Sister Mei and Ren Xue talked a lot, which made them have a good impression on each other. Ren Xue also felt very sorry for sister Mei's experience. A good college student, a bright future is waiting for her, but she was destroyed by a demon. At this time, Ren Xue secretly made up her mind and waited for sister Mei to help her escape, We must bring this bastard to justice and give these innocent girls a future.

"Sister Mei, when I go out, I must rescue all of you..."

Ren Xue tightly took sister Mei's hand and said very familiar and excited.

But these words did not move sister Mei. On the contrary, sister Mei's face showed a very helpless smile.

"Sister, sister Mei, thank you for your kindness. Remember sister Mei's words. After you go out, don't take care of anything. You must hurry back to your hometown."

Huh? Why?

Ren Xue looked at sister Mei very puzzled. She could see it in her eyes. There must be a big secret in it.

"Sister Mei, you gave me this chance to escape. How can I leave alone after I go out? Believe me, I will save you all..."

Ren Xue said very seriously.

Sister Mei slowly pulled Ren Xue's hands, looked at them, and her sisters had rested, whispered to Ren Xue.

"Listen to your sister. After you escape, don't call the police and go home quickly. The reason why this vicious shopkeeper has done such a shameful thing here for so many years is because he is protected. If you do so, you will be caught by a demon."

Hearing this, Ren Xue frowned tightly. What's the matter with the world? There are such evil bastards everywhere. Can't God see that such people can't be punished by God

Ren Xue, who was excited, held sister Mei's hands tightly. She couldn't say a lot of grateful words when she came to her mouth, because she didn't know what words she could use to express her gratitude to sister Mei.

At this time, sister Mei, who has always been very vigilant, suddenly felt the heavy footsteps of the store owner and tightened her eyebrows.

"Sister, lie down quickly and continue to pack up the serious injury. You must keep this painful appearance before you escape here."

After that, sister Mei quickly helped Ren Xue to lie down. Ren Xue hurriedly wrapped the quilt tightly around her body, trembling all over, showing a very painful look.

Ren Xue knows what sister Mei wants her to do, because only in this way can she deceive the vicious store owner. Otherwise, if she forces herself to pick up guests, it will be troublesome.

Sister Mei dared not delay. She hurried back to her bed, picked up a magazine and pretended that nothing had happened.


The door opened gently. When the shopkeeper saw that sister Mei hadn't rested yet, he hurried over with a smiling face.

Sister Mei seemed to have guessed the purpose of the shopkeeper's coming here. She looked very angry and asked faintly.

"Business again?"

Sister Mei is the most popular lady among the big bosses here, so the vicious shopkeepers don't dare to provoke sister Mei in order to make money. Once they annoy sister Mei, they will lose a lot of business.

But sister Mei knows that the shopkeeper is polite to herself, mainly because she is afraid of losing her business and expects herself to make more money for him. Once she wants to escape, the vicious shopkeeper will teach her a lesson.

The boss gently put his hand on sister Mei's fragrant shoulder and said in a daze.

"Sister Mei, the guest just now had to go out in person. The smelly woman of peony was driven out by the guest."

Sister Mei shrugged her shoulders slightly and moved her body subconsciously. The shopkeeper knew that sister Mei hated herself very much, so he quickly took her hand down and eagerly waited for sister Mei's reply.

Sister Mei slowly put down the magazine, slightly glanced at the corners of her mouth and said angrily.

"Boss, peony is what you value most. Is it that guest who wants to play tricks? You feel a little distressed, so let me go..."

The shopkeeper turned his sinister eyes slightly and said good words quickly.

"Sister Mei, peony doesn't have your skills. The guest is just too picky. Peony doesn't have his appetite at all. As long as you take down the guest and tie him, I promise you'll let you go home after a year."

In order to make sister Mei go out willingly, the vicious shopkeeper said without conscience.

Sister Mei knows that the shopkeeper is perfunctory. After all these years, she has heard it more than ten times. It's impossible.

Sister Mei pretended to hesitate for a moment. In order to create better escape opportunities for Ren Xue, she couldn't turn against the store owner for the time being. After helping Ren Xue escape, she gave up completely, because she knew in her heart that this opportunity was given to Ren Xue, and she didn't have such an opportunity to escape in the future. Therefore, sister Mei had secretly made up her mind when she promised Ren Xue, That is, if you want to be completely liberated, you choose to leave this world for the reason of reincarnation. If you are a man, you are well repay your parents for their upbringing.

"Well, I'll try. If the guest doesn't like me, I have no other way."

Sister Mei pretended to be very impatient.

The shopkeeper smiled politely, "sister Mei, if you're willing to go out, there's no man you can't handle."

Then the shopkeeper showed a sinister look and continued to flatter, "the guest must be a rich young master. As long as you serve him well, the money will not be less than you."

