Chapter 2292 So What

Chapter 2292 So What

Little Alauna's rage seemed endless. Like a tempest piercing the skies, the power of her strikes seemed to know no bounds. The strength she wielded had already long left the range of the mortal plane. However, due to talents she gained from her mother in controlling energy, her ability to hide her strength from the Heavens was even beyond that of her father. As a result, despite having stepped into the Third Facet, the Heavens had still not rejected her.

Now, all of that strength, all of that power, was completely focused on the Sapientia, unleashing in a torrent of unbridled rage that shook the Heavens themselves.

Maybe someone else would have already given up. Even with her power, she hadn't caused a single scratch to the large formation. However, her idol was her father. She couldn't help but think every time she had thoughts of giving in... Would her dad have done so? Would he have put down his rage and bowed his head to this cowardly bunch?

Whenever she had such thoughts, her resolve would reach an all new level. It didn't matter how long it would take. Ten years, a hundred years, a thousand, a million. It didn't matter. There would come a day where she cracked this formation.

Within the headquarters of the Sapientia, several gloomy gazes were trained onto Alauna.

They were the topmost experts of their clan. Before the rise of the Mortal Empire, they had the right to look down on all existences of the mortal plane. Even when the Nephilim Clan was seen as the strongest in the public view, they saw them as nothing more than a walking clown show. If it wasn't for the fact they wanted to remain in the dark, would it even be possible for them to hold such a title?

There was only one man who seemed calm through it all.

When their plot to use the Sprites to kidnap Alauna failed, he hadn't reacted much. When Dyon killed the greatest genius in the history of their clan – Aritzia – he hadn't reacted much. Even after hundreds of years of being humiliated by Alauna in such a fashion... he hadn't reacted much.

This man sat on the main throne of the Sapientia with an apathetic expression. He watched Alauna unleash a barrage of attacks on their formation with neither happiness nor rage evident in his eyes.

The coolness of his golden irises, the well-groomed nature of his dark black hair and beard, the perfectly sculpted structure of his handsome features... He was unknown to the world but respected to the point of infatuation by the Sapientia.

He was their Emperor and the dead Oshire's father, Saerus Sapientia.

Even as the elders around him felt a rage at being treated so casually by a little girl, he showed no hint of emotion.

Many years ago, Alauna and Luna had traveled to their territory together only to find that the Sapientia were suffering from great internal strife. They seemed to have broken off into two camps, each of which had differing ideologies.

Back then, Dyon had already predicted that those who opposed the Sapientia's main agenda would die. They seemed to be equally matched on the surface, but Dyon's eyes were far sharper than this.

As expected, just a few hundred years later, there was no sign of internal strife to be seen. The Sapientia had been forged into a solid metal plate. Despite being besieged by Alauna like that day in and day out, there wasn't a single person who stepped forward with the thought of conceding. Such a result could only be credited to a single man. This singular man right here.

Many years ago, when Dyon's wives acted to save Madeleine's parents from being eradicated along with the rest of their faction, they only had a few words to describe this man...


The creature slowly made its way into view. Under the shocked gazes of the Sapientia, a beast larger than even their whole planet formed.

It had a massive singular eye at its very center with a pupil vertically slit like the eyes of a snake. The eye looked carved of ruby gems and pearls, while the pupil was as dark as a blackhole.

The eye was surrounded by a black fog from every side but its very front. From within this fog, millions of long, thick pillar- like tentacle limbs waved about wildly, each with power capable of crushing a planet with absolute ease.

If Dyon were here, a frown would knit his brow... He would immediately realize that this thing... Was a Void Beast!

This very beast that even those of the Immortal Plane looked toward with endless dread had suddenly appeared... The very beast that even a legion of immortals might not even be able to defeat...

Space and the void cracked under its pressure as though its weight was far too heavy. The mortal plane seemed to be trying to reject its existence, but it was far too weakened to do so. The mortal plane was nothing but a dying fire on the very last of its embers... Apparently dealing with such a creature was far beyond its means...

At that moment, a sudden roar shook the skies.

The planet Alauna had crashed into was shattered into countless pieces, shooting across the solar system and even sending a barrage crashing against the hexagonal energy shields of the Sapientia's capital planet.

She was cut a sorry figure. Her torso had caved in, blood flowed from her once flawless face, and her breathing and qi were erratic and uncontrolled.

However, her eyes held an undisguised fire within them. They blazed so brightly that they outshone even the sun in the distance.

Her injuries rapidly healed as she gazed toward the void beast's singular eye without a hint of fear. Her father's blood ran through her veins. What she feared the least was battle. In fact, she felt that she had finally found something she could vent her rage on.

Alauna's hair billowed. There was no air or wind around her, but the burning fire of her qi seemed endless.

The Sapientia fell into silence. Could it be that even after all of this time, she hadn't shown them her full strength?

A royal blue diamond armor coated her body from head to toe. She discarded the two wings in her hands as though they were worthless, pulling out a crystalline scythe that exuded a vast aura.

In the blink of an eye, a formation of 108 000 stars appeared around her, her strength and momentum continuously blooming.

In those moments, her arrogance was no less than that of her father.

Immortal? So what. Void beast? So what.

She'd see how many swings of her scythe this vile, disgusting creature could take.