Think of the logic behind the position langcai gave zero.

Su Yu sneered.

"Lead the wolf into the house."

Lang Tsai thought zero was really good for Myanmar, at least on the surface, but Su Yu knew that zero was just trying to "borrow" the shell, and thought that this matter had developed so "fun".

Su Yu couldn't help laughing.

He thought of the relationship between the wolf and the sheep that zero had said last time, and he was happy. He liked the feeling of watching a good play very much.

At this time.

There was a noise.

Looking back at the former subordinates who came running fiercely, his face was full of panic and worry. Su Yu shook his head, and the word "mob" appeared immediately. Relying on these people, it's also luck that he can survive until now.

But he was also grateful to these people. Although their brains were not so smart, they were loyal to him before, but now they just hate iron rather than steel.


Zero has become the focus of attention of all parties. The probability of their own suffering from danger has greatly decreased, and the next days also have hope.

These days and zero's exchanges make him like opening up a new world. He has learned too much. Zero's profound knowledge, wide-ranging experience, can point to the point of everything he says, and can see the problem too deep for ordinary people to understand. He feels inferior to himself.

Such people.

Where is Lang Tsai they can control, with zero IQ, can play to their collapse.

Walking in front of the old Ministry saw Su Yu and began to cry out: "the leader of Su Yu, zero unexpectedly turned to Burma, what can we do, if...".

"All right."

A big drink.

Su Yu stops their coming chatter.

The scene quieted down.

Waiting for Su Yu to speak.

"It's no big deal. I've discussed with leader zero for a long time. We want a stable trade channel and trade position. Cooperation with Yangon is the general trend and inevitable.

But you can rest assured that zero has not surrendered all the rights. If everything goes on as usual here, Yangon will promise not to settle accounts after autumn. You will do your business well in the future. " Su Yu explained patiently.

"What do you do then? Do you have any arrangements for zero pair? " A good way for a subordinate.

"Yes, I work under his hand, one of the Deputy Governors of the Myanmar Asia special economic zone." Su Yu said frankly that the "Myanmar Asia Special Economic Zone" is a provincial unit, which in theory belongs to the direct management of Rangoon. This position is not low in his opinion.

Hearing this, the old one was happy for a moment, laughing and saying, "that's great. We believe you. We will follow you in the future." Others nodded their heads and stood in line.

Although Su Yu is a deputy.

But it is impossible to say that the important people in this land in the future do not have rights.

It's only when they know the power of Su Yu that they know how many pairs this pair is.

"Don't say that. We're all working together. You can do business well. You can help me, but don't embarrass me. After all, I'm just an assistant. Tomorrow, I'll go to Xin'an town to participate in the establishment of the management organization of the" Myanmar Asia Special Economic Zone ". You can do it for yourself. Don't disgrace me." Su Yu waved.

"Yes, yes, I understand."

"Don't worry, I will never disgrace you."


Su Yu's subordinates expressed their opinions one after another.

They are relieved, too.

Su Yu is still an "important" position here. They are a little strange to zero. Zero is too cold. When they see zero's face, they will unconsciously get nervous.

It's better for the old leader Su Yu to talk.

Another greeting.

They left happily.

Su Yu also went back to look at the information. Tomorrow is an important day. Zero meeting will be present in person, introduce some other important people, announce the appointment of him and several other deputy district chiefs, and then start the preparatory work of each department. He has to enter the state as soon as possible.



Wang SA put down the phone stupidly.

His mind is a little twisted. He thought that he would stand up to Myanmar's side all the time in the action before zero, but it's only a few days since it disappeared. The territory has been recognized as a special economic zone by Myanmar, and zero has been directly on top of the position of deputy head of Myanmar.

Empty duty.

That's also the deputy chief.

In Thailand, it is also the presence of Thai royal family or Thai Prime Minister personally.

Wang SA thought of his first meeting with zero half a year ago. As a witness of the trading of jewelry between zero and Tangkai, he collected a "toll fee" by the way. Later, zero gradually grew bigger and stronger, and zero's position rose. Gradually, he became an important cooperative partner of all families in Thailand.

Because zero has no export port, it can only go through the port channel of Thailand, so it has a sense of superiority in front of zero, because zero has no identity, just a local power.


Deputy chief of Myanmar.

This span is too big for him to accept, and he can't calm down at all.

Although now it's a false job.

But zero is a man who is good at creating miracles. This time, it's amazing. Next time, if you are directly in the position of deputy chief, you'll also be a big man in Burma. It's hard for you to meet a big man.

