Li Jun brought Li Jun to Li Xiaoyun's house. Li Xiaoyun's stepfather was not at home, and according to the auntie next door, Xiao Ying's stepfather went to someone else's house to play mahjong during the day. As for who his stepfather was, no one knew.

"Xu Yun, what do we do now?"

Xu Yun frowned. "Let's take a taxi to my house to get the money." She had heard from Xiao Ying many times about Xiao Ying's stepfather's character. For example, ever since Li Xiao Ying's mother ran away, Xiao Ying's stepfather had been very bad to her. Although Xiao Ying hadn't been starved to death, he hadn't given her any money.

Xiao Ying's tuition and living expenses were paid for by Xiao Ying's brother. Xiao Ying's stepfather was in charge of the daily meals, but the prerequisite was that Li Xiao Ying had to do household chores like a maidservant. The daily meals were, I heard, three days' worth of spicy sauce, no meat, no dishes, only white rice.

Even if it was white rice, she couldn't eat her fill, especially when her stepfather had lost all his cards. Because of her family, no one had ever been to her house except for Xu Yun.

Li Jun clearly looked at the house with its four walls and walls of mud and green tiles. She knew that Li Xiao Ying's family situation was probably not that good. Without saying a word, she accompanied Xu Yun home first.

Xu Yun hurriedly took all the cash from the drawer and rushed to the hospital. As soon as she arrived, she saw Chen Fulin smoking at the side of the operating room.

When Xu Yun arrived, Chen Fulin took a pinch of his cigarette, looked behind him and asked, "Where is Li Xiaoyun's family?"

"Teacher Chen, there is no one at Xiao Ying's house. Her family's condition is quite special, I will tell you later. I will pay the medical fees."

Chen Fulin frowned in embarrassment as he heard Dudian talk. He didn't bring much money in case of an emergency.

"Oh, so it's like this. Alright, let's get together first. I have 58 yuan on me, how much do you have?"

Xu Yun took out 500 gold and gave it to Chen Fulin. Chen Fulin was surprised. "You have so much money with you?"

"No, I just went home to get it. Teacher Chen, is the operation still not completed?"

She had already deposited all of the money that Yuan Xiao had earned into the bank. Now, she only had five hundred cash on hand.

Yes, it's not a light injury, I think it'll take a lot of stitches. Xu Yun, you can take this money as a teacher's loan first, Li Xiaoyun was injured in school, the school will bear a portion of the medical expenses, when you receive the money from school and then return it to you, you guys stay here to guard it while I go and pay. "Chen Fulin took a deep breath, gathered his thoughts and hurried to pay the bill.

An hour later, the operating room door opened.

"Who is Li Xiaoyi's family?"

"I'm her teacher." Chen Fulin quickly stepped forward.

Xu Yun and Li Jun's hearts clearly jumped as they hurriedly followed behind.

The middle-aged male doctor looked at Chen Fulin and frowned, "The child's parents are not here?" The next step in the treatment will require the signature of her parents. "

"Doctor, what is the situation of my student?"

Sign it? Chen Fulin's face tensed up. Just now when he went to pay, the doctor gave him the order to pay 1000 in advance. After all, he had nothing to say, so he got the doctor to agree to pay 550 first.

There is an obvious blood clot below the right side of the brain, which compresses the nerves and causes us to fall unconscious. The preliminary determination of the severity of the concussion we need to do a further check, you need to find the parents as soon as possible, sign on something, it must be the parents. Also, you don't have enough money in advance, you need to find the money as soon as possible.

The doctor spoke quickly and turned back into the operating room.

Chen Fulin's face turned serious. It was said that concussion could damage the intelligence. If it was serious then he would die...

Xu Yun, you must think of a way to find Li Xiao Ying's family and then bring them to the hospital as soon as possible. Li Jun, you stay here for now. Chen Fulin quickly assigned the tasks and then repeatedly told Li Jun to leave before he dragged Xu Yun out of the hospital.

While waiting for the car, Xu Yun said to Chen Fulin, "Teacher Chen, Li clearly said that Fan Ruchun lost Li Xiaoying's notebook, which caused her injury. If the concussion is very serious, Fan Ruchun must bear the responsibility."

Chen Fulin frowned as he could strangle a mosquito to death. When something happened to his student, he would be the one to bear the brunt of the blame.

"I got it. When I get back to school, I'll go and ask around. Someone will definitely be responsible for this."

Xu Yun gritted her teeth. Tomorrow was the exam, and now that Li Xiaoyun was so heavily injured, it was already a problem whether she could take the exam or not. Not to mention how severe the concussion was, when Li Xiaoyun woke up and knew that she could not take the exam, she felt as uncomfortable as if her flesh had been gouged out.

Damn Fan Ruchun!

After her rebirth, this was the first time Xu Yun had been so angry that smoke rose from her head.

After returning to Li Xiaoyun's house, she found that her stepfather had yet to return. Helplessly, Xu Yun had to find someone to ask for Li Xiaoyun's big brother, but no matter how hard she asked, no one knew. It seemed that she could only wait until her stepfather returned.

When it was almost 6 o'clock, Li Xiaoyun's old and gloomy stepfather finally came back. He heard Xu Yun say that Li Xiaoyun was injured in the hospital, so he immediately retreated and shouted, "Don't look for me, I'm not her biological father. Go look for her biological father."

Looking at Li Xiaoyin's stepfather's gaping face, Xu Yun used her toes to think and knew why he reacted so badly. She was afraid he would pay.

"Uncle, I don't know where Xiao Ying's father is. Otherwise, why don't you accompany me there?"

"I won't go with you. Her father is Li Yisheng, and he lives behind the South Gate Spinning Plant. Go find him yourself." The stepfather waved his hand impatiently, closing the door in front of Xu Yun.

This kind of person's mood was cold and warm, causing Xu Yun's heart to turn cold. At the same time, she understood that for some household chores, outsiders could not be careless.

"Uncle, do you have a specific number?"

"I don't know, he's from the spinning mill, you can ask around once you get there. Also, help me tell Li Yisheng that Li Xiaoyun's mom has run away, I have no obligation to help him raise his daughter, and let him bring her back, so that she won't be an eyesore to me."

The furious words were filled with resentment. Xu Yun took a deep breath and remained polite as she said, "Then I'll be troubling you."

Walking out of the small courtyard, Xu Yun ran towards the South Gate Spinning Plant. After asking four or five people, she finally found Li Yisheng, who was about to have a meal, and her young stepmother.

In her memory, she had heard from Li Xiaoyun that her stepmother was surnamed Lin, and was ten years younger than Li Ai-ying. She was also a worker in the spinning factory, and her husband died young.

The reason why he didn't want Li Xiaoyi was because of the deep-rooted preference for sons and daughters.