Fang Junrong doesn't usually watch these TV programs. She prefers watching movies to variety shows. However, she has to admit that there is something to be gained from the popularity of this program recently.

Not to mention the others, the few ordinary people on the program are very obstinate. At first, she came for Jiang Ya Song, and then she watched it slowly. Unconsciously, I finished watching an episode. At present, Jiangya song has not appeared. It seems that the program put her in the next episode.

Speaking of the host Zhou Yang also asked her, whether really want to play out. After all, if Jiang Yage said it was true, it would be bad for her after broadcast. Fang Junrong told her calmly at that time that the painting was sent by Li nianjin. Zhou Yang, who was on the other end of the phone, laughed directly and didn't mention it again.

After one episode, it's time to start advertising. The advertising time is quite long.

She cut herself a plate of fruit and ate it slowly. At this time, Li Xinyun and Zhong Yi also came back. They went shopping together today. Zhong Yi has been in a good mood these days because her grandmother's recovery is better than expected. She started school a few days later than Li Xinyun, but she had to go back to school on the 8th because she had volunteered to receive new students.

Both of them sat down and watched TV with Fang Junrong, just one left and one right.

The advertising time is over and the next episode continues.

Jiang Yage appears in the middle of the next episode. On the program, she was obviously well dressed. Her simple and elegant make-up highlights the advantages of her facial features. Wearing a white skirt, she looks pure and moving. With her eyes that seem to speak, she is not inferior to the host.

Zhou Yang published several sentences of rainbow fart.

Li Xinyun was stunned, "why is she on this program?"

Fang Junrong slightly raised his chin, "continue to see it."

Jiang Ya Song on TV shows a shy and timid smile to everyone. First, she introduces herself and then takes out the picture of a lady. Her eyelashes are very long, showing a natural sense of innocence in the camera.

When she told everyone that her parents had died, so she was adopted as the adopted daughter by her parents' good friend Li nianjin, there was an uproar at the scene. Li's reputation in China is still somewhat.

"This painting is one of the works of Xu fangweng in his later years." "It's also a gift from my godmother," she said slowly

Zhong Yi frowned, "what does she want to do?" Actually, I took the gift given by my adoptive mother to the program for identification as a gimmick. Doesn't she think she's going too far? Jiang Ya Ge, once a good friend, made her feel more and more strange. She didn't know whether she had changed or whether she was too stupid to really realize her true face. Fortunately, she thought she was smart, but in retrospect, she was a fool.

Li Xinyun snorted, "maybe I want to be a star."

The two children don't know the inside story. They think Jiang Ya Ge just wants popularity and fame.

On the big screen, Jiang Yage frowned slightly, and the expression of distress was so real. "I have always cherished this painting, which represents Ganma's love for me. It made me calm down and integrate into the family when I just got home."

Zhou Yang timely asked: "your godmother, is Fang Junrong, the old lady of Fang family?"

Jiang Ya Ge nodded, "yes. Ganma has always been my dream. She is not only beautiful and dignified, but also elegant and noble... "

It's a rainbow. Her eyes are shining.

Fang Junrong can't believe that this is her sincere words, otherwise she will not be sure that the painting is fake. Under the circumstances, she has to go on this program, in the final analysis, she wants to see her make a fool of herself.

If it wasn't for the painting that Fang Junrong didn't buy, she would have succeeded. After all, Jiangya song has created a perfect image of a lady who trusts her relatives and is simple and kind. Her acting skills are really wasted if she doesn't enter the entertainment industry.

At this time, the program group also timely released some of Fang Junrong's resume. It is enough for everyone to look at Fang Junrong's wealth of more than 20 billion yuan. Some guests said, does Fang Junrong still need her daughter and son? He can recommend himself.

Zhou Yang asked, "well, what's the reason for your participation in the program today?" "Is it to show us how much they love you?" she said jokingly

Jiang Yage said, "ah, because I invited friends to play at that time, and then I couldn't help drying the paintings that my mother sent me." "I have vanity occasionally," she said with an embarrassed smile

Her response made many people present smile knowingly. For such a beautiful and coquettish girl, people are always willing to give her more tolerance.

"Then one of my friends, who was knowledgeable in this field, said that there was something wrong with my painting. It was likely that it was a forgery." She wrinkled her nose, "I am very unconvinced, simply bet with her, come on the show."

She spat out her tongue. "In fact, I'm a little sorry now. Can I step down?"

The others burst into laughter and even said they regretted it now. The contract was signed.After Jiang Ya Ge successfully created its own image, the program went to the next identification link. In this respect, the program has made a lot of efforts and invited several professional talents. One by one, they carefully identified and said the right thing.

Five masters, after professional appraisal, threw out a pile of professional vocabulary, and finally decided, "this painting is fake!"

"Well, it was painted four years ago."

"This painting technique reminds me of a painting that I have previously identified. It is likely that it is the same painter." The old white bearded expert pauses and says, "I remember the painter's habit of writing his name in his paintings with an invisible pen."

"Do you have UV lights? Find one out

Soon, an ultraviolet lamp was brought up. After turning on the UV light, they began to scan the painting, and finally saw two words in the lower right corner of the painting: he Ming.

