Jiang Ya Song looks at the stock 0 prompt, is not the general heart plug. Today, she failed to grab beauty pills or raw hair cream. She was very lucky before. But since this year, I don't know if it's her psychological function, and her luck seems to be worse all of a sudden. For example, if you wait in line for a long time, you can't shake her.

Although she still hates Fang Junrong, she has to admit that the products in her company are really easy to use. In addition, her hair has dried up a lot recently. Seeing that many people recommend this product, she has moved her mind to buy it. During his stay with Fang Jueming, the two of them slept on the same bed after drinking once, so that they broke the paper and began to communicate formally. Although she is very confident in her charm, Fang Jueming, after all, stays in the entertainment circle full of beautiful women all the year round. When she sees the scandal between those charming big stars and Fang Jueming, she is also jealous and can't help but hope that she can become more beautiful. If she is beautiful enough, she should be able to receive more roles in the future, instead of the small role with only one or two lines and more confidence to stand with him.

If my aunt didn't go back home and Li nianjin didn't divorce Fang Junrong, then she would still be the lady of Li's family. She should be able to throw one can of these things from one can to another. Like Zhong Yi, she must never lack these things.

At the thought of their different treatment, her heart is like soaking in the water of Coptis.

Occasionally, she would think of Li Shize, a heartless man who changed the door lock of the house after she left. She once cooked without seasoning, and wanted to go to get it, only to find out that the other party changed the lock.

She bit her lower lip and looked up at the official website of Meifang group. The more she looked at it, she felt more and more embarrassed. She simply shut down the official website and then went to micro blog. As Fang's new girlfriend, she is certainly searching for information about Fang. Fang Jueming's fingers are recovering now. There is something wrong with the dandy who suppressed him before, so his situation in the circle has improved a lot. In addition, he is also a famous movie emperor. He has received several scripts in hand. Now he has taken over one of them and started to shoot in the production team.

Just a search for Fang Jueming's name, it's out of his relationship with the female star of the play. Although Fang Jueming said it was just the hype of the crew, she still had a sense of crisis when she looked at the other party's gorgeous face in the photo. And such a vivid beauty under the same roof every day, is it really possible to control it?

If you continue to stay at home doing nothing, you will be abandoned sooner or later. She wants to be a heroine, too. She wants to be big. Although she had a bad reputation in the past, there are more female stars in the entertainment industry who have more black history than her. They are not able to get along well, as long as the public relations team is strong enough.

After thinking for a long time, she finally thought of a wall. If she had a bottle of white jade paste in her hand, she would have opened many doors with this.

She immediately called Zhang Bi and told him that the white jade cream in his hand had been found out. She begged him to give her another bottle, and she would repay him well in the future.

Although the wall on the other end of the phone was very difficult, she finally agreed.

Jiang Ya Ge put down the phone, the corner of her mouth can't help holding a faint smile.

When the next day, Jiang Yage made a good dress up. After being together with Fang Jueming, she became a delicate girl again. Fang has never treated her unfairly.

At the appointed time, Jiang Ya Ge received a phone call, Zhang Bi has arrived, let her open the door.

Jiang Ya Ge immediately ran to open the door and saw Zhang Bi standing in front of the opposite door. She knocked on her head. She was so stupid that she forgot to tell Zhang Bi about her breakup with Li Shize.

"Zhang Bi." She called his name, and her voice was as gentle as ever.

Zhang Bi raised eyebrows in surprise, "have you and Li Shize moved?" And moved to the opposite door? What's going on here?

Jiang Ya GE's expression was stiff for a moment, showing a weak mixed sad expression, "I broke up with Shize." She looked innocent and pitiful with tears on her eyelashes.

Zhang bi was stunned. The reason why he got along well with Jiang Ya Ge was that he went to Li Shize. Especially in the past few months, when he has been doing experiments over and over without a clue, Li Shize's existence becomes more and more important. The faint smile on his face had disappeared, and his serious expression was a little more aggressive, "how did you break up? Is it a fight? "

Before these two people not put out a pair of mountains without edge, heaven and earth together just dare to and Jun Jue true love posture? In order to love can be angry father, the result just a few months to break up?

He followed the door and looked into the room. He saw several pairs of men's shoes in the porch and the suits hanging from the balcony.

Well, Jiangya song is really strong. Just after breaking up, she immediately found her family. From the shoe brand point of view, her new boyfriend is not cheap. Although Zhang Bi had already known that she was very good at getting along with Jiang Ya Ge before, seeing this scene, her stomach began to feel sick. She looked pure, seducing men's ability is really not small.

He asked, "has Li Shize moved yet?"

