Chapter 1193: Suning air-conditioning franchise

Chapter 1193 Suning Air Conditioning Franchise

The whole report is written almost in the form of a story, not a dry report.

From the return and exchange of the goods by the old seven, to the perfect handling advice given by Huaqing Electric at the first time, then the old seven and the others developed from the normal return and exchange to a disturbance.

Then guide customers to also follow suit, not to say that Huaqing Electric is out of stock, going bankrupt, and running away.

In the end, Jiang Xiaobai appeared with BGM, controlling the scene all of a sudden, extremely domineering, and the truck appeared to replenish the store.

Shocked everyone, Jiang Xiaobai announced the full-scale competition.

The whole report is a short story full of contradictions and interestingness.

After sorting it out in the future, it can be included in the personal autobiography.

In order to report the story, the reporter also spent a lot of thought on this report, staying up late at night to write the manuscript.

Of course, the effect is particularly obvious. The manuscript was read with relish the next day.

If it were in ancient times, maybe the storyteller would start talking about it everywhere.

As soon as this report came out, the traffic of Huaqing Electrical Appliances increased. Because of the stories, the spread was much higher than normal reports.

Huaqing Electrical Appliances can be regarded as a real overnight fame in Jiangsu Province, and many people have remembered this brand.

And the news continues to being known by more people.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai is having a meeting in the conference room of Huaqing Electrical Appliances.

He has already booked the train tickets for the afternoon. In the afternoon, he will leave Jinling with Zhao Xiaojin and the others to return to Longcheng.

"The first is to carry out encirclement and suppression campaigns around eight shopping malls. There must be a store next to each shopping mall. The storefront should not be too small, at least 500 square meters...

The second is advertising. Huaqing Electric will increase its investment in advertising in the next step. I have read your financial statements for the first half of this year, and the expenditure on publicity is too small.

Now is not the time for the fragrance of wine to not be afraid of the deep alleys. The competition is fierce. We must let more people know about our Huaqing Electric and understand our Huaqing Electric in the shortest possible time...

Third, the price reduction promotion activity can be ended after the expiration date, and the normal price will be restored. If the price reduction promotion is in the future, the manufacturer must negotiate with the manufacturer during the promotion. This part of the cost is paid by the manufacturer...


Jiang Xiaobai arranged one by one, and Wang Chao and others in the meeting room were using pens to write “shasha” notes on the notebook.

"Okay, I'll just say so much. In the end, I hope that Huaqing Electric will get better and better and get out of Jiangsu as soon as possible and go to the whole country." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

"Pop, papa."

"We must live up to Jiang Dong's expectations." Wang Chao took the lead in guaranteeing.

Others also promised to work hard, and strive to let Huaqing Electric go to the whole country as soon as possible.

Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Xiaojin got up and left. Wang Chao simply confessed a few words before the meeting ended. When they arrived at Jiang Xiaobai Hotel.

Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Xiaojin are already packing their things. Wang Chao wants to keep Jiang Xiaobai for a few more days, but Jiang Xiaobai doesn't have this idea at all.

Let’s not talk about the competition between the home and the beverage factory and Coca-Cola, it has been more than half a year this year, and he has not stayed at home for a few days.

At the same time, Xinjiekou is not far from the hotel.

In an air-conditioning store named Suning, Zhang Jindong looked at the news in the newspaper a little worried.

It hasn’t been long since he opened this shop. He just quit his job as an “iron rice bowl” and opened such a shop that specializes in air-conditioning by using the 100,000 yuan he saved when he went to work a few years ago.

Of course, this one hundred thousand yuan is not earned solely by earning wages. If only by earning wages, it will only cost more than one hundred yuan a month.

When he went to work, he often took time off and went out to earn extra money, so he saved 100,000 yuan.

Suning, Su is the abbreviation of Jiangsu Province, and Ning is the abbreviation of Jinling. Together, it is called Suning.

Air conditioners, TV sets, and washing machines are the most popular products at this time.

The air conditioner can almost be said to be the luxury of this era, and Suning’s choice of air conditioner as a franchise product can be said to be a strategic priority.

In just six months of opening, Zhang Jindong made a lot of money.

However, Suning's life is not so easy during this period.

The reason is simple. There is fierce competition between Huaqing Electrical Appliances and the eight major shopping malls, and the price is reduced.

has a great impact on the home appliance market in Jinling as a whole, and even in the entire Jiangsu province.

Compared with Huaqing Electric Appliances and the eight major shopping malls, Suning is just a baby in a swaddle.

There is not much room for maneuver between    and Jiayuanchang. It is wishful thinking to let the manufacturer let Li Na be.

And I lost money to make yelling, and I didn’t have that strength, so during this period of time, I could only watch the door in the cold every day.

But he is waiting, waiting for the end of the competition between the eight major shopping malls and Huaqing Electric Appliances.

In fact, from his heart, he hopes that the eight major shopping malls will compete successfully.

Although the eight major shopping malls are considered giants in Jinling, they are, after all, state-owned enterprises with relatively rigid systems.

In this case, he will give some small businesses a living space.

Like Huaqing Electrical Appliances, isn't it also developed to today's scale, the eight major shopping malls can't help but do it?

But Huaqing Electric is different. This is a private company with great ambitions. In just a few years, it has spread all over the province of Jiangsu.

Also, Huaqing Electric is very aggressive. This is a private enterprise.

However, the day did not fulfill everyone's wish, and the final result turned out to be that Huaqing Electric was even better.

said it is even better, but basically it has established Huaqing Electric's unshakable position in the entire Jiangsu province.

After all, even the eight major shopping malls are not opponents, who can still be an opponent.

And it was written in the newspaper. Next, people will compete with the eight major shopping malls in an all-round way and carry out encirclement and suppression wars around the eight major malls.

You can also see from here, the dominance of Huaqing Electric is evident.

People have funds and strength...

As the so-called layman watched the excitement, the insider watched the doorway. After many people read this report, it passed away with a laugh.

I remembered Jiang Xiaobai, I remembered Huaqing Electrical Appliances, and it was all over when I knew it was good.

But he knew that the next eight shopping malls will be sad.

But at any rate the eight major shopping malls are state-owned, but if you enter it, think about it, if it is Huaqing Electrical Appliances to encircle yourself.

I am such a small shop, what to compete with.

That was shivering, Zhang Jindong sighed, the sky is not fulfilled, so wait and see.

Look at how the eight major shopping malls will respond. If the eight major shopping malls are really killed, and the entire Jiangsu province has become the world of Huaqing Electric, then you have to consider what Suning should do next.

(End of this chapter)