In these days, Zhang MEIXIA's parents also know what their daughter is doing and try to find a way to plead. The victim of this case is Xin Yun, and Zhang MEIXIA is an attempt. If Xin Yun is willing to make a settlement, Zhang MEIXIA can reduce the penalty, perhaps by paying a fine.

On this matter, Fang Junrong and Li Xinyun have the same attitude. We should judge as much as we can, no reconciliation, no forgiveness.

For Zhang MEIXIA, Xin Yun is completely a stranger.

Their attitude is firm, and Zhang MEIXIA's parents can not help but give up. Their husband and wife dare not make a big fuss. The public can't stand on their side, and their family's affairs will be known by the whole Chinese people. When you go out, you will be criticized.

In their hearts, Zhang MEIXIA's daughter can be said to be abandoned. To the outside world, she can only be said to send her to study abroad, so as to avoid people's eyes and eyes, so as not to be humiliated. The couple put their face above everything else.

It took Xinyun a period of time to get out of the psychological shadow brought about by this incident. From then on, she became better at quickness.

Fang Junrong experimented with quickness. She found that in addition to the things containing aura, Kuai likes to eat them, and poisons also love them. Especially, she is very keen on this aspect. It seems that you can be a poison detector soon.

She couldn't help but smack her tongue, and became more and more determined to take the quick with her when she went out.

She went into Dongtian a few more times to see if she could find a pet like Kuai Kuai. Unfortunately, after searching for a long time, I couldn't even see an ant. It's a rare thing to be quick.

After Zhang bi was arrested, Fang Junrong had a hard time living a peaceful life.

Over the past year, her life has been quite ups and downs, like riding a roller coaster. She goes to work every day. When she is free, she goes to travel and enjoys the rare leisure and tranquility. At the same time, she also took out Chao Yuan Dan, which helped some dying people and made her reputation better.

In this case, Fang Junrong was nominated as deputy to the National People's Congress and passed it very smoothly. Every year, she will take out a part of the money to do charity. She had always been grateful for her rebirth.

Time passed quickly. In a flash, another year passed. Meifang group can make billions for Fang Junrong every month because of the global sales of Meiyan pills and hair cream. Although there are countless teams trying to crack both, they are in vain.

On that day, Fang Junrong was invited to attend a dinner party for his family. She and Wang Ya, the hostess of Gu's family, met when they went abroad to participate in the jadeite public dish activities. Wang Ya is also keen on jewelry and jade, and has collected a lot over the years. Today's banquet is to invite you to enjoy her treasures over the years.

In fact, Fang Junrong is not so fond of jewelry. She bought jade more for the aura contained in jade. But this behavior fell into the eyes of Wang Ya, who did not know it, and became her friend who cherished each other.

Wang Ya is a little vain and enjoys the praise of others, but he is not bad. She invited a lot of people today. Fang Junrong looked at them, and many of them were familiar with her. She exchanged greetings with them with a smile and was invited by Wang Ya.

"Here, take a look at some of the new ones I've bought recently. I found it from the stall. "

Fang Junrong took a puff at the corner of his mouth. Wang Ya has a little hobby, that is, he likes to go to the stall to pick up leaks. The problem is that her eyesight is not good enough. She has been cheated and paid a lot of IQ tax, but she still enjoys it. For Jun Rong, it's very easy to identify whether the jade is genuine or not, just look at the aura contained in it.

She took a look at Wang Ya's so-called collection and gave a polite smile. "It looks beautiful."

As expected, Wang Ya's own Amoy of these, aura is very weak, I suspect most of them are made of glass to coax her. But Wang Ya's good face, Fang Junrong can't show in front of her that she was cheated again, can only boast about her appearance.

Wang Ya's smile was reserved and showed off a little, "I also think my vision is good this time." She took out the key and opened the glass cabinet - all the jewelry and jade were placed in the glass display cabinet, which was specially made to prevent bullets. She took out one of the bracelets, showing an obsessed expression, "especially this one, I like it very much! It's so beautiful! "

In Wang Ya's eyes, Fang Junrong is her colleague, so she wants to introduce to her. This new bracelet is her heart.

"The water head of this bracelet is very straight. It's a floating flower of ice seed. What's more, does the pattern of this floating flower look like a mountain? There happened to be an old man who was in a hurry to change money to pay for the medical expenses. When I saw it, I simply took it down. "

Fang Junrong looked at it with great cooperation, and then his pupils opened up silently for a few minutes. She is familiar with the style of the bracelet. And her previous bracelets, in appearance can be said to be the same.

Subconsciously, her right hand gently stroked the wrist of her left hand, where there was a trace of a bracelet.

will there be as like as two peas in this world?