No way.

I have to drink a glass of wine.

Wang SA quickly poured a glass of fruit wine, let alone, the calming effect of fruit wine is now highlighted. After a glass of wine, the heart rate of Wang SA slowly slows down, and the restlessness and excitement can be relieved.

The phone call just now was made by his father in a hurry. Apparently, he just got the news. He made the call when he had time, because Thailand and neighboring countries are shocked by the sudden news of Myanmar.

Myanmar suddenly has another special economic zone.

It's nothing.

But the predecessor of this special economic zone is a local power of Myanmar, which is not normal. Therefore, all countries bordering on it immediately focus on Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, India, Bangladesh, and China.... And journalists who are concerned about the situation in various countries.

If the previous zero was only a local force, it would be a small role, just a little ruthless.

But now it is backed by the economic entity of a country.

Influence is not the same.

They can't help being careless.

At the same time.

Zero requirements.

After announcing the establishment of the "Myanmar Asia Special Economic Zone", the Burmese government formally submitted an application to the Chinese authorities for the establishment of a border port at the junction of the "Myanmar Asia Special Economic Zone" and China for commodity logistics and deepening regional economic contacts and exchanges.

This is a request from a country.

So within half an hour, the application was put in front of the big guys in the capital.

After a discussion.

In the afternoon, it was approved by Myanmar government before dark.



The other side.

At this time, Tang Kai and Liu Qian have returned to Qingyan city. When they woke up in the afternoon, they received a phone call from Wang SA. At first, they thought it was a cooperative thing, but unexpectedly it was such unexpected news.

Like Wang SA, he was a little confused.

Do you want to be so exciting.

The leader of a local power suddenly changed and became the deputy head of a large country. Tang Kai thought he was daydreaming if he pinched himself.

On the phone, Wangsa is also worried about whether the sales right of fruit wine will be returned by zero. After all, now zero has a legal identity and the territory also has a "name". No matter whether those goods go to Burma, China or other ports, there will be no problem in the territory's import and export of goods.

Then the importance of Thailand as a port has plummeted.

His role in wansa will continue to decline.

Tang Kai is also a little worried about being said so. Although Tang Qing's friend and zero are friends, now zero's identity is special and there are many things to worry about. It's not necessarily that he can speak so well.

Good words comforted Wang SA, Tang Kai quickly dialed Tang Qing's phone, the phone was soon connected.

"Second uncle, what's up?"

Today is Saturday, Tang Qing is practicing Woodcarving in the villa, while Lin Jiaxue is playing the piano in the music room. Now she is playing "two tigers". Tang Qing laughs.

"Tang Tang, do you know about the zero leader today?" Tang Kai asked, not sure if Tang Qing knew.

"I know. What's the matter?" Of course, Tang Qing knows the meaning of Er Shu. He watched the whole negotiation process. It's interesting to say. Sometimes it's noisy like a vegetable market.

Tang Qing finished watching the video with melon seeds.

Just know.

Tang Kai said his worries: "Tang Tang, it's like this. Zero is now in such a high position. If you are the deputy chief of Myanmar, will it affect my business with him in fruit wine and jade?"

"Don't worry, uncle. Zero is a trustworthy person. If you say one is one, it won't change. Just keep doing business." Tang Qing comforted.

"Really?" Tang Qing's tone is so definite that he doesn't need to ask his friend, which makes Tang Kai very nervous.

"It's true, of course. I'll take it easy for you to do what you have to do." Tang Qing said with a smile.

Hearing this, Tang Kai also put down the stone in his heart. Tang Qing will not fool himself, but it's a bit strange. Tang Qing is too sure about his words, as if he can make a decision on such a thing.

"With you, I'll be relieved. Uncle Liu and I have seen the land. It's a good place. I'm going to buy it and get a manor. Uncle Liu will take me to see the city leaders tomorrow. The basic problem is not big. I'm going to let people design it. Do you want to add anything?"

"I don't mind. Just like it. I believe in uncle Er's vision." Tang Qing doesn't want to be involved in this kind of thing. It's troublesome.

"Ha ha, stinky boy, OK, I'll see to it." Tang Kai laughed, knowing that Tang Qing was lazy again.

"Well, good."

Hang up, Tang Qing continues to finish his work.

Listening to Lin Jiaxue's "naive" music, Tang Qing continues to immerse himself in his works.

It's the two tigers without eyes and ears in their hands.