Chen Yu found out from Faang Yi that there were a lot of ginseng growing inside the Kowloon Mountain, and it was even rumored that there was a ginseng king over a thousand years old, which made Chen Yu very excited. As long as he could find this thousand year old ginseng, he might be able to break through the second level of the Fetal Respiration.

At this moment, Faang Yi was regretting telling this place to Chen Yu. If the monster inside really existed, and something had happened to her benefactor, then Faang Yi would never be able to forgive herself for the rest of her life.

"Brother Yu, let's not talk about this problem for now. "It's almost time, let's hurry up and get on the car …"

Faang Yi looked at the time when the train left, there were only less than five minutes left until it would be time to start the train. She and Chen Yu were probably busy chatting about ginseng, and the flight attendant had reminded them not to hear anything.

After looking at the time, Faang Yi's face was full of anger as she spoke to Chen Yu in a hurry.

"Brother Yu, quickly leave … The train is about to leave, we have to hurry... "

Faang Yi urged Chen Yu in a hurry, then quickly picked up the luggage in his hands and ran towards the ticket check-in area.

Chen Yu smiled faintly. Seeing Faang Yi's anxious look, he felt it was really funny in his heart. She didn't expect that such a beautiful woman who was like a flower in the four seasons would appear to be a manly woman.

Chen Yu only carried a backpack to the north this time. Other than a map, the rest were the food that he had eaten in the past few days.

Chen Yu slowly walked towards the ticket check, he did not look anxious at all.

"Hurry up …"

Faang Yi stood at the entrance of the ticket checking station and shouted out, afraid that Chen Yu would miss the time to board the carriage.

Chen Yu smiled, increased his pace, and immediately rushed over. He could fly on his sword in less than ten minutes, and he would be able to fly in a hundred miles away. However, since his rebirth, on this planet that had very little spirit energy, he had only been able to cultivate to the level of Level 3 Foundation Building Stage, if he wanted to reach the level of Sword Kinesis Flight, he would have to leave his body first. It seemed that he could only be a mortal that came here, and would only be able to sit on normal transportation.


Along the way, Chen Yu enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the northern region. Faang Yi swapped seats with a passenger, and sat next to Chen Yu. Along the way, her gaze never left Chen Yu, and from time to time, she would tell him about his hometown.

Looking at the continuous rise and fall of the mountain peaks, Chen Yu could not help but be reminded of how unrestrained he was at that time. Every day, he would ride on his sword and every single mountain would be beneath his feet. At that time, it would be hard for him to forget how awe-inspiring it would be, but his current cultivation was only that of his Level 3 Foundation Building Stage.

let out a light sigh. At this moment, he was even more anxious to reach the Kowloon Mountain, he wished he could obtain the thousand year ginseng that Faang Yi was talking about right now.

But Chen Yu suddenly remembered the rumor that Faang Yi had said. If there really were monsters, it would be hard to avoid fighting with that beast. He was only at the Level 3 Foundation Building Stage level now, so if that monster was powerful, it would be hard to deal with.

Faang Yi didn't understand why Chen Yu was doing this, and looked at it in astonishment.

"Brother Yu... "Benefactor …"

Seeing that Chen Yu was not paying attention to her, Faang Yi unhappily dragged her lower jaw, and looked at Chen Yu with admiration. Her mind was currently filled with the scene of Chen Yu saving her life from the hands of the lackeys, especially after her ankle was injured, and the scene of Chen Yu carrying her all the way home and treating her wound.

"Big brother, when should we make our move?"

In a seat not far from Chen Yu and Faang Yi, a burly man wearing sunglasses and carrying a toothpick looked out of the window with a sinister expression.

Around him sat four vulgar looking and sharp-tongued young men. One of them, a mantis, asked nervously.

The lips of the dark glasses burly man twitched as he said gloomily.

"Wait a little longer …"

At this time, Chen Yu was meditating and resting in preparation to deal with the monster that Faang Yi talked about. Even if there were no monsters in Kowloon Mountain, he would rest for a while. When he went up the mountain to search for the Five Leaf Grass, he would be much stronger than before.

Hearing the conversation between the few lackeys, Chen Yu frowned. What were these fellows trying to do? Were they going to rob him?

Chen Yu's five senses were extremely strong. Although he had his eyes closed, he had heard the conversations of those hoodlums very clearly. Suddenly, Chen Yu felt a wave of potential danger approaching.

"Fang Ran, come sit by my side …"

Chen Yu slightly opened his eyes, and said seriously to Faang Yi.

When Faang Yi heard Chen Yu making him sit next to her, she felt extremely happy. Without saying anything further, she directly sat beside Chen Yu and leaned on him.

The lackey called Mantis kept his hands in his pockets the whole time. Seeing that his boss still hadn't given out his orders, the lackey became even more nervous. Cold sweat would occasionally appear on his forehead.

These strange looking hoodlums had a very nervous expression. They put their hands in their pockets and looked at the places where the train was passing by from time to time.

"Brother Le, we are almost at the Village of Longevity, and are about to stand. If we don't act now, I'm afraid we won't have the chance."

A man with earrings said in a hurry.

The one who wore sunglasses and was called Brother Le by these people was their boss. Brother Le took off his sunglasses, a trace of evil in his eyes as he said sinisterly.

"Wait a minute, isn't it the first day you guys joined me? Why are you so impatient?" We'll do it when the flight attendant checks the tickets. "

"Monkey, you will be in charge of holding the two guards. You two will be in charge of watching the train doors on both sides. Mantis will be in charge of collecting the money from the passengers here …"

Brother Le quietly arranged the 'mission' for a while.

The four hoodlums sitting around Brother Le heard his arrangements and nodded their heads. However, at this time, the mantis became even more nervous after hearing his words. It accidentally dropped the machete that it was hiding in its arms.

"You'd better be damn careful. You're truly a useless person. If I knew your despicable appearance, I wouldn't have brought you along."

The praying mantis had just joined their group and had never experienced a robbery before. Seeing that they were about to start, it started to get scared.

He quickly picked up the machete on the ground and asked with a smile.

"Large... Brother … We won't be arrested, will we? "

The mantis' question made Brother Le furious and he glared at it fiercely.

"Hurry up and f * cking shut your mouth. If you say any more nonsense, f * ck off …"

At this moment, a police officer slowly walked over and carried out a routine inspection of the customers.

The cabin guard slowly walked to the front of Brother Le and the others, only to see the man called Monkey by Brother Le, pull out a machete from his chest, and instantly strangle the cabin guard's neck, following that, he placed the machete on the neck of the guard, and said fiercely.

"Don't move, how about I chop you to death …"

The police officer blanked out for a moment as his entire body trembled uncontrollably. In the face of such a crisis, he didn't dare act rashly, so he could only obediently cooperate with their actions.

Immediately after, the fellow called Brother Le took out a gun from his bosom and shot directly at the carriage, then shouted fiercely.

"Hurry up and hand over all your money. If anyone doesn't cooperate, then your elder will let you have a taste of the spear's power …"

All the passengers in the coach were completely shocked by this scene. Seeing this bandit holding a pitch-black pistol, how could they dare to act recklessly? They all lowered their heads and tightly held onto their valuables.

Seeing the scene in front of her eyes, Faang Yi started to panic. He saw her quickly hide the bundle behind her back, and then, subconsciously, she leaned towards Chen Yu.

The current Chen Yu looked to be extremely unconcerned, as he continued to meditate, as if he hadn't met any bandits.

"The two of you, hurry up and watch the two sides of the carriage. Mantis, you go and collect the money …"

The two hoodlums held machetes in their hands as they ran towards the two sides of the gate, firmly locking it shut. Even if the other policemen came, they wouldn't be able to stop them from robbing the carriage.

"What the hell are you standing there for? Hurry up and collect your money, you piece of trash …"

Seeing that the mantis had not moved for a long time, Brother Le shouted loudly.

The praying mantis was stunned by Brother Le's shot just now. For a moment, it forgot what it was doing here. Hearing Brother Le's angry shout, it recovered its wits and quickly took out the sack it prepared beforehand.

"Oh, I'll go right now …"

Brother Le walked towards a young lad with a black gun in his hand and a mantis in his hand, as he shouted fiercely.

"Hurry up, if you delay laozi's time, then I'll shoot you."

At first, this young man wanted to resist, but when he saw the gun pointed at his head, he quickly fished out his wallet and put it in the mantis' pocket.

Brother Le laughed with satisfaction, and then warned the passengers inside the carriage.

"We are only here for money. As long as everyone obediently takes out the purse and jewelry, I guarantee that not a single hair on your head will be hurt."

Just at this time, a middle-aged man took advantage of Brother Le's warning and wanted to hide his money bag. However, Brother Le happened to see this action.

Brother Le picked up the machete in the mantis' hand and fiercely walked in front of the middle-aged man. Without saying a word, he viciously slashed at the middle-aged man's head.

"How dare you play tricks on laozi, you're courting death …"

As the knife cut down, blood began to flow out from the middle-aged man's head like a fountain. At this moment, all the passengers in the coach were dumbfounded. They had originally wanted to take the opportunity to hide their money bags, but they obediently handed over their wallets, afraid that they would be killed …