful. Naturally, there are corners that cannot be covered by sunlight.

Among them, the man in the occupied territory pushed the man sitting on the ground angrily, and then the other side's body tilted and fell directly on the ground.

"Hello, are you all right! You don't want to touch me

"Unfortunately, I'd better go somewhere else."

Obviously, the man didn't want to get into trouble and left with a look of indignation.

Fang Junrong originally thought that the other side was touching porcelain, but after watching for a long time, the man lying on the ground still had no movement.If she didn't see it, it would have been fine, but if she did, she couldn't really turn a blind eye.

Fang Junrong said to the bodyguard, "let's go and have a look."

From his figure, he is rather thin and pale, and her skin is not normal. In the moonlight, half of the face was rotten and looked disgusting. He wore a pale yellow Maitreya Buddha on his neck. The Maitreya's smile was a little crooked, as if he could use it at will, but it had an indescribable charm.

Through this Maitreya, Fang Junrong recognized his identity - River asked fish. In the book she saw, he once caused a lot of trouble to Jiang Ya Ge and his party, which can be said to be the villain boss.

By his antagonism against Jiang Yage and others, he will be saved!