Hearing Yang Yingbin's words, Li Xiaoyun felt a lot more at ease and then said embarrassedly, "You can only follow us to the entrance of the bridge. The Coffin Face Family is located at the plateau, which is in the opposite direction from us. How can he send you off so easily?"

"I'll go and ask first. Leave this matter to me." Yang Yingbin chuckled, picked up the iron bowl and ran out of the classroom.

Chen Yu, who just happened to be returning to his classroom to put his stuff down, suddenly felt his face darken when he heard the message from the Flower Protector. He cursed Yang Yingbin in his heart for daring to seduce Xu Yun.

At the same time, she was also vomiting blood as she thought, Xu Yun would rather get close to someone like Yang Yingbin than to pay attention to him. For the past half month, she completely treated him as transparent, making him feel extremely annoyed and unable to sleep well at night.

Even more outrageous was that he had dreamed of Xu Yun last night. After that, he had woken up in the morning and discovered that he had drawn a map …

After the last lesson, Li said she was very nervous and wanted to go to the toilet outside of campus before riding her bike home. Xu Yun had no choice but to accompany her to the toilet, and Yang called the coffin face up, then the two of them went to the school gate to take a look to see if that Tang Qiu had really called a bastard.

"Xu Yun, do you think that Tang Qiu Qiu is sick?"

Xu Yun rubbed the tip of her nose. She did not know if Tang Qiu was sick, but she knew that men and women at puberty were especially impulsive and emotional.

Not to mention that in these past few years, everyone had worshipped the young mischievous girl, so Tang Qiu Qiu's actions were simply to hurt others as a form of happiness, to satisfy her, and to make others revere her for her vanity.

After leaving the school, Yang Yingbin and Coffin Face came over like ghosts and worshippers, "Xu Yun, there's no trash in front of the school. Li Xiaoyi, did you hear wrongly?"

Li Xiaoyun was dumbfounded, "No, I said so myself when I went to the toilet at noon today."

"Did she scare you?" Yang Yingbin scratched his head.

The Coffin Face maintained his silence, standing there without saying a word.

"I don't know." Li Xiaoyun was stunned and patted her chest.

"You're dead." Old Yang rolled his eyes speechlessly.

Xu Yun then laughed: "Since no one is here, then you should go home first. You're not on the same road as us, so it would save you a lot of trouble."

The coffin man glanced at Xu Yun and made a sound with his nose. Then, he turned around and walked away.

Li Xiaoyi said worriedly, "What if they are waiting for us?" "Then what should we do?"

Yang Yingbin shook his bag, and was the first to get on the bicycle, "Okay, I'll open the way, you guys stay behind and slowly follow. Let's go."

"Little Ying, there's nothing to be afraid of. Along the way, there are houses on both sides of the road, and we're both women. If Tang Qiu really finds someone to make things difficult for us, she can just shout at the top of her lungs. I don't believe that no one will help us."

At this time in 1998, people were still very simple. There was no such thing as touching porcelain, most people were very righteous. As long as they shouted, Xu Yun believed that someone would stand up for them and protect them.

After hearing Xu Yun's words, Li Xiaoyun calmed down and stuck out her tongue, "Tang Qiu is really a mad dog. I don't know how many rotten dogs she slept with."

"Everyone has their own way of life. It's always easier to be arrogant when you are young. Let's go." Xu Yun was too lazy to scold anyone, because she knew that these days, whores might not be ruthless, and those who were ruthless might not be whores.

Although in her previous life, after she had graduated from technical school, she had never been to X County, but she had heard that Tang Qiu had married a good man and stayed in C City. Thus, she understood that in this world, there was no one who would go through hell until the end.

"You make it sound like you aren't young and aren't arrogant." Li Xiaoyun grumbled as she hopped on her bicycle and headed home.

Just as she turned the corner of the school and entered the national highway, Xu Yun actually saw Tang Qiu Qiu Qiu and the four or five hooligans behind her. At the same time, there were also two male motorcycles behind the hooligans.

What was even more striking was that not far behind Tang Qiu and not far away from him was a green jeep. A tall and tough older brother was in the process of changing his pregnancy. From the looks of it, he was pregnant.

"Oh god, Xu Yun, Tang Qiu has really called for help." Li Xiaoyun gasped and said in panic.

"So what? What are you afraid of? Didn't you see that there are soldiers around?" Xu Yun pursed her lips, thinking that her luck wasn't bad today. A tough guy big brother was the most righteous person. As long as she called out, she did not believe that the tough guy big brother would ignore her.

Yang Yingbin saw that Tang Qiu was really stuck on the national road with his men, so his heart thumped. He turned the car around and said to Xu Yun, "Why don't we ride the small road home and ignore them."

From far away, Xu Yun saw Tang Qiu and Qiu Qiu's provocative look as they stood in the middle of the street. She made a fist at Xu Yun with her left hand clenched into a fist, while her right hand formed a fist and placed it on her elbow.

"Don't be afraid, they won't dare to do anything. Yang Yingbin, if you're afraid, then go on ahead." Xu Yun sniffed and looked at the green jeep.

Seems like there's more than one tough guy brother, but there's also one tough guy brother sitting in the car.

If one were to take a closer look, they would see that the big brother had only a slanted bar on his shoulder. From the looks of it, he was the little tough guy who was driving. The big tough guy was sitting in the car.

Interesting, are those bastards really not afraid of being beaten by their tough brother instead of making things difficult for the girls in front of him?

"Damn, Xu Yun, what kind of person do you think I am? I said that I will be your escort, will I run away before the battle?" "Let's go, let's go, I don't believe that Tang Qiu Qiu will actually dare to get people to hit you guys. If they really do dare, then I'll tell the Principal tomorrow that Tang Qiu is dead."

Being willing to scrape all over his body, he was not afraid of being beaten up. Yang Yingbin threw caution to the wind and stuck out his chest, then took the lead to ride on the horse.

Li Xiaoyun was a little afraid and stopped talking. Only Xu Yun slowly approached while riding her bicycle with a smile that was not a smile.

"Xu Yun, Li Xiao Ying, I've been waiting a long time for you two to come down." Seeing that the person was about to arrive before them, Tang Qiu and Qiu rolled up their sleeves and shouted out.

She had finally called Viagra and the others over. No matter what, she would show Xu Yun and Li Xiaoyun today.

Brother Wei, who was leaning against a motorcycle, looked at Xu Yun who was getting closer and narrowed his eyes, "Qiu Qiu, what do you think her name is?"

"Xu Yun and Li Xiao Ying."

Wang Qi, who was surrounding Wei Ge, lit a cigarette and said, "So Xu Tang's sister was studying at the village high school. Wei Ge, are we still going to help?"

"Heh heh, as long as we don't let Qiu Qiu suffer any losses, we won't have to help them no matter what kind of gang we help." Viagra took the cigarette and slowly puffed out the smoke. At the same time, he glanced at the green jeep behind him from time to time.