Fang Junrong and Wang Ya are shopping. To be exact, they are helping Wang Ya buy the right clothes. Wang Ya's eldest daughter is going to celebrate her 18th birthday in March, that is, next month. On her daughter's important day, she must dress up well, so she brought Fang Junrong out as an adviser.

Wang Ya and her husband are also legends in the market. At the beginning, his husband was the so-called coal boss's starting price. After earning almost all of them, he turned to the jewelry market, and they really made it. However, because of the identity of the early coal owners and the relatively short time of their rise, they are the so-called nouveau riche in the eyes of many people. Many people dislike them as local and do not like to take them to play.

Fang Junrong felt that Wang Ya was much easier to get along with than others. She just likes to be flattered, but she's not bad at heart. The couple spend more money on charity every year than many big companies.

This is one of the reasons why Wang Ya likes to be with Fang Junrong, not only because she has similar interests, but also because she is comfortable with Fang Junrong's attitude towards her.

"Speaking of it, I heard that your peaches will bear fruit this year? It's too fast. It's only been planted for two years. " Generally speaking, it is only about three years after planting.

Fang Junrong raised his lips and nodded slightly. After all, she took it to plant, but the kernel of peaches in the space was not as good as that in the space, but it had obvious advantages over other peaches on the market.

"I'll give you some more when the fruit is ready."

Wang Ya said, "well, I've heard that your fruit is so delicious that you can't buy it outside."

Fang Junrong selected three sets of clothes for Wang Ya. Because Wang Ya likes to bring a full set of jewelry when she attends a banquet, she must choose the type that can match the jewelry and hold down. Fang Junrong also bought a few new models for himself. When he was tired, they went to a teahouse with good reputation to have a cup of tea.

Generally speaking, it is Wang Ya who said that Fang Junrong occasionally commented on it.

Speaking of half, Wang Ya's mobile phone rang, she carelessly opened, after seeing the content above, her expression solidified.

"Good, Gu Zhen, this bastard! It's killing me! "

She was furious and her chest heaved with anger.

"Killing people? Is there a misunderstanding? " She also met the boss Gu several times, and the other side's character was quite cautious.

"What a misunderstanding! That bitch went to see the obstetrics and gynecology department, but also misunderstood

Fang Junrong found out that she had misunderstood it, and that it was another way of killing people.

"I don't care how many women he has outside. Anyway, don't get in my way. He told me that it was impossible to have illegitimate children. What he said was like farting! "

"I knew I should have pulled him to the ligation, it's all over!"

Wang Ya usually turns a blind eye to her husband's affairs. After all, she has not committed any crime to her. But now she can't bear to make this happen.

She was obviously so angry that she complained incessantly. Finally, she showed the photo to Fang Junrong, "here, this is his new lover. She is young and beautiful, and can deceive people. No wonder she has coaxed him away!"

Fang Junrong looked at the photo, and his eyes were suddenly certain. The man in the photo looked so familiar and looked like Jiang Ya Ge.

Wang Ya was sent more than one, ten of which could be clearly seen in four of them. Although changed some, not as good-looking as in memory, but it is really Jiangya song.

She's out of jail?

Yes, in terms of time, I got out of prison almost in November last year.

She raised her head and asked Wang Ya, "what are you going to do?"

Wang Ya sneered, "he made a disaster, why let me help clean up the mess, he himself to deal with it! If I don't deal with it well, I'll leave directly and share half of my property. It's just like raising fresh meat with you. " The reason why she didn't get a divorce was that the days of divorce and divorce were almost the same. Because of the guilt, her husband usually treated her better. Most of the money was in her place.

She called her husband and scolded him severely. Finally, she said, "if I can't, I'll leave. It's just to meet your wishes and make room for her." End.

After the scolding, she calmed down a lot and ordered a pot of tea for herself.


On the other side, boss Gu was scolded by his wife, but he was also confused. When he received the picture from his wife, he was furious. He has been taking good protective measures. Why is he pregnant?

To be honest, he would have had a lot of illegitimate children these years. On the other hand, he did not want the interests of his wife and daughters to be damaged, so he simply put an end to illegitimate children.

The child can't stay!

After the meeting, he immediately went back to the house he bought for Jiang Ya Ge.

When Jiang Ya Ge saw him, she showed a gentle smile and put her hand on her abdomen. "I'm pregnant. It's our child. I went to have an examination two days ago, and the child is very healthy. ""I have seen many masters and said that this baby is male."

She stressed this point and hoped that Gu would treat her better. He is so old that he doesn't even have a son. He will certainly value this baby very much.

As soon as she looked up, Jiang Yage saw his gloomy face. He glared at him. The unfriendly eyes made her step back subconsciously, and her smile was stiff on her face.

Boss Gu said coldly: "beat the child, I'll give you two million."

Jiang Yage's smile couldn't hold on, and her tears burst out, "I'm not for money..." Just two million, you want to kill her? She just wanted that bracelet.

Boss Gu doesn't eat this. He sees a lot of people like Jiang Ya Ge. This period of time pet point, also because she is really young and beautiful, and open, occasionally accompany her to play a love game when decompression.

However, on the premise that he did a good job in protection, he must have used other means to get the child. If he was too careful, he couldn't take it.

He didn't give her face at all. He tore open the veil between them and said, "you don't want money. What do you want? The smell of sweat on me, or the smell of my feet? "

Jiang Ya GE's face was blue and white for a while, and now she can see it clearly. Even if she tried her best to conceive this pregnancy, it was still worthless in his heart.

She gritted her teeth and said, "I can knock out the baby, but I want that bracelet, the one I said before."

Boss Gu is stunned and looks at Jiang Ya Ge with a silly look. She just wanted a tattered Bracelet when she made it like this? After his wife bought the thing back, he secretly asked someone to identify it. The fake product sold for 3000 yuan still depends on the technology level of the other party. Just like his wife, he is not good to pour cold water, can only let her wear to play.

"Can't you?" Jiang said

Boss Gu waved his hand, "OK, when you have the operation, I'll bring it to you immediately."

It's also a good thing to get rid of her with a broken bracelet. It is also a pity that Jiang Yage has no brain, otherwise he will have to work hard.


Jiang Yage only wanted to get the thing quickly, and soon arranged the operation. However, she had been in prison for a year and couldn't get used to the food there. Her body was already empty. Now she went through this procedure and became more and more weak. After the operation, she could only rest in the hospital for a few days.

Boss Gu kept his word and really brought the bracelet to her. In addition, he gave her hundreds of thousands of yuan, which was the separation fee.

Jiang Ya Ge lies on the hospital bed, looking at the same bracelet as in the dream, laughing and crying. She sacrificed so much and finally got it. Next came to think of a way to get a little Fang Junrong's blood.

What makes her particularly uncomfortable is that she doesn't know who told her story out. Jiang Yage was also a famous figure on the Internet before. Now, she is popular as a junior and has an illegitimate child. Her bad reputation is even worse. Even the nurse she hired looked at her like a cockroach.

She can only see out of sight, out of mind, secretly determined to take advantage of the jade in the future, after climbing the peak, then let those people look good.

Footsteps ring, from far to near, Jiang Ya Ge raised his head, the ward door was quickly pushed open. She saw Li Shize come in and shrank subconsciously.

When I broke up at the beginning, I wrote him a letter with dignity. As a result, I turned my head and became the mistress of boss Gu. Goodbye to Li Shize, even she couldn't help feeling uncomfortable.

"Shize..." She said.

Li Shize looks very calm, "I saw your things online."

Jiang Ya GE has a kind of impulse to hide himself in the quilt

Li Shize's eyes fell on her wrist, drawing a sarcastic arc, "is it for this bracelet?"

Jiang Ya Ge subconsciously puts her hand under the quilt.

"I came here today, but I just thought of something, so I came here to remind you."

"What's the matter?" Jiang Yage felt that if she was Li Shize, she would not be able to speak in such a good voice, which made her suspect that he came to find her today.

"You always wanted a bracelet like my mother. At that time, I still liked you very much. In order to appease you, I had been looking for something similar in private. Unfortunately, it was in vain

Jiang Yage heard this, her face softened down, that time is her happiest time, but it is so short.

as like as two peas, I found someone who tried to make a identical one.

Jiang Ya GE has a bad feeling in her heart.

"Recently, I learned that Wang Ya bought the bracelet. Now it's in your hand. Maybe it's doomed. This bracelet is a reflection of my love for you

With a smile on his face, his words seemed like poison, which made Jiang Yage unable to breathe.

She looked at the bracelet on her wrist and felt a whirl.