Chapter 284 - Chapter 284: Chapter 272: The Best of Both Worlds (Monthly Tickets 650+ Added)

Chapter 284: Chapter 272: The Best of Both Worlds (Monthly Tickets 650+ Added)

Translator: 549690339

On the way here, Xiao Qian had been strategizing every step, she has thought of everyone’s bottom line and their inner fears.

The reason she didn’t suggest to Shi Touyu to ask these people to release them was that she knew they would never agree.

When people are impoverished to a certain point, their perspective of the world alters. They reverence gods and spirits, but if it’s for money, they would dare to kill even them.

Their respect for gods and spirits is not born out of heartfelt belief, but fear and for personal gain. When the fear induced by the spirits exceeds their threshold, and they can’t achieve their goals, they simply stop believing.

To these people, gods and spirits are all commodities for trade. The faith of the least privileged people is solely based on utilitarianism.

So Xiao Qian had Shi Touyu pretend to be possessed by the Grand Immortal and chose to stay, instead of asking to leave, thereby deceiving the others and preventing them from suspecting that they were being set up.

The man would not dare harm Shi Yu and would treat her well. Then she would be able to waste time by telling their fortunes or helping them amass wealth, while waiting for a rescue or a chance to escape.

But Shi Yu didn’t follow Xiao Qian’s script. She didn’t have as strong an understanding of human nature as Xiao Qian. Thinking that they believed in her divine power, she wasn’t content with her own safety, she wanted to rescue Xiao Qian as well.

But Shi Touyu miscalculated.

The woman who had bought Xiao Qian valued the 4000 dollars more than her own life.

In a place like this, it would take years to save that much. Without this sum of money, they would lose all hope of a decent future.

So Shi Yu’s request didn’t materialize, and the obnoxious old lady with triangular eyes bit her back.

Money, interest had already surpassed their reverence for gods and spirits.

If at this point, Shi Yu had shown weakness, or said something wrong, her identity as a deity would have been questioned.

Xiao Qian broke out in cold sweat.

But at this critical moment, Shi Yu’s potential surged by 200%. Her imaginative mind from drawing comics and her determination to protect her friends, turned her into an invincible warrior.

She started leaping around again, babbling nonsensical prophecies, circling the old lady, clapping her hands, and emitting creepy laughter from time to time.

“In three days’ time, you will meet misfortune. There’s a star of disaster atop your house that will gnaw at your neck and chew your head, haha, Good Wealth Girl, she will bleed tonight, bleed a lot!”

The bald headed man who went to buy incense has just returned. Not knowing what had transpired, he saw Shi Yu hopping around Aunt Apo, he placed the incense sticks in the ground and Shi Yu immediately sat down cross-legged, pretending to accept their worship, all the while mumbling words under her breath.

“When you go back, don’t take the same route you came. A black dog blocks the path back, you are doomed if you go that way.”

“But deity… there’s only one path up the mountain…” Big Baldy seemed troubled.

Shi Yu opened her eyes wide,”You dare question me?!”

Da Mei, who was already a firm believer, immediately offered assistance.

“Eldest Brother, you forgot, there’s another path!”

“But… that path is broken in the middle, our vehicle won’t be able to pass…” Big Baldy hesitated.

“Take that path, there’s a Golden Pig on it!” Shi Yu was persuasive in a pushy way. Yes, you all must take the narrow path, I hope your car breaks down, and it would be best if it falls off the mountain and you all die!

Xiao Qian almost burst out laughing.

After the naive country girl turned dark, her skill at swindling people improved greatly. She encouraged others to talk, and they believed what she said was true. She certainly looked like a rural shaman.

“Deity, when you speak of the Golden Pig, you mean     ?” Big Baldy asked

respectfully, all the others listened in earnestly.

Shi Yu, having fumbled words under her breath, shook her head.

“Heavenly secrets cannot be revealed. You have committed many sins in this life, but your ancestors were virtuous. Before you turn 50, there will be a Golden Pig for you to find. If you don’t find it, you can only wait till after 50. Also, you have three children, the youngest is a boy, he’s in danger during the first lunar month, don’t let him see the sun! If he’s gone, you won’t have a son in the future!” When Shi Yu got to the latter part of her prophecy, she pointed at Da Mei, who was terrified.

“Eldest Brother, we should rush home!”

Da Mei received information about her child during a casual conversation on the road with Xiao Qian. When Shi Yu used it to further her ruse, Da Mei thought Shi Yu was powerful and foresighted. Da Mei was worried about her son and wanted to rush home.

“Grandma Huang, about the Golden Pig    ” Big Baldy was still concerned

about the unexpected fortune.

Shi Yu was getting tired of keeping up the act, she stiffened and fell flat on the ground.

A silence fell upon everyone around.

After calculating in her head that around ten seconds had passed, Shi Yu suddenly sat up and rubbed her eyes.

“What just happened?”

“Did the deity depart? It seems I didn’t see you sending her off?”

According to the local tradition, you are supposed to see off the deities that have been summoned. Shi Yu had overlooked this, and Xiao Qian didn’t mention it either. She glanced over at Xiao Qian.

“The deity we summoned is from a foreign land, she doesn’t follow the same customs as the local ones.” Xiao Qian quickly covered for her.

“If you need to know your future, come to my house! For auspicious and other events, relationship troubles, impending deaths of the elderly, our deity can tell it all.” Da Paozi laughed. He felt extremely lucky, like he had brought home a golden goose for only 4000 dollars.

The bald human trafficker stood up, rubbing his sore knees.

It was infuriating! If they had known earlier that the girl they smuggled could foresee the future, they could have kept her themselves. But they had already taken the money and couldn’t go back on their word.

“Eldest Brother, let’s go back quickly, I’m worried about the child!” Da Mei was afraid that what the deity had predicted might come true.

Big Baldy was reluctant to take the difficult path, but was also curious if the Golden Pig was real. So, he made up his mind.

“Let’s go!” If he didn’t find the Golden Pig, he would come back!

The villagers around were all amazed.

Look, she is indeed a deity.

The man who bought Shi Yu didn’t dare to mistreat her. After all, when the “deity” was possessing her, it had said to treat her well and not to touch her, but to keep her well fed and in comfort.

Shi Yu left with the man, but not before stealing glances at Xiao Qian, worried about her. What will happen to her boss?

Xiao Qian gave her a thumbs-up in encouragement. Shi Yu held back her tears and turned away.

She understood what Xiao Qian meant.

If she could not continue to pretend, there would be no hope left for her and Xiao Qian.

She wished she could switch places with Xiao Qian, but in order to escape this hellish place, she must suppress her fear and guilt towards her friend. Only then could she complete this dance on fire in chains to the end.

She hoped that Xiao Qian would start her period today.

Just before they arrived, when the human traffickers weren’t paying attention, Xiao Qian had told Shi Yu about her impending period.

This was also one of the reasons why Xiao Qian wanted Shi Yu to pretend to host the Grand Immortal instead of doing it herself.

The more culturally backward the place, the more superstitious people are.

They believe that a woman’s menstruation is impure and it is absolutely a taboo for a man to have intercourse with a woman during her menstruation. They believe that touching it would bring bad luck.

Xiao Qian wanted to make use of this, to protect herself and Shi Touyu..