Chapter 249

Western Base.0

"It seems Xiao Xiao and the others haven't arrived yet."0

Long Zhe stood on tiptoe, straining to look outside the gate.0

Seeing nothing but empty roads at the end, he felt a bit disappointed.0

"They have to transport supplies, so they should be delayed for a while," Jiang Huai patted his shoulder and teased, "What, missing your Xiao Xiao sister?"0

"Uncle, I don't!"0

Jiang Huai felt a bit guilty.0

When people feel guilty, they tend to raise their voices first to gain the upper hand.0

Jiang Huai didn't expose him but instead chuckled, "Then you better work hard. Your Xiao Xiao sister is already so much more capable than you.0

Look at that little face; she'll definitely be a beauty when she grows up.0

There will probably be no shortage of suitors, so you, my boy, are in trouble."0

"Uncle, what are you even talking about? I don't have those thoughts!0n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

And how old am I, how old is she?0

You, an old bachelor, should take care of yourself first."0

"Hey, you little brat, feeling bold, aren't you?"0

The uncle and nephew laughed and joked.0

Wang Dahai and his son Wang Qingdong walked over.0

"Jiang Huai, you guys arrived early."0

Jiang Huai stopped 'disciplining' Long Zhe and turned to look at Wang Dahai.0

He smiled, "Not that early, just got here a moment ago."0

"By the way, how many people did you bring this time?"0

"A thousand."0

"That many! No wonder it's a big base; we only brought three hundred.0

Can't be helped; our base doesn't have many psychics, and we have to leave some to guard the base.0

Can't have the front line fighting while the rear burns, right?"0

Wang Dahai chuckled innocently.0

"Look, those are the people from Xiangrui Base; they're here!"0

At that moment, someone shouted from the crowd.0

Everyone looked outside.0

A dozen large trucks had stopped at the gate.0

Tang Yanchi and Tang Jun led the way, followed by a large group of people.0

"So many people, that must be around eight or nine hundred, maybe a thousand. No wonder it's a big base!0

Apart ​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌​‌​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌‌​​​​​‌‌‌​​‌​‌‌​​‌​‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌‌​​‌​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌​​​‌‌​‌​‌​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌​​​‌‌​​‌​​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌​‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​‌‌‌‍from Rongsheng Base, I guess Xiangrui Base is the only one that can bring so many people at once."0

"That's right, I'm so envious."0

While everyone was discussing, Peng Shaowei led Bai Hongting and the others out.0

Yun Xiaoxiao, seeing the shock below, was unfazed.0

She was constantly taking things out from her space.0

One moment she teleported to this helicopter, the next to that one.0

Being short and paying attention to her position, no one below noticed that Yun Xiaoxiao was 'operating in the dark'.0

This was also why she didn't have the helicopters land on the ground.0

With the size of the helicopter, it couldn't hold all the supplies needed this time.0

So she came up with this method.0

Peng Shaowei was also stunned for a while before shaking his head with a light laugh.0

Although these supplies were what he had previously ordered.0

Seeing them now, he was still shocked.0

The visual impact was too intense.0

Bai Ruo sneered coldly in her heart.0

So eager to show off!0

Tang Yanchi and Tang Jun also raised their eyebrows.0

Tang Yanchi, being young, couldn't control his expression.0

When he realized he was too surprised, he quickly straightened his face, reverting to a serious expression.0

After a while, all the supplies were finally dropped.0

Immediately after, nine figures jumped down from the helicopters.0

They were Yun Xiaoxiao, Lu Chen, Ling Jing, Nie Yizhou, Xiao Feng, Zheng Yuner, Lei Ming, Tao Mi'er, and Liu Tao.0

As soon as they landed, the seven helicopters slowly ascended into the sky and flew away.0

"You only have nine people?"0

Wang Qingdong, Wang Dahai's son, suddenly spoke up.0

Everyone finally snapped out of their shock over the supplies and looked at Yun Xiaoxiao and the others.0

They whispered among themselves.0

"Right, why did they only send nine people? Among all the bases, they probably brought the least, right?"0

"Exactly, even our small base brought nearly a hundred people. What's their deal? Don't want to contribute?"0

Hearing the murmurs, Yun Xiaoxiao just glanced indifferently.0

Then she looked at the man closest to them who said they didn't want to contribute and smiled leisurely.0

"This uncle, is having more people something to be proud of? Don't end up with a hundred people killing fewer zombies than our nine, that would be embarrassing..."0

With just one look, Yun Xiaoxiao already knew his strength.0


"Is it arrogance, or will you find out later?0

However, there's one thing you need to pay attention to, and that is not dying too early, so you can see the results."0


The man was so angry he couldn't speak.