Soon, Chen Yu and Wang wanci rushed back to the school. After Chen Yu returned Wang wanci to the teaching building, he hurried back to the dormitory.

At this time, Xiao Song and Zhao Bo had rushed back to the dormitory, but Zhao Bo still didn't get better, his eyes were dull, and he was still talking about ghosts.

Han Shuang was puzzled when he saw Zhao Bo's situation. He hurried to Xiao Song and asked curiously.

"Xiao Song, Zhao Bo, what's the matter? It seems that he has been evil..."

Xiao Song looked at Zhao Bo's dull appearance. He was very helpless and gently pushed Zhao Bo, but Zhao Bo didn't even respond at all.

"Zhao bo... Zhao bo... Stop pretending. They're all back..."

Xiao Song shouted several times, but Zhao Bo still didn't respond. Now Xiao Song felt something was wrong.

"When we went to find a house for brother Yu at noon, Zhao Bo seemed to be frightened by something, and then became these two things. The landlord said that the house may have been uninhabited for a long time. Maybe Zhao Bo saw a mouse. I thought Zhao Bo didn't rest well these days. Seeing a mouse, he mistakenly thought it was something, so he didn't care too much..."

When Han Shuang heard this, his eyebrows frowned tightly. How could Zhao Bo, a big man, be scared like this by mice? It's a little unrealistic.

Han Shuang slowly came to Zhao Bo. As students of traditional Chinese medicine, they all had some ways to see a doctor. Han Shuang shook his fingers in front of Zhao Bo, but Zhao Bo's eyes were dull. Once there was no response, and his pupils began to enlarge slowly.

Han Shuang quickly put his finger on the pulse of Zhao Bo's wrist. A moment later, Han Shuang felt an uneasy premonition. Zhao Bo's pulse was very unstable at this time, and his whole body had no perception. In order to confirm this, Han Shuang pinched Zhao Bo's thigh. Sure enough, Zhao Bogen had no reaction at all.

"Zhao Bo, don't scare us. What's the matter with you?"

Xiao Song was a little nervous. He didn't know what to do for a while.


The door of the dormitory slowly opened and Chen Yu slowly came in. After Xiao Song saw Chen Yu, he was so excited that he quickly pulled Chen Yu to Zhao Bo and said nervously.

"Brother Yu, look at what happened to Zhao Bo. Han Shuang said he was evil..."

Chen Yu didn't care at first. When he entered the house, he thought these people were playing together, but Chen Yu frowned slightly when he saw Zhao Bo's eyes.

"Han Shuang, get out of the way and let me have a look..."

Han Shuang hurried out of the way. Chen Yu picked up Zhao Bo's wrist, simply numbered his pulse, and checked Zhao Bo's body with divine knowledge.

Huh? How could Zhao Bo's soul be scared away? What happened?

Chen Yu took back his divine sense and asked seriously.

"Xiao Song, what happened?"

Xiao Song calmed down and told the story of renting a house at noon again. Chen Yu frowned tightly and seemed to have guessed the problem. There must be something unclean in that house, which Chen Yu was quite sure of.

Is it evil practice?

Chen Yu suddenly thought of this in his mind. In the cultivation world, there are such passers-by monks who specialize in cults. They practice evil Kung Fu by absorbing cannibal Yang. Have they also come to these two planets.

"There are ghosts... There are ghosts..."

Zhao Bo's eyes were dull and he was still muttering these two words

"Brother Yu, is Zhao Bo evil?"

Han Shuang didn't wrinkle tightly and asked curiously, because Han Shuang has been very curious about supernatural things since high school. He often studies them. After checking Zhao Bo just now, Han Shuang thought of evil, but as for the specific matter, Han Shuang still doesn't understand.

Xiao Song was worried when he saw Chen Yu's serious face. Does Zhao Bo really seem to be evil as Han Shuang said? If so, what the old men downstairs said is true. Is there really a ghost in that house? When he thought of this, Xiao Song shivered all over

"Brother Yu, what happened to Zhao Bo?"

Xiao Song couldn't wait to ask.

Chen Yu calmed down. It's better not to tell them about it. If they say their guess, Xiao Song and Han Shuang will be afraid. When the matter is completely solved, let's talk.

"Nothing. Zhao Bo was just scared. I'll treat him now..."

After that, Chen Yu put his palm on Zhao Bo's left shoulder and said to Xiao Song and Han Shuang.

"You two go out and guard first. Don't let anyone come in and disturb me. Zhao Bo will be fine later..."

Huh? What's going on? Everyone studies medicine. Is there anything we should avoid? This makes Xiao Song more curious.

When Xiao Song wanted to ask why, Han Shuang grabbed Xiao Song.

"Go quickly. Don't bother brother Yu to cure Zhao bo..."

After that, Han Shuang pulled out Xiao Song, who was full of questions. Just now Chen Yu said that Zhao Bo had nothing to do. In fact, this could not deceive Han Shuang, because Han Shuangjian believed that Zhao Bo was evil, and it seemed that he must have lost a soul. To cure Zhao Bo, he had to bring Zhao Bo's soul back. Chen Yu let them out. This must be the reason. If he and Xiao Song saw such a strange thing with their own eyes, they would be scared to death.

