However, for this enthusiastic girl, she still has a good feeling. Seeing each other's hard work in line and asking for leave every day, you can see that they are loyal fans.

She thought for a moment and waved to Yu huaizhen, an assistant not far away. She asked her to go back and get a box of beauty pills. Although she can get it directly from the store, it means that there will be one less box in line. These are her customers, and she certainly can't let them suffer. There are several boxes in her room, which were intended to be used as gifts. It's OK to take one out.

The assistant went back by car, and it was only 20 minutes back and forth. And this girl has already bought the beauty pill at this time, carrying the exquisite small bag, a face beaming with joy.

Fang Junrong patted her on the shoulder, and the girl turned her head, "haven't you bought it yet?"

Fang Junrong took off the sunglasses and handed the box of beauty pills to her. The warm voice was like the breeze in the forest. "Thank you for your support for our company. This box of beauty pills is for you."

Then she put on her sunglasses again and turned away.

The girl looked at her graceful figure in a daze, replaying her dark eyes and beautiful eyebrows in her mind, which were deeply engraved on her heart.

An inexplicable sense of familiarity seized her heart.

She turned on her mobile phone and found out the video of Fang Junrong and Prince capey. Her eyes and eyebrows were the same as those in the video. No, they were even better than those in the video! Especially the exposed skin, white and delicate, not like a real person.


She couldn't help but scream in surprise, covering her mouth with an unbelievable look on her face.


After spending about two weeks in country x, Fang Junrong said goodbye to Duke Kapei and took a plane to country y.

Although there is no Duke of caper this time, after fermentation in country x, the popularity on the Internet is not low. Fang Junrong was quite confident. However, when she attended the opening ceremony, the posture of her long spear and short gun was more than that of the platform that Mattia had helped her with before. She suppressed her little doubts in her heart, and her mouth was filled with a faint smile, as if she was quite used to such a situation.

"Fang, do you know that Prince Jeff is also a loyal fan of yours?"

"Is his hair growing because of your company's hair cream?"

"Is it true that Prince Jeff is going to propose to you

The problem of covering up his face all over the place fell to Fang Junrong.

Fang Junrong:????

Wait, what's going on?

Although her mind was large and small question marks to brush the screen, but her face is not empty, with a kind of light attitude directly pulled the topic back to today's press conference. No matter how many irrelevant questions are asked by the audience, they always give a lot of weight.

When she finished her speech and got off the stage, Jiang Dexian immediately said, "Prince Jeff has recently participated in a variety show. One of the program links is to check the contents of his bag and it happens to be on his head. There are two bottles of hair cream in his bag... "

This is equivalent to a wave of advertising in front of the people of Y.

Fang Junrong wondered, "where did he buy it? Are you looking for a buyer in China

It's no wonder that so many news media have heard the news, and their feelings are due to the prince. The prince, who is in the fourth place, is in his early 30s, but is already showing signs of baldness. It is said that he has a good relationship with the Duke of Kape. Before that, the royal family even worried that they would get together. After all, even though Mattia looks younger, she is also older than Prince Jeff. Later, he was relieved to see that there were so many beautiful women around him. It seemed that they were just simple friends.

Fang Junrong seriously suspected that the two men had become friends because of their common troubles. It's only natural that Prince Jeff can use hair cream.

But she was a little lucky. Whether it is country X or country y, it is amazing.

She looked down to search for the relevant news. The luxuriant and thick hair of Prince Jeff was striking, especially when the media released his previous hair. It can be said that the contrast is very tragic. When the variety show was found, Prince Jeff in the video showed a brilliant smile, "this is recommended by others. The founder Fang is a very outstanding woman, and I admire her very much. "

Fang Junrong helps forehead, should say the reporter of Y country really can take out of context and distort others' meaning? People with a clear eye can see that the prince admired her only because of hair cream. As soon as they reported it, it turned out that the prince had a good impression on her, and then it was passed on that the prince intended to propose to her.

Anyway, it's good to be able to achieve the purpose of publicity without spending a cent. In this regard, she should thank the prince.

Just as she expected, different from the situation in country x, the fastest seller in country y is hair cream. She originally planned to put 200 copies on the shelves every day the previous week, and she brought almost 3000 copies from home. Now, it's not enough.

However, there are still some raw hair cream and beauty pills in stock. Fang Junrong calls back directly and transfers a batch of goods over.She also ordered to go on, "more than 200 pieces of hair cream are put on the shelves every day."

She pondered a little, "the domestic hair cream is changed to be the same as the beauty pill, 10000 copies are put on the shelves every week, and the lottery number is 10000." She can't treat her customers who have been supporting her in China.

It seems that baldness is really the trouble of all people in the world. Maybe the prospect of Shengfa cream is more impressive than that of Meiyan pill.


