Chapter 686: calculate

After all, Boss Chen is Boss Chen. He used to have dozens of direct subordinates and was in charge of a large company with thousands of people. Although he is now in a semi-retired state, his basic skills are still there. The girl snatched it silently from her hand,

After a short exchange, he mastered the basic information of these three people,

Lu Jiannan is the oldest teacher in this school. He is 24 years old. He happens to be the same age as Boss Chen. He has been here for two years.

During his senior year internship, he applied for a teaching quota and was assigned to come here. He stayed here for a year, and after he graduated, he reported to the higher authorities. He was approved again and postponed for two years.

It is now his third year here, and he is also one of the famous "nail households" in the nearby teaching team.

He is the oldest one, and he is the natural principal of Harlow Village Complete Primary School.

Because, there are only three teachers in the entire elementary school. Besides him, they are Fu Ting, who has just started her second year of teaching support, and Tao Tao, who has only been here for more than a month.

It turns out that Tao Tao is Tao Tao's real life, not the nickname that Boss Chen thought.

Fu Ting is 23 years old this year. After graduating from university last year, she came here through the school committee.

Tao Tao's situation is similar to hers. They are still sisters from the same school, but they are a year later in age and graduation.

While the few people were chatting, a group of Yi girls came in with big bowls and small pots in their hands.

Chen Yang's eyes straightened immediately,

He just heard the old horse talking about the lumps of meat in a pot last night, and now he saw the truth?

At this moment, Mugu stood up, and he could understand what he meant just by looking at the hand gestures. This is to invite everyone to eat.

Chen Yang turned his head to look at Jimu Ziri,

Jimu Ziri said with a serious face, "The Yi family invites guests to dinner. The cattle, sheep, chickens and pigs are all slaughtered fresh, and the buckwheat is also freshly pounded. The best things must be brought out, and the guests must accept the kindness of the Yi family, otherwise I just don’t want to be friends with the Yi people!”

Chen Yang blinked, and said softly with some hesitation, "This is, what you just said, the big taboo?"

Jimu Ziri nodded sincerely, "Yes."

have to,

Chen Yang squeezed a smiling face and patted his thigh to stand up. Since it is a big taboo, then eat it.


He looked at the food bowls lined up on the ground and extending directly to the door of the house, and couldn't help but look around,

Where is the table?

At this time, Tao Tao whispered, "Mr. Chen, the Yi people don't have a table to eat. When I came, they treated me like this."

I silently added a sentence in my heart, that is, the scale is not as large as this time,

But it's not that Gu Gu is unfair, when she came, there was only one person, even if Lu Jiannan and Fu Ting were added, there were only three, which couldn't be compared with more than twenty of them!

Hearing Tao Tao's words, Chen Yang took a deep breath without changing his face, and sat down very naturally under the doubtful eyes of Mu Gu and others.

"Do as the Romans do, so eat like this."

Then I stretched out my fingers and looked, wondering if it would be too hot when I grabbed it with my hands later?

and also,

I hope I don't have diarrhea!

At this time, two Yi girls came in, one holding two chopsticks and spoons, and the other holding a stack of wooden bowls, and distributed them to the guests, including Lu Jiannan and the three of them.

Holding the chopsticks in one hand and the wooden bowl in the other, Lu Jiannan smiled at Chen Yang,

"When I first came, they didn't even have chopsticks, and the spoons were shared. Later, I communicated with them for a long time, repeatedly emphasizing hygiene, and the living habits of outsiders. Grandpa Mugu asked someone to make a batch of chopsticks and spoons. spoon,

Moreover, the students in the school now also have their own bowls and chopsticks, which is different from the previous generation. "

Chen Yang laughed and said, "So, today we can have chopsticks to eat, thanks to you."

He said and looked at the bowls and chopsticks in his hand, they were all carved from wood, 100% pure handicrafts, polished very smooth, without any thorns, although the style was relatively rough, but placed outside, Let alone a set of hundreds of dollars.

Hearing Boss Chen's words, Lu Jiannan smiled shyly, and then said, "Originally, we were supporting teachers. After arriving in the Shaobian area, we should try our best to respect the local etiquette and customs.

However, several students in the school were suffering from gastroenteritis at that time. After I learned about their living conditions, I also consulted my classmates who were studying medicine. I thought it was their eating habits, so I gave them advice. "

At this time, Tao Tao, who was the most active, immediately took his words and said, "Our brother Lu is very powerful. Every year during the winter and summer vacations, he goes out to find help.

In the past, there was no canteen in the school. At noon, the students could only eat the cold potatoes and buckwheat steamed buns they brought. Those things were not tasty, let alone cold.