Jiang Yage waited for a long time, but did not wait to ask her own things, but the topic has been around her ex boyfriend, her heart has a bad premonition, her lips moved a bit, "No."Zhang Bi is more and more sure that Li Shize will not be reunited with Jiang Yage. No man can accept such insults. He saw his girlfriend wearing a green hat on the other side of the door, not to mention Li Shize, who is a man of heaven. Jiang Ya Ge also lost its original value in his heart. Although she looks good and looks very provocative, but he has not never seen a more beautiful beauty. Isn't the value of Jiang Ya Ge that she is Li Shize's girlfriend?

His face was more impatient, "Yeah, I wish you and your new boyfriend a hundred years."

Then he turned and left.

Jiang Yage was stunned and wanted to grab his arm. "Wait, where's the white jade paste?"

Zhang Bi turned his head and avoided her movements. He looked at the greedy woman with a look of disgust. He had wasted his efforts on her. He had a sarcastic arc around his mouth, "just you? You deserve me to deliver something like this? "

Jiang Ya Song is like being struck by thunder, and the other party seems to have changed his personality. His cold attitude is quite different from his previous tender and considerate attitude. She wandered back into the house and even forgot to close the door.

How could this happen? Didn't Zhang Bi still like her before? Didn't he deliver the ointment to her today?

What went wrong?


On the evening of March 6, Fang Junrong finished processing today's official documents and was about to go home when she received a phone call from Uncle Zhang.

Uncle Zhang asked her to come to the old house of Zhangjia and said he wanted her to be a witness.

Fang Junrong looked at the time. It's already 8:30 now. If it's past, it's estimated to be 10:00. But Uncle Zhang is not unreasonable. He should have something urgent.

She pondered a little and said to Jiang Dexian, who worked overtime with her, "it seems that you can't get off work today."

Jiang Dexian chuckled, "if you get a high salary, you have to work overtime at any time."

Fang Junrong nodded with satisfaction. They went downstairs and drove to the old house of Zhangjia.

A quarter of an hour before ten o'clock, they finally arrived at the house. From the outside, the house is full of lights. Someone had been waiting at the door to meet Fang Junrong.

Jiang Dexian stepped back and kept a distance of about 30 cm from her.

After entering the hall, Fang Junrong found that there were not many people coming today. Zhang Zhisu and Zhang Zhiyang were both there. People in a circle on both sides were facing each other. The atmosphere seemed to be on the edge.

Zhang Zhiyang saw Fang Junrong and was stunned, "how did you come?"

Fang Junrong said faintly, "Uncle Zhang asked me to come and be a witness. Are you

Zhang Zhiyang looked again at Zhang Zhisu, who still looked calm and calm. He did not know what the other side's morale was. He said: "we just don't think our cousin's ability can match the position of clan leader, so we want to ask him to abdicate." Although Fang Junrong's appearance surprised him, he would not change his plan.

Zhang Zhisu looked around and could not hear joy and anger in his light tone. "Are you the same idea?"

Zhang Zhiyang side of a man stood up and said: "the capable, the average let, the mediocre, this is the eternal truth. You are very good, but Zhiyang's ability is stronger. We believe he can lead us to a higher level. Don't worry, Zhiyang, the child we've grown up with, is generous. Even if you abdicate, he won't treat you badly. You are still his cousin. "

Zhiyang has been able to attract so many people in just a few months. In addition, Zhang Zhisu looks gentle, but in fact he is very domineering. The whole family of Zhang Zhisu is almost a talk of his own. They are not allowed to seek benefits for themselves. So it's better to be Yang.

Fang Junrong was surprised to see him beside him. He wanted to force the palace to the upper position. According to the news she received, Baiyu ointment and Jiedu pill will be on the market in a week. Zhang Zhisu will not overturn the car before this?

Zhang Zhisu said: "it seems that my cousin has given you many benefits."

The Uncle De, who took the initiative to stand up, showed an embarrassed expression on his face and said in a righteous way: "it's better than that you'd rather give the benefit to an outsider. You'd rather support an outsider than let everyone have a drink of soup. We've endured you for a long time."

He pointed to Fang Junrong and said angrily, "if it wasn't for your relationship, how could she possibly become a major shareholder of Gaoyuan group? You just like her face? "

Fang Junrong: how could she be involved? She is just a simple gourd eater, but some people still refuse to let her watch quietly.

Sleeping trough!!

Zhang Zhiyang can't wait to stop Uncle De's mouth and let him stop talking. The so-called pig teammate is him! Fang Junrong had been very indifferent to him recently. As a result, Uncle De didn't die. She was offended to death by opening his mouth. He looked at Fang Junrong's smile, and his bad premonition grew stronger and stronger.

Fang Junrong looked at the indignant de uncle, her indifferent manner at this moment and Zhang Zhisu had a subtle similarity.

"What gives you confidence that you can? Your old age stink? Your baldness? Or your barking incompetence? ""It's disgusting for people like you to lift my shoes."