Fang Junrong didn't know, but he smelled the strange smell from it. The only thing she can be sure of is that no matter how similar the appearance is, this is a fake made by someone else with glass, because she can't feel the aura on it.She boasted, "it's really beautiful. It's like a mountain, and it's a mountain surrounded by clouds."

"Yes, yes, I feel the same way." Wang Ya felt that Fang Junrong was really her confidant, so she became more and more energetic when she introduced her.

Fang Junrong accompanied Wang Ya to appreciate her treasures one by one, and finally Wang Ya was satisfied to receive other guests.

After 11 o'clock in the evening, Fang Junrong left.

It's late autumn. The wind is a little cold on her body. She puts on her coat to resist the cold wind.

On the way to the parking space, halfway through, she stopped and looked at a corner.

"What's the matter?" Asked her bodyguard, Jane Shao.

Fang Junrong looked over there for a long time, but he didn't see why. She shook her head. "It's nothing. Maybe it's my delusion."

It seems that someone is always looking at her.

However, she was accompanied by a bodyguard, and the tortoise was also brought out quickly. It's true.

She got into the car, sat firmly, and the car slowly left.


When the limited edition Bentley left, a man came out of the dark corner, but Li Shize had disappeared for a long time.

After a year and a half later, he finally saw his mother again. Mother has not changed in the past two years. She is still graceful and elegant. Time seems to stop completely on her. At the banquet just now, she was also the focus, and her every move could easily attract other people's attention.

She was so good that she seemed to forget that he was such a son.

Now he still dare not appear in front of her, for fear to see her disgusting eyes. Over the past year, he has dreamt about the past life, and every time he wakes up, it is his most painful time.

After his revenge, maybe he can go back to find his mother.

He thought, dragging his heavy body back to the small apartment.

Just entered the house, Jiang Ya Ge met her, and her voice was gentle like water. "Now it's getting colder and colder. I've cooked a pot of sparerib soup, and I'm waiting for you to come back and drink it together."

Without Li Shize, she would not drink soup alone. This is no way out. Jiang Yage spent a year and a half in prison. It can be said that his life is like a year. After he came out, the whole person was much rougher, and he was no longer as beautiful as before. In addition, she still has a case, and she was dropped out of school, so she couldn't find a suitable job. At this time, she and Li Shize met again. Li Shize did not care about her behavior of abandoning him before and was together with her again.

Now Li Shize is no longer the famous young master of the Li family in those days, even reduced to serving as a driver. If there was a better choice, Jiang Yage would not choose him, but she couldn't find a suitable boyfriend. She had to hold on to Li Shize and show her tenderness of 120000. Anyway, Li Shize still has a house.

Li Shize droops his eyelids, tone is very gentle, "you worked hard, let's drink together." If it was him before, I would be very moved to see her washing his hands for him.

Jiang Yage immediately took out two bowls. What she stewed today was lotus root and spare ribs soup, which was the most comfortable when it was hot. She also specially added a few more ribs to Li Shize's bowl. Her share was only soup but no meat.

After drinking, Jiang Ya Ge took care of his work again.

"It's OK for me to stay at home," Li said. Gu's family just came to s city this year, and I haven't seen me before, so I don't have to worry about being laughed at by them. "

He pauses and says, "I see my mom today."

Jiang Ya Ge Leng Leng Leng, lowered his head, did not let Li Shize see the resentment on his face. In her opinion, if Fang Junrong didn't stick to it and sent her to prison, she would not have suffered for more than a year. She also lost a lot of money, which would have harmed all the money she had saved.

"I dare not recognize her. She will not forgive me." He seemed to think of something, and his tone suddenly became excited. "But today, I saw a jade bracelet in my home, which was very similar to my mother before."

"Have you ever had a similar one? I wanted to give it to you, but my mother lost her bracelet by accident. I didn't expect to see it on the home side. "

Jiang Ya GE's heart was pounding and she felt her mouth dry and dry, "really?"

She often dreamt about the bracelet and the fairy mountain. Unfortunately, she racked her brains at that time and even made up a story for Li Shize, but she couldn't get the bracelet.

"That bracelet means a lot to mom. If I can buy it back, I'll give it to her. She might forgive me

Jiang took a deep breath, squeezed out a smile and held his hand, "well, I support you. You should try to save money to buy it back and make amends to your aunt. If you can't, I'll sell our house. "

She made up her mind to get the bracelet this time, anyway.

Li Shize took her look into the bottom of his eyes and sneered in his heart: he wants to see what means Jiang Yage will use to get that thing this time?Some time ago, he spent a lot of effort to make such a fake. It was a gift he prepared for Jiang Ya Ge.

Jiang Yage raised his head and exchanged a sweet smile with his four eyes.

Two former lovers, from the appearance, are still in love, but the heart is thinking of different things.