When Chen Yu saw that Han Shuang and Xiao Song had left, he quickly wrapped his Qi around Zhao Bo to prevent other souls from being lost, because once a person lost a soul, other souls would take the initiative to go out to find that soul. If Zhao Bo's seven souls all left his body later, it would be difficult to save Zhao Bo if he was a loose immortal.

Chen Yu sat on his knees. Fortunately, when he was in the cultivation world, he studied the technique of summoning souls. This time, it was really useful.

After Chen Yu folded his hands and recited a spell in his mouth, a Reiki suddenly turned into a soul summoning charm. With a wave of Chen Yu's palm, the soul summoning charm turned into real Qi was immediately pasted on Zhao Bo's forehead.


Chen Yu's eyes converged and he drank loudly. He saw that the talisman suddenly turned into Zhao Bo's body, one second... Two seconds... Three seconds

In the twinkling of an eye, a minute passed, and a white light suddenly flew in from the gap in the window and hovered indefinitely above Zhao Bo's head.

Chen Yu smiled slightly. Zhao Bo will be all right in one step, but this is also the most critical step. If there is a slight difference, all previous efforts will be wasted.

Chen Yu frowned tightly. After protecting all the windows with Zhenqi, he pointed to the floating soul and saw that the soul immediately turned into Zhao Bo's body.

It's done

Chen Yu slowly withdrew his Qi and stood up. At this time, Xiao Song stood at the door. He was nervous and was listening to Han doubles.

"Han Shuang, what's the matter with Zhao Bo? Why does Chen Yu want us to come out? Is Zhao Bo really evil?"

Han Shuang is speechless. How can he answer? Although he has some research in this field, in reality, no one has seen such a strange thing. He can't talk nonsense

"I don't know. Brother Yu said it was not. I won't know what happened after a while..."

Han Shuang said impatiently. In fact, he was curious about it in his heart, but he didn't dare to go in and disturb Chen Yu.

Xiao Song's mind was full of Zhao Bo's reaction when he rented the house. Zhao Bo always said that there was something wrong with the house at that time, and also said that there was someone in the cabin. At that time, he was eager to talk about the house and didn't care at all. Now looking back, the landlord was really strange.

At that time, when Zhao Bo wanted to see the cabin, the landlord's face changed and tried to obstruct Zhao Bo. Later, when Zhao Bo quietly approached the cabin, he suddenly heard a scream. Then it turned into this. There were ghosts in his mouth. Is there really anything strange in the cabin?

Thinking of this, Xiao Song felt his scalp numb and his legs softened for a while.

"Come in..."

At this time, Chen Yu's voice came from the dormitory. They couldn't wait to go in, but they were puzzled when they saw Zhao Bo still like that.

"Brother Yu, is Zhao Bo okay?"

Xiao Song asked anxiously.

Chen Yu moved his neck and smiled, "it's all right. I'm sure it's as good as the previous Zhao bo..."

Xiao Song and Han Shuang looked at Zhao Bo in surprise, but Zhao Bo was still dull and had no response at all, which made them question Chen Yu's words.

"Brother Yu, why hasn't Zhao Bo changed at all?"

Xiao Song asked nervously.

Chen Yu smiled faintly and walked slowly to Zhao Bo. He patted Zhao Bo on the back of his head. A miracle happened.

"Special, who hit me on the head..."

Zhao Bolton shouted angrily. At this time, Zhao Bolton's expression has completely returned to its original appearance.

Xiao Song and Han Shuang were immediately excited, especially Xiao Song. They went up and gave Zhao Bo a big hug.

"Zhao Bo, you're all right. You scared us to death..."

Confused Zhao Bo pushed Xiao Song away and said angrily.

"Xiao Song, can you stop being so disgusting? What happened just now?"

Xiao Song was very excited and told the story again. Zhao Bolton thought of the incredible scene he saw in that house.

"Brother Yu, there must be something unclean in that house. I clearly saw a pair of dark and gloomy eyes, but Xiao Song just didn't believe it. Do you say it's irritating?"

Xiao Song was completely speechless at this time and hurriedly said to brother Yu.

"Brother Yu, you'd better not rent that house. It's too evil..."

Xiao Song, who has always been forbidden to spend money indiscriminately, didn't even want the 1000 yuan deposit for this matter. He quickly persuaded Chen Yu not to rent that strange house.

Chen Yu smiled faintly, "why not rent it? I'm going to see what's strange in that house..."

"Brother Yu... This..."

When Xiao Song was about to persuade, Chen Yu said, cutting off the topic.

"By the way, how much deposit did you pay for that house? I'll give it to you..."

This sentence immediately made Xiao Song speechless. Zhao Bo had been scared like this by the ghosts in the house. Why should brother Yu go? Isn't it boring

"Brother Yu, you don't have much deposit. Don't go to that house. Zhao Bo and I are going to find you a more suitable place tomorrow..."