Especially in winter, when the temperature in the mountains is low, if you don’t pay attention to the potatoes, they will freeze harder than rocks. You need to warm them in your arms before eating them.

It was Qiao Gela who came to sponsor and built a canteen for the school. Starting from this semester, students can eat hot meals at noon.

There is also the dormitory in the school, which was also built by Brother Lu with the help of the villagers. He built a canopy bed and tried to buy bedding, so that students who are far away can live, preventing many people from dropping out of school. "

Lu Jiannan hurriedly waved his hands in embarrassment, "No, it's all thanks to everyone. How can I do so much by myself."

Chen Yang smiled and was about to speak when he saw Mu Gu holding a bowl of wine in both hands, solemnly reciting the toast,

So he also became dignified with the others.

After the toast, drink and eat meat,

The vegetable pots were placed on the ground, and everyone formed a long circle. Some sat on chairs, such as Chen Yang and others, and Lu Jiannan and others, some sat on small benches, such as Jimu Ziri and others, and other villagers simply sat on the ground. ,

Lu Jiannan reminded in a low voice, "Mr. Chen, fill up the bowl first!"

Chen Yang rolled his eyes, taking advantage of the time when Mu Gugu invited the guests to start, together with Lu Jiannan and the others, he and Zou Rong's wooden bowls were filled to the brim.

Shen Youshun and the others followed suit, and they also scooped up a bowl full of it.

When the old man saw it, he was so happy from ear to ear. The guests ate a lot, which means the banquet is popular.

Then raised his hands and said something loudly,

The men who came to the welcome banquet started to move. Although they also held the bowls and chopsticks in their hands, they might not be used to it. As they ate and ate, they turned into grasping the meat with their hands. After eating, they licked their fingers and picked up the meat. The wine bowl dries up with a touch, and then continues to grab vegetables, which is a joy for a while,

Originally, Chen Yang was thinking, try to slow down the pace a bit, and use this bowl of rice to last until the banquet is over, so that Mu Guru would not ask him to add food,

Otherwise, he really didn't have the courage to stretch his chopsticks into those dish bowls that had been grabbed by many hands,


His big wooden bowl, which only had a few pieces of meat and hot and sour chicken, was only halfway down when he found that the bowl was empty...

Zou Rong ate even less, the food in the bowl was only tipped, and then looked at the ground,


Fortunately, when they were slightly embarrassed, the three of Lu Jiannan, who seemed to have gotten used to it, were eating as if nothing had happened.

It seems that this is not the first time they have experienced this kind of scene!

Satisfied with wine and food, the others dispersed one after another, leaving only Mr. Mu Gu staying here to accompany the guests.

At this time, Lu Jiannan also stood up and said, "Mr. Chen, the students are going to wake up at this time, so we will excuse you first."

The three of them were ready to leave.

Chen Yang also quickly stood up and said, "Is it convenient for me to go and have a look?"


Lu Jiannan nodded with a smile, "It's just that the conditions in the school are relatively poor, so don't hold it against you."

He's just not good at words, not stupid, don't say that Boss Chen took the initiative to mention it, even if he didn't mention it, he would find a way to ask Boss Chen to take a look.

Just in case you donate!

As Tao Tao said just now, this person is worth tens of billions, and he is quite generous when doing charity. Since it falls into his hands today, he should be able to gain something!

After a brief explanation with Jimu Ziri, Chen Yang took Zou Rong, accompanied by Shen Youshun and two bodyguards, and walked into the courtyard not far away.

The school has a gate, and a gate is installed in this place, but it is not to prevent theft.

When unlocking and entering the door, Lu Jiannan said, "When I first came here, some students often skipped classes and went home to work, so I asked the villagers to help build a gate, and all those who ran home were gone."

Chen Yang looked at the two-meter-high wooden door, and couldn't help but ask, "Can this prevent them?"

It's really not bragging, let alone this kind of wooden door, even the iron door with anti-theft thorns on the top, and the high wall with glass **** pierced with two or three meters high, can't stop him when he was a child.

The physical fitness of the children in this mountain must be better than him at that time, right? !

As a result, Lu Jiannan smiled and shook his head, "The door is a meaning, it represents the rules of the school. Children in the mountains dare to skip class and go home to work, and there are villagers who do not allow their children to go to school, but there is absolutely no child who dares to climb the school wall!"

Fu Ting also smiled and said, "I don't know about other places, but this is indeed the case here.

When the gate was just built, a student from a lower grade climbed over the wall to go back. He was fine before, but he was brought to school overnight by his parents that day. If we hadn't stopped him, his leg might have been broken! "


Chen Yang smacked his lips, raised his head and looked at the door, feeling a little unbelievable,

He obviously doesn't like going to school, but he respects the school very much, he can't figure it out, he can't figure it out!