Sister Mei smiled faintly. In fact, she is no longer interested in money, because all the money earned by sisters selling their bodies over the years is almost in the hands of the store owner. They just took a little money to buy some cosmetics and daily necessities for themselves.

"Well, don't say those useless words. Go out first. I'll dress up and go."

Sister Mei endured the sadness in her heart. The helpless eyes in her eyes were very pitiful, but this was their fate, and it was also an irresistible fate.

The shopkeeper nodded obscene, said a word, and turned away from the room.

Sister Mei took a deep breath, calmed her mood, slowly opened her makeup bag and prepared for the destruction.

Her heart knows better than anyone that peony is a man of great scheming. If the guest is nothing, she will not retreat. The guest must be a pervert who is not easy to serve, but sister Mei has also been used to it. Now sister Mei has completely become numb. She has received all kinds of guests for so many years, She has received even more abnormal people, and it should not be much worse this time.

"Sister, I..."

Ren Xue sees the ruthless shopkeeper leave, gets up and slowly walks to sister Mei. At this time, she doesn't know how to express her mood.

Sister Mei pretended not to care, patted Ren Xue's hand gently and said with a smile.

"Sister, don't worry. Sister Mei will be fine. Go back quickly and don't let the boss find out that you are well. If you are forced to pick up guests, it will be troublesome."

This sentence deeply hurt Ren Xue's heart. Tears couldn't stop flowing down. At this time, sister Mei is still worried about herself. How can she not be sad.

"Sister Mei, let me help you thrush..."

Ren Xue picked up the eyebrow pencil in her makeup bag and said with a strong forbearance of sadness.

She knows that the only thing she can do now is to help sister Mei draw more beautiful. In this way, if the guests like it, sister Mei may suffer less.

In fact, sister Mei's heart is also very uncomfortable at this time, but she has no choice. She tightly held Ren Xue's hand, forced her chin to lift slightly with a smile, slowly closed her eyes and said lovably.

"Sister, look, sister Mei is still a beautiful woman, ha ha..."

Ren Xue couldn't help but feel sad. Although sister Mei was devastated by the wind, flowers, snow and moon, she still had a bright smile like a girl. If she hadn't suffered like this, sister Mei would definitely be able to participate in the beauty contest.

"Sister Mei is so beautiful, really beautiful..."

Ren Xue choked and said that tears kept dripping on the cold ground. Such a scene makes people look very sad.

"Draw quickly, or the guests should wait in a hurry."

Sister Mei said calmly.

Ren Xue gently wiped the tears at the corner of her eyes, held the eyebrow pen's fingers, trembled constantly, slowly extended to sister Mei's forehead, endured the mood at the moment, and slowly drew the first pen

Sister Mei can feel Ren Xue's mood. In order to make Ren Xue feel better, she keeps a beautiful smile on her face and tries to make Ren Xue look down on it.

A moment later, Ren Xue finished painting. Sister Mei slowly opened her eyes, picked up a mirror and looked at it happily.

"My sister's craft is really good. It's much better than my own painting..."

Ren Xue still couldn't control her mood. Tears came out again, "sister Mei..."

At this time, some anxious shop owners outside the door hurried loudly.

"Sister Mei, are you ready..."

Sister Mei quickly winked at Ren Xue and motioned her to follow up and return to her bed. Once the shopkeeper came in, it would be troublesome.

"It'll be ready soon..."

After sister Mei responded, she quickly pushed Ren Xue.

Ren Xue didn't say much. She turned and walked slowly back to her bed, covered her head with the quilt, and her tears fell on the pillow like raindrops.

Sister Mei cleaned up her mood, hurriedly painted her makeup, changed into a sexy and charming transparent yarn skirt, got up and slowly walked out of the room.

Ren Xue couldn't stand the sadness in her heart. She burst into tears. Her sister slowly got up and walked to Ren Xue and persuaded each other.

In fact, these sisters love sister Mei very much. Over the years, sister Mei has taken the initiative to pick up almost difficult guests in order to protect them, which makes all sisters very grateful to sister Mei.

In fact, they all heard what sister Mei and Ren Xue talked about just now. Everyone wanted to help Ren Xue who had just been caught for sister Mei's sake.

Ren Xue felt the kindness of these people and felt even more sad. She secretly made a determination. Since no one here dared to clean up the heinous boss, when her boss went out, she begged Chen Yu to solve the matter. She thought Ren Xue knew that as long as she could find Chen Yu, all the problems could be solved.

Sister Mei slowly walked out of the door and waited outside for the anxious shop owner. When she saw that sister Mei was wearing a pure look, her eyes were almost straight.

"We have to sister Mei. This dress will definitely take the guest down completely."