There was an uproar.

This is the most powerful evidence! A thousand words can't compare with the evidence seen by our own eyes.

Jiang Ya GE's face turned white and looked unbelievable. He murmured: "impossible! How could it be fake? "

"I don't believe it!"

"Ganma won't send me fake paintings on purpose. She must have been cheated!"

The weakness of her face made her a beautiful girl who was cheated, but still tried to deceive herself, which made people feel pity.

In the middle of the argument, she seemed unable to deceive herself. Her tears fell down and her voice choked. Jiang Ya Ge, without saying anything else, is really pretty to cry with tears in her eyes and her eyes are bright.

Li Xinyun felt that the watermelons in her mouth were not sweet. She looked indignant. "It must be that Jiang Yage and the program team conspired to buy a fake one to frame her mother! No wonder, no wonder she was so good that she suddenly ran to this program. She was not kind at the beginning

Li Xinyun was so angry that he wanted to rush into the TV show and tear down the pretentious woman and slap her in the face. She has never seen such a disgusting white eyed wolf!

Zhong Yi also showed an angry expression, "what does she want to do? Do you want to be fair to her aunt? Aren't they the ones who did the wrong thing? "

She looked at Fang Junrong with some worry, but found that her face was still a faint smile, as if the farce on the TV play had nothing to do with her.

Fang Junrong said, "that painting is indeed a fake."

"Eh?" Fang Junrong continued: "it's just that painting, which was sent to me by Li nianjin. It's only recently that I found out that all the things he gave me are fake. "

Fang Junrong again received two shocked faces.

At this time, Li Xinyun also pulled out relevant memories about the painting from her mind. It seems that the painting was really a birthday present given to her mother by her father before, although she did not remember the year.

Fang Junrong slightly raised the lip petal overflow a quick sneer, "before he sent you that fake, I suspected him, so he sent me a few have been identified, the results of each are false."

If Li Xinyun was struck by thunder, his father has been sending his mother Xu fangweng's works for his birthday since several years ago, which also means that he had two hearts a long time ago.

Although her feelings for Li nianjin were not much left after receiving the fake on her birthday, she did not even have a trace of father daughter relationship after knowing about it.

I really can't go back to the past.

She even suspected that her mother had known about it, so she would simply divorce. Mom must have been hurt more than she did?

At this moment, Li Xinyun even hated his father.


As a variety show with high audience rating, "antique romance" has a high popularity on the Internet. The appearance of Jiangya song has made the audience rating reach the top, and the comments under the official blog are increasing rapidly.

When she finished playing, the audience saw the tearful Jiang Ya Song, one by one angry to no avail, incarnated as a spray, the comments below were all for Jiang Ya Song's injustice.

[Jiangya song is too miserable! The gift is a fake! ]

[don't talk too much. Maybe Fang Junrong is blind and bought a fake by accident.

[don't be white washed. People with Fang Junrong's identity will definitely find someone to identify when they buy this thing. Whether it's true or not, she must know best. ]

[I love Jiang Yage, but she still trusts Fang Junrong. Fang Junrong is too much, a president, is this suitable for a little girl? Thanks to my admiration for her before, she has taken off the powder! ]

[this is a deliberate insult to her, saying that she only deserves this gift. No wonder Li always wants to divorce her. She deserves it! ]

[I heard that Li nianjin got married and gave her a lot of money. It's really cheap for her. Li is always a good man. When the song of songs mentions him, he is very envious and praises him all the time. Fang Junrong is not worthy of Li. ]

[heartache + 1, she looks really good-looking, I see her cry, my heart will be broken. ][Fang Junrong's company will put on a new skin care product the day after tomorrow, which seems to be a beauty pill. Ha ha, her character is so bad, I can't believe her so-called beauty pill is true, maybe it's some kind of gutter goods that will rot skin after using it. ]

[resist Fang Junrong! Boycott Meifang group! ]

"heartache Jiangya song" and "boycott Fang Junrong" are two topics that have been on the hot search rapidly, and the ranking is constantly climbing.

Fang Junrong's Micro blog, is to a lot of people punch in, query, abuse, satire, everything, is simply a large-scale jet Carnival scene.

Li Xinyun and Zhong Yi are very angry when they see it. If they are not pressed by Fang Junrong, they will spray back with netizens. Fang Junrong also received calls from many friends. She explained in a few words. She was in a good mood to see the hot search ranking constantly ahead. She also bought a hot search.

This is all free publicity!

When the hot search of "heartache Jiangya song" reached the first place, Fang Junrong finally posted a micro blog.

When Yage first came home, I was looking forward to it, and asked Li nianjin what gift she liked. At that time, Li nianjin said that the song of songs liked elegant things. That's why I took pains to give up my treasure and gave the picture of a lady to Jiang Yage. That picture of a lady was also a gift given to me by Li nianjin the year before last. I think all the friends who have attended my birthday party should be impressed. I also want to know how this painting became a forgery. Should you give me an account? @AI Rong Group Li Erjin]

as soon as the micro blog was launched, netizens who were actively spraying in front of the computer were confused.

It's so bent that it's going to flash their waist.