In the state of Y, with the help of hair cream, Fang Junrong can be said to be an instant success. Her daughter Xin Yun's greatest pleasure these days is to take a screenshot of her comments on the Internet.

Never thought that my hair would be so thick one day. Fang she is an angel! ]

[thank Prince Jeff for letting us know that there is such a brand! By the way, their beauty pills are also super easy to use! Unfortunately, you can only buy one box each time you line up. ]

[I heard from my Chinese classmates that the two kinds of products sold in China are much cheaper than those in our country. I am ready to ask his friends in China to take them for me. ]

[this must be the magic magic of China! Witchcraft from the East saved us. ]

Fang Junrong has to admit that these comments really make people feel good. If you look at the domestic news, all kinds of circulars are flying. "That Chinese woman conquered the Prince" and "what made him regain the confidence of a man", such headlines made Fang Junrong have the impulse to send a lawyer's letter. It can only be said that some unscrupulous tabloids really don't want to be chaste.

She can only tell herself, out of sight is clean, is money not fragrant?

Although the beauty pill's popularity was robbed by the hair cream at the beginning, the gold always glows. The word-of-mouth of Meiyan pills also spread, so every morning, the beauty pills and hair cream sold in the counter were swept away by long lines of customers. Customers in both countries said they needed more goods.

They can't be satisfied with just two hundred a day.

So the purchasing agent appeared. After all, the quantity of beauty pills and hair cream in China is more than that in foreign countries, and it is easier to buy them. The price is one third of that in foreign countries.

According to Yu huaizhen, her assistant, there are already many people in the circle of friends who originally bought beauty pills on behalf of other countries.

In the past, they used to buy cosmetics from abroad and sell them back home. Now Fengshui has taken turns to buy domestic cosmetics and sell them.

But the consequence of a good business is that some people will do anything to make money. Fang Junrong encountered such a thing.

Today, she was also inspired to inspect a wave of branch stores. There is still a long line at the door of the branch, and the line will be at the corner.

At this time, Fang Junrong found that there were several people, wearing hats and masks, with a mysterious appearance approaching the line of people. I don't know what they said. Soon, the people who were in line went out of the line. Then Fang Junrong saw that the other side took out a box of beauty pills from his pocket and handed it to the people just in line.

She just walked over.

Just heard that person say: "I have several boxes of beauty pills, a box as long as 100 yuan, if you buy more, you can introduce your friends to buy together. We have a lot of stock here. We have plenty of stock. You can buy as much as you want. You don't have to work hard every day to line up. You may not be able to get there. "

"The quality is the same, we buy in China much cheaper than you, and we still get the goods directly from the manufacturer, so the price is more reasonable."

Fang Junrong thought at the beginning that it was also buying for business. After hearing this, he found something wrong. This is not buying on behalf of others, but selling fake goods? Domestic customers may not be able to guarantee every time they can grab, let alone hoard. What else do you say to get the goods directly from the manufacturer? Oh, why doesn't her founder know?

One hundred yuan in country y is equivalent to seven or eight hundred yuan in China, but even in China, it is not so cheap. After all, her discount activities are less frequent, not to mention the cost of round-trip air tickets and other costs. Just looking at the price, you can see that it is very fishy.

These are any domestic customers, will not be cheated. After all, fans who have gone through the lottery all know how hard it is to buy Beauty pills and hair cream. Can't you see that the prices of those cattle are high one by one. But the foreign customers don't know! Maybe that's why they hit them, not because of the information gap on both sides.

Fang Junrong's face sank. She took a deep breath and called the police directly.

Did not wait for the cheater to pay, Fang Junrong let his bodyguard stop each other, and stopped the cheater who wanted to leave when the situation was bad.

"What do you want to do?"

Fang Junrong light way: "do nothing, just want you to go with us to the police station." She spoke directly in the Chinese language.

After hearing this, the man was a little flustered, "it's not against the law to do purchasing on behalf of others. Why do you rely on it! You are violating my human rights! "

She yelled and wanted to leave, but every way she left was blocked.

Fang Junrong looked cold. "It's not against the law to buy on behalf of others, but it's against the law to sell fake goods."

"Who said that we sell fake goods, we have all worked hard to purchase from domestic manufacturers. Why do you slander me?""I bought these from my aunt Fang Junrong."

Fang Junrong didn't expect this person to be so head iron. When he got to this point, he was still eloquent. He didn't have any remorse. He also recognized her relatives?

She took off the sunglasses, the voice is very cold, "I am Fang Junrong, how do I not know, I suddenly have a niece?"

"Tell me, from which manufacturer did you get the goods?"

The color of the girl's face faded when she saw her appearance.