A group of people walked into the school, and Lu Jiannan locked the gate again, and then led everyone inside,

Only then did Chen Yang see the whole picture of the school clearly.

Entering the gate is a playground, but there is nothing on this playground, it is just a flat ground, only a wooden flagpole is erected on the edge of the playground, and the raised national flag is flying high.

Past the flagpole is the largest building in the school, three large tile-roofed classrooms,

Next to the big tile-roofed house, at a distance of more than ten meters, is a low earth-walled house. Because the house is too short, it could not be seen from the outside just now.

There is also a small chimney behind the earth wall house, which should be the canteen built by Lu Jiannanla.

this canteen,

It's really hard to say...

Seeing Chen Yang looking at the cafeteria, Tao Tao rolled her eyes, exchanged glances with Fu Ting, then suddenly pointed there and smiled, "Mr. ,come and see?!"

Who is Boss Chen? He can tell at a glance what their calculations are, but this kind of thing, he really didn't take it to heart, so he smiled and nodded, "Okay."

Seeing his unanimous agreement, Tao Tao immediately jumped three feet high, and happily ran to the cafeteria,

Chen Yang and Zou Rong looked at each other and smiled, and followed them.

On the contrary, Fu Ting was a little embarrassed. Didn't she tell others clearly that we were plotting against him!

But Lu Jiannan could see clearly, walked to her side, and said softly,

"If this Mr. Chen is really like what Tao Tao said, he is a super entrepreneur with high career achievements. I'm afraid he has already seen through our careful thinking. Why not be more direct like Tao Tao, and maybe the effect will be effective. better."

Fu Ting was right when she thought about it, she nodded slightly and followed closely behind them.

Walking into the cafeteria, Chen Yang felt that this place should not be called a cafeteria, it would be more appropriate to call it a kitchen.

On one side is a four-meter-long operating table, which is actually a chopping board made of a wooden shelf. There are bowls, chopsticks and seasoning boxes on it, but it is relatively clean.

On the other side is an earthen stove with three large pots. Chen Yang walked over to have a look, and found that the two pots were empty, but the last pot still had some hogwash after washing dishes.


A pot cover suddenly covered the mouth of the pot, startling Chen Yang,

Tao Tao pressed the lid of the pot with both hands, and smirked with a flushed face, "Hehe, what, I forgot to empty the dishes just now after washing."

Chen Yang blinked, looked at her, then looked at Lu Jiannan and Fu Ting who were a little embarrassed, paused for two seconds, and then asked, "Do you also do the work in the cafeteria?"

Lu Jiannan rubbed his hands in embarrassment, grinned and said, "Actually, we are not the only ones, many teachers in the supporting teaching sites are like this,

On the first day I came here, the then principal and our senior, Yu Fei, said that the teachers here are all-rounders. They are teachers when they are on the podium, and chefs when they are off the podium. "

At this time, Fu Ting also raised her head suddenly, looked at Lu Jiannan, and said seriously, "On the first day I came here, Brother Lu also told me something,

‘When you come to support teaching, first think about whether you have the confidence to be a truly qualified teaching support teacher,

In the face of harsh living conditions, no water, no electricity, and even mobile phone signals are intermittent, whether it is really possible to face the boring life on the mountain alone,

Do you complain when you cut firewood, cook and wash clothes, do you doubt your original decision when you are bitten by fleas, do you deny yourself when you encounter a bottleneck in class, do you feel wronged when you have conflicts with villagers,

Even taking a bath for a long time, living in Baosi for a long time without smelling its smell, will you dislike yourself and cry bitterly...',"

As she spoke, she turned her face away and shrugged her shoulders calmly, "I was really not used to it at first, but now I take a bath once a month, and I don't feel uncomfortable anymore."

Chen Yang pursed his lips, looking at this pretty girl, he was speechless for a while,

Zou Rong also held her husband's hand tightlyIt felt like her nose and throat were suddenly blocked, she couldn't breathe, and she couldn't speak.

As a support teacher, of course she knows,

Including the alma mater of the university she graduated from, and there are quite a few, but when everyone chats, what do you say?

Various preferential policies such as insurance research, national examination, and entrepreneurship, in short, in the eyes of many people, this is a business.

Although she didn't speculate on these people with malicious thoughts, she was somewhat influenced by the public opinion around her and felt that they were just going through the motions.

But today's scene has greatly changed her impression,

She even felt that if Fu Ting and the others were really living the unimaginable life here, no matter how many preferential treatment policies there were, they would not be able to make up for their efforts.

In the silence, Tao Tao raised her hand suddenly, "Mr. Chen, please follow me."

After speaking, he walked out quickly.