Even if Jiang Dexian didn't come over, Fang Junrong would definitely talk to him after he went back. But she didn't expect that Jiang Dexian was so anxious. According to the time, Jiang Dexian called her and came by car the next day?

She rubbed her temples. "It's not really in such a hurry."

Anyway, people are over there and can't run.

"I'm afraid you'll be fired when you come back," Jiang said He was tall and straight, and when he stood there quietly, his eyebrows were drooping and his eyes were pleasing. He showed a rare appearance of helplessness, which was in contrast with his own temperament.

Fang Junrong only wanted to send a line of ellipsis to Jiang Dexian.

"No, you think too much. After I open you, I have to find new assistants and train them again. " Besides, Jiang Dexian's ability is really excellent. Although her other assistant is good, she still can't compare with Jiang Dexian. He can hold three people by himself, and he also works as her male partner and shield as a part-time job.

In this way, it seems a little aggrieved to give Jiang Dexian that little salary every month.

"I'll give you a raise when I go back!" She said neatly.

After saying this, she suddenly reacts. Did she just get the routine from Jiang Dexian? Just now, Jiang Dexian expressed his worry about being fired by her in a pitiful tone, even if she had this idea, she would be embarrassed to dismiss her. She looked at Jiang Dexian with delicate eyes. She was a little bit better.

Fang Junrong raised his feet and went directly back to the room. Jiang Dexian followed her.

After returning to the room, Fang Junrong sat at the bedside calmly, "sit down."

Her room is already the best in the hotel, with a small sofa in addition to the TV. This sofa is not big. Jiang Dexing sits down on the sofa, which makes her head shorter, and her two long legs can't be extended.

Fang Junrong felt that the sense of disobedience really exploded, she sighed, "forget it, you'd better make a chair. It's hard for you to sit on the sofa."

Jiang Dexian stood up and sat down again in the chair not far from the bed. He watched Fang Junrong quietly.

By such a handsome man with such a focus, as if you are the same as the eyes of the world, careless little girl is afraid not to blush and heartbeat, since then occupied. Fang Junrong has been used to it for a long time. He doesn't even jump his eyelids.

"First of all, when did you come back?"

A surprised look flashed on Jiang Dexian's face. He thought Fang Junrong would try again, but he didn't expect that the other party would be so straightforward. Once he opened his mouth, he pointed out everything, and even exposed the fact that he was born again. Every time he thought he knew Fang Junrong well, he would find that he was still not enough.

It's an act of trust in him, isn't it?

As if there was a warm current flowing quietly through his heart, Jiang Dexian subconsciously hooked the corner of his lips. He just remembered the things in his previous life, and then he pulled down the arc. His thin lips pursed a serious taste.

"Two and three months after your death."


When Fang Junrong heard this word, he could be calm as water.

"You've been concerned about me since your last life? Why? " Otherwise, I would not remember the time of her death so clearly. It would be the month. At that time, she ended her life in the dark, no one knew her death, no one was sad.

"I grew up in a welfare home..."

Fang Junrong knows that she must have known about Jiang Dexian before hiring him. Most people will keep their mouths shut about growing up in the welfare home, but Jiang Dexian is not. He always shows it in an upright manner. Even after graduation, a lot of money they earn is taken back to subsidize the welfare home.

"I don't remember having a subsidized welfare home."

Jiang Dexian had a lot of smiles in his eyes, "but you subsidize many children to go to school every year. Our welfare homes are among them. Because of you, let us not drop out of school and have the chance to change our life. My tuition fees from childhood to adulthood were funded by you. "

So that's why?

Fang Junrong really did not know, after all, she could not understand every object of funding. "I'm glad to see that money is not wasted," she said

"In my previous life, I always wanted to see you and say thank you."

Only after he found out, the people he was deeply grateful for were no longer in the world, and they were carrying a lot of names, and those people were stepping on her to become a great success. What hurt her most was her former relatives. But after they killed Fang Junrong, because of the inflation, they went to the cliff step by step and fell into the abyss.

Even if you have a moment of luck, when luck is taken back, you will still be knocked down. At that time, Jiang Dexian was already a new upstart in shopping malls. Facing the frustrated Li nianjin and his son, he did not hesitate to beat them down and cut off all their way back to see them poor and destitute.

In front of him, there were scenes of previous life, but in front of Fang Junrong, he was still smart.Fang Junrong was silent for a moment, "I accept your thanks."

"By the way, can you tell me the end of Li's previous life?"

She suspected that the dream she had ever had was the so-called ending. Unfortunately, the dream is limited, only to see Li engjin stroke, Li Shize bankruptcy, Jiang Yage and Wang Xiao both stay and fly together - but here has been quite let her vent.

"Jiang Yage beat her and Li Shize's children in order to stay with Wang Xiao. After Li nianjin knew about it, he was very angry. But when Wang Xiao got tired of her, he gave her to his men... "

Jiang Dexian said everyone's ending in a calm tone.

Fang Junrong heard that call a still unfinished, there is a sentence is how to say, know that they are not good, she was happy.

At least all that deserve retribution in previous lives have been rewarded.

She looked at Jiang Dexian suspiciously, "didn't you mix a foot in it?"

Seeing that Jiang Dexian knows them like the palm of one's hand, I'm afraid they will also have his share of the credit.

Jiang Dexian smile, is still that kind of harmless appearance, very modest, "I just made a little contribution."

Fang Junrong:

"Can I know what you're worth now?" she asked

In the past, Jiang Dexian was able to stir up the storm in the middle, and he certainly mixed well. After rebirth, she did not believe that he would simply be his assistant.

"About as much as your daughter. I was lucky before, and I made all the money I put in. "

Fang Junrong was speechless. For example, she is not good at stocks. Even if she does it again a hundred times, I'm afraid she will not lose her fortune. This man made so much money for himself in silence. Although it is not as good as her You know, because Xin Yun inherited Li's property and helped her from time to time, there are at least several billion in her name.

This is probably the richest assistant in China. Fang Junrong felt absurd and funny. She also realized that Jiang Dexian really knew everything about her, and he said what she asked, without any concealment. Is that what he believes in her?

"It's a shame to stay with me."

"No, it's my pleasure. You taught me a lot. "

"Are you really not thinking about quitting?" Fang Junrong or some did not want to understand, but simply repay the words, there is no need to do this step.

"Do you think that I want to find a backer for myself?" Jiang Dexian said slowly.

This reason is barely acceptable. This market cake is so big, as a new star, it is inevitable to be attacked by the four sides. It's not her boasting. She's more or less a big man now. It's a little proud to think about it.

"When your company goes public, I can go over and help you out."


Suddenly she thought of one thing and asked him, "don't you need to ask me something?" From just now on, she has been asking unilaterally, he replied.

"No, it's good now."

If she's alive, that's enough.

The topic between the two stopped. Fang Junrong did not say too much. He just asked him if he still remembered the accidents. If he could, he would remind him one or two, which could be regarded as a point of responsibility.


Jiang Dexian's arrival did not set off any water splash. After all, Xinyun has been used to the existence of this assistant. She has no idea that the assistant's wealth is almost the same as her. Fang Tian looked at him more and thought he was too handsome.

In these days, Fang Junrong also determined the location of the factory. Xinyun has eaten the litchi from them. It's really delicious. It can be used to make dried fruit or juice.

On the eighth day of the heavy rain, news came from dingyang village. Part of the Danxi mountain collapsed and a landslide occurred. Several families near the foot of the mountain were buried by the sliding soil. Dingyang village is not rich, at most, it is to build a small two floors, if people are in it, the chance of survival is very slim.

When the villagers got the news, the same blank appeared on their faces. These days, we live in the town. After the freshness at the beginning, we want to go back. Unfortunately, the road is blocked by the government. In addition, it is raining heavily, so we can't go back. Behind their backs, they did not scold the government for meddling with rats. They did not scold Fang Junrong because she wanted to build a factory.

No one thought that the landslide had really happened.

The house near the mountain is a few more inverted air-conditioning, emerged the mood of fear.

It's just a little bit. The whole family is all in it. They can be said to have passed by the God of death.

The landslide is not a trivial matter. It has also disturbed the urban area, and leaders have been sent from above.

Mo mayor is very glad that he made a decision, but also grateful for Fang Junrong's reminder. Finally, the UAV also captured the current situation of dingyang village. One by one, we were shocked. No villager dares to complain about the government in private. The one who dares to say a bad word is not to be slapped in the face by his elders.Looking at the photos, Fang Junrong's only idea is: this landslide, after clearing away the mud, the space of the road will expand at once, and the road construction will be more convenient. However, experts should be invited to investigate the situation of the scene before planning.

When the villagers reacted, they ran directly to Fang Junrong and knelt down with lightning speed.

Fang Junrong was frightened by their move, "you get up first, what is this doing?"

"Mr. Fang, thank you. Thank you for reminding us to evacuate, otherwise we can't leave now."

"We have no conscience to scold you in private before."

Fang Junrong looked at Jiang Dexian standing behind her and said, "in fact, it was also my assistant who reminded me that this time, thanks to the courage of the mayor." Otherwise, it would not be so smooth.

"Yes, yes, yes, you are all our benefactors!"

Fang Junrong said, "get up first. If you want to thank me, you can work hard when you enter the factory later. Don't be lazy

"Yes! I'll beat anyone who dares to muddle along. " When the head of the village said this, he did not forget to stare at the villagers. Unfortunately, because of kneeling, he didn't seem to have any deterrent effect.

Fang Junrong let them get up. She knew in her heart that it was an expression of their simple feelings.

But she did not expect, this picture just was photographed, uploaded to the Internet, and triggered a small storm.