She slowly put away the disdain and arrogance on her face as she looked at Xu Yun with a look of disbelief. At this moment, Deng Xiaoling finally realized that Xu Yun's calmness and calmness did not make her feel arrogant. Instead, this distant cousin of hers had a calmness and calmness beyond her age.

It was like she had said these words so skillfully countless times.

How could a high-end brand creator from Beijing and Shanghai, who owned a specialty store, hand over the matter of opening a market to a minor? This was too funny. No matter how she thought about it, it was not something that could be won just with a single word of advice.

Was this little cousin in front of him joking with her?

However, she had never heard of the brand name "Gu Yun" before. However, since she hadn't heard of it, it didn't mean that she hadn't, nor did it mean that she wasn't a high-end brand.

"Your friend's sister, what friend?" Deng Xiaoling hid her contempt and asked in a probing tone.

"It's a classmate who's about to become a high school student." Xu Yun's face did not turn red nor did she gasp for breath. She maintained her smile from beginning to end.

"High school classmate? From X County? " Deng Xiaoling adjusted her glasses.

"No, I just got into the provincial high school. This classmate's ancestry is from Beijing, her parents knew when she was young they went to the countryside, so they settled down there. But most of her relatives are in Beijing, so she can be considered someone from Beijing."

Not only did Deng Xiaoling listen attentively to these words, but she also frightened Li Xiaoyi. It was obviously not even the start of school yet, how did Xu Yun know a new classmate? Didn't I say before that I would make my own clothing brand? Why did it become an original high-end brand in G City?

"You were admitted into the provincial high school? When did this happen? " Deng Xiaoling was surprised. As the first female study tyrant of the Xu Family, she was very clear on what kind of material existence the provincial high school's experimental class was. It was because that year, she had also wanted to enter the provincial high school's experimental class, but unfortunately, she did not succeed.

"About this year's matter, I've already passed the admission examination." Xu Yun did not plan to say too much on this matter. The more she spoke, the more flaws she would have.

"Not bad. A year ago, I even heard Uncle say that your results were average, so why did you suddenly get into the higher grades?"

She clearly remembered that when her uncle had borrowed money from her after the incident with Xu Tang two years ago, she had casually mentioned that City G was hiring a large number of doctors and nurses. If Xu Yun's results were average, it would be better if she was sent to study medicine early.

But in the short span of half a year, Xu Yun had actually made a comeback and passed the examination …

What's that worth? Xu Yun had a direct ticket to a first-rate university. Three years later, even if her results in the experimental class were average, she would still be able to ensure that she would be sent to Tsinghua University or Peking University. Those two legendary universities with deep cultural heritage were once her dreams.

After she finished speaking, she turned around and picked up the phone. Without even caring about the time in 1999, a dollar a minute for the mobile phone call fee, she immediately called Xu Ya.

On the phone, Deng Xiaoling had asked Xu Yun about her achievement in the high school exam. After hearing Xu Yu's confirmation, Deng Xiaoling was stunned. Even afterwards, she didn't pay attention to what Xu Yun had said to her.

After a long while, Deng Xiaoling took a deep breath and murmured, "I didn't expect you to be so amazing after working so hard. Well done."

Under the influence of such a high status, Deng Xiaoling believed that it was indeed possible for Xu Yun to know some upstarts from famous sects. Holding the trademark registration certificate, she took a deep breath and said, "But you are not yet an adult. Do you have any starting funds for the other party to hand over such an important matter to you?"

Xu Yun knew that Deng Xiaoling would be able to discuss business with her on the equality line.

"Yes, they gave me 10,000 starting funds. Although it is not a lot, it is a test. If it is successful, in the future, I will decide on how to operate the lower tier markets in City G." Xu Yun did not pause at all. The calmness on her face turned into a ring of confidence.

It was obvious that this was a low investment and a high return. If the little cousin did not succeed, they would only lose 10,000 yuan, but if she succeeded, then it would be equivalent to opening a new market in G City. This piece of bread was quite big, and if they had strong funds, it would be a hundred yuan worth of good business.

It's just my little cousin starting school in September, and she's just a high school student. It's so early to get into business, okay?

However, Deng Xiaoling suddenly thought of the so-called 'experiment class' and her expression violently twitched. Outsiders would only say that it was the 'experiment class'. Anyone who knew that it was' genius class' would know that it was' experiment class'.

Those who were able to enter were all seedlings of geniuses, and also monstrous seedlings. Her younger cousin was only fifteen years old, yet she had already made contact with the business world and started 10,000 funds. This was not a small amount, at least among ordinary people, she simply didn't have this sort of opportunity or ability.

However, she did not let the jealousy rush into her head, but carefully thought about the possibility of cooperation. This kind of business was a test for her little cousin, but for her, it was an opportunity to open up the low- and middle-class apparel, especially the genuine apparel.

"What do you mean?" Deng Xiaoling slowly sat up, the contempt in her eyes had disappeared.

In just a few short sentences, Li Xiaoyun saw the change in Cousin Xueyun's attitude and thought to herself, "How amazing." This time, she began to believe that there was nothing that Xu Yun couldn't do.

"Cousin Ling, I won't hide it from you. I came here for a test, so I didn't have much money. I couldn't possibly find a big factory to work with. Cousin Ling's factory is perfect for me, so I came here."

10,000 yuan was indeed a pitiful amount, but this kind of opportunity was extremely rare. Thinking back to when she was 15 years old, how much did she want to get such a chance?

Thus, this man was more infuriating than anyone else. His little cousin was more promising than her, and the first step of her life had always been more ambitious than she had planned.

Deng Xiaoling smiled and put down the paper. She then poured Xu Yun a cup of tea.

"Then what do you want to do?"

"I have a few designs that they are preparing to use to invest in the middle and low level vanguard. Cousin Ling, please take a look and see how much it costs to make one. Then, I will plan how to build the market in City G." As she spoke, Xu Yun took out three pieces of paper from her leather bag.

Li Xiaoyi took the chance to take a glance and saw three pieces of paper, each with three sets of clothes. However, what made people curious was that the three pieces of paper did not have any changes, except that the design and size of the chest were different.