Chapter 135 - Chapter 135: Chapter 135: Glimpse into the Heart

Chapter 135: Chapter 135: Glimpse into the Heart

Translator: 549690339

Yu Minglang was in the inner room, and Xiao Qian was in the living room, both answering questions at the same time.

He had done a similar TAT in his old unit’s Psychological Intervention Group, but the one Xiao Qian gave him was different from the ones he had done before.

While answering the questions quickly, he marveled at Xiao Qian’s memory, being able to remember so many things, truly deserving to be the girl he had chosen.

“What kind of questions are these, so messy. Like ‘What would you do if you encountered a cockroach? a. Cut it into pieces with scissors b. Smash it with a shoe until it’s a bloody mess c. Burn it with a lighter d. Throw it directly into the toilet bowl’, of course, I choose c…”

In addition to these multiple-choice questions, there were also some open-ended ones. For example, an engineer who had worked at the Antarctic Station ate some meat his wife served him, but found it tasted strange. When he asked his wife what kind of meat it was, she replied that it was penguin meat. After some silence, the engineer stabbed his throat with a fork. Why?

There were also some questions that were drawings by Xiao Qian, asking Yu Minglang what he thought they looked like, and he wrote out his answers in a flurry.

At this point, Yu Minglang didn’t realize that he had fallen into Xiao Qian’s subtle trap…

After about ten minutes, both of them finished writing. Yu Minglang handed his answers to Xiao Qian, and Xiao Qian handed her answers to Yu Minglang, and they started to check each other’s work.

The majority of their answers were different.

“Is there anything interesting about these questions?” Yu Minglang was amazed when he looked through them, especially the one about the penguin.

“Some of these questions are original, and some are adapted from foreign TAT questions. They test your personality from different angles. For example, for the cockroach question, since you chose c, it means that you may appear normal on the surface, but in fact, there is a little bit of a twisted factor inside you. Combined with the answers pertaining to relationships—”

Xiao Qian’s gaze lingered on one question, and her face turned slightly red.

Yu Minglang looked at her puzzled, “What’s wrong?”

“You may have…”

Xiao Qian didn’t say any further; otherwise, she would have exposed herself.

Actually, the set of questions she gave Zheng Xu was only half of this one. She added the last 20 questions herself, hoping to get a comprehensive understanding of him. Of course, she couldn’t tell him, as he would find out if she did.

“What do I have?”

“Nothing serious. Overall, you’re a pretty sunny person, with a low probability of developing mental illness.”

It turns out that he may have a violent tendency when it comes to that aspect, which is probably why he liked to take her from behind in their past life… This is definitely the instinct of a beast!

Having an affair with him was like having bruises all over her body, and he seemed to enjoy biting… Ahem, he might like to vent his work pressure on that thing, but fortunately, he hasn’t reached the level of S&M yet.

Overall, this was a man who was a beast in bed and pretended to be a gentleman outside of it. For a woman, he was still a good choice for love, and he had a strong sense of responsibility. As Xiao Qian had previously judged, he was very particular about relationships and was definitely related to his childhood experiences.

That was how Xiao Qian, with a slightly lewd expression, used her technical means to quietly analyze him.

Unbeknownst to Yu Minglang, he had revealed his inner self to Xiao Qian. However, the way Xiao Qian kept glancing between his answers and him, with a playful look in her eyes, made him feel uneasy. He had a feeling that this set of questions seemed to have exposed something…

Is there a problem with the answers?” Yu Minglang felt that Xiao Qian’s eyes were looking at him just like when he had his medical examination during military enlistment – naked and vulnerable. Luckily, there were no female doctors, or else it would have been extremely embarrassing.

Indeed, the truth was that Xiao Qian’s set of questions was full of traps that almost laid bare his heart, openly peering into his thoughts. Being a psychologist, she had some special privileges in this regard.

“No problem. See, everyone has different answers. You saw that you and I have different answers, but I have 90% of the same answers as Zheng Xu.”

What’s the reason?” Yu Minglang was somewhat depressed. Why did his girlfriend have different answers from him, and why were Zheng Xu and Xiao Qian so similar?

“The probability of multiple pregnancies in humans is only about one in 100,000 to 200,000, but even twins think differently. The cognitive difference between men and women is even greater, and it has something to do with the structure of our brains. I came up with the concept of ‘spiritual twins’, and although there are no data on how many spiritual twins there are among humans, the probability is certainly lower than that of physiological twins, especially cross-gender spiritual twins, which are almost impossible. However, Zheng Xu and I are exactly that.”

“What’s so great about that? It’s like your left hand touching your right hand, knowing everything he’s thinking – no fun at all.” Yu Minglang became jealous, feeling resentment, and began to speak nonsense.

He would never admit that he was jealous.

“That’s why there could never be anything more than friendship between him and me, at least from my side. I would never get together with my own spiritual twin.”

Two people who are too alike will lose the fun of being together.

Although she and Yu Minglang would occasionally quarrel, those quarrels were part of their love life. Once they were too alike in thought and lost their novelty, life would become boring. Couples who quarrel easily usually walk hand in hand for a lifetime, while those who never have a disagreement could end their relationship over a sudden argument.

“You might not be interested in him, but he might not be uninterested in you. Don’t forget, you still have a 10% difference.” Yu Minglang spoke from a man’s perspective.

He could see the way Zheng Xu looked at Xiao Qian – it was a man’s gaze on a woman. Though Xiao Qian had no romantic feelings for Zheng Xu; he might have feelings for her!

“Right now, he’s just like looking in a mirror but doesn’t realize it.”

Xiao Qian believed that Zheng Xu was a very narcissistic person. His current feelings for her were nothing more than infatuation. When the right person for him appeared, he would understand that this infatuation was not love.

“Then, Doctor Chen, based on your analysis, what kind of woman would Zheng Xu be interested in? I’ll find him a few in advance.” He wanted to get that black cucumber off of his girl.

“First of all, it should be a woman.” Zheng Xu’s sexual orientation seemed to be normal.

“…” What a pointless remark!

“High IQ beautiful, outstanding in a specific field. He wouldn’t want to be with someone inferior to him, nor someone who is not good-looking. The woman should be clear-minded and decisive. He might also prefer a more active and aggressive woman—Yu Minglang, if you were a woman, he would be head over heels in love with you.”

Xiao Qian said all that based on her own criteria for a partner, except for the first point.

Yu Minglang felt disgusted by her.

“Even if I were to be reborn as a woman, I wouldn’t want to be with a man who had been with so many people. Ugh! Why would I want to be a woman!”

He had been led astray by this girl.

“So, you should be relieved that I’m not the right woman for Zheng Xu.”

“No, I’m even more worried now.”

Because, from what Xiao Qian said, Yu Minglang thought that Zheng Xu might be lonely for a lifetime.. Where would he find